WOD 12.22.18
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
15 Calorie Row
10 (5e) Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
15 Calorie Row
10 (5e) Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 35/20
6 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
January 5th: Canned Food and Coat Drive
On Saturday, January 5th, CFSBK will host a winter canned food and coat drive. Bring a winter coat or 5 cans of food to the gym and get one free class on us!
There is a limit of one free class per member during the drive, but you may donate as many items as you wish!
Coats will be donated to New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. Canned food will go to Hanson Place SDA Church.
News and Notes
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a couple of weeks.
- Check out our holiday class schedule HERE.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Alcohol Isn’t Good for You JSTOR Daily
5 Tips for Training Discipline This New Year Breaking Muscle
TOOK GROUP CLASS TODAY!!!! I needed that motivation to workout with a group today foooor sure. Also I wanted to play the game i made up. duh. Get a little taste of my own medicine!
20 min AMRAP:
15 cal row
10 (5ea) DB C&J (35#)
3 MU
7+ 27 reps RX …..so ONE REP shy of 8 rounds. UGH! I raced to have enough time to finish it too. Just had a fail at the last minute, broke my heart! so close!
Row: held about 925-950 for first 15 min, then 1050-1150 for last 5 min
C&J: did em
MU: all unbroken except one random round in the middle (missed third) and last one. Happy with that! i’m learning to use the longer straps under fatigue and the fact that i could get 3 consistently makes me feel good. It’s just odd because i usually always know when im going to fail. It wasn’t fatigue! The kip is just different, hard to feel when it’s slightly off. Anyway! good one! Happy with my pacing strategy
Wanted to follow with strength to try and force lifting under fatigue….haaaate it.
Clean Complex:
3 HC + 3 FSQ + 3 S2O x 3; rest as needed – SPEED and PERFECT reps! – 60-65%
– 115/120/125×3#
2 HC + 2 FSQ + 2 S2O x 3; rest as needed – SPEED and PERFECT reps! – 70-75%
1 HC + 1 FSQ + 1 S2O x 3; rest as needed – SPEED and PERFECT reps! – 80-85%
WOOF. so tough on shoulders mostly. Much more organized now that i have percentage suggestion, i made some poor life choices last time i did this ha! that complex was hefty! 165 feels like led 50+ reps later. I dont know my rep max hang clean, so i based it off of 180 (something ive done recently) and 195 (my max power clean), i think given that i hit all of those numbers means thats got to be close to accurate.
Still getting over this cold so I skipped Strong Fit in favor of just Short Circuit. Feeling so much better than yesterday, though, and it was really nice to do some cardio without feeling like my lungs were going to explode.
RDLs + bent over row were unexpectedly crazy hard!
Second leg of our Brazil trip. Today all the CrossFit gyms in this city are doing Murph, so… Dropped into a globo gym instead. Surprised to find one they had a pull-up bar, a box, and a C2 rower! Also, say what you want, but they have goddamn A/C in a globo gym 😅
Warmed up a bunch then did this…
Buy-in: 1000m row
– 3:53min
20min AMRAP
10 box jumps 24″
10 burpees
10 DB hang C&J 24kg (53lbs)
4 strict pull-ups
– 5rds + 5, at a decent 85% pace, everything unbroken except pull-ups 2+2
Cash-out: 1000m row
– 4:04min, definitely more tired by this point…
Oh god, Murph? I don’t blame you!
Right?? They also do Murph in early summer, and no way Jose I’m doing it twice a year…
hahah good call.
Miss you guys!!
Wrote, and then tested Tuesdays X-Mas Workout:
12 Days of X-Mas Style
1 Burpee
2 Push Press 115
3 Front Squats 115
4 Box Jumps 24″
5 H.R. Push-Ups
6 DB Snatches 50lbs
7 Kipping Pull-Ups
8 Deadlifts 115
9 Cal Row
10 Sit-Ups
11 KB Swings 32kg
12 Power Snatches 115
Long, but not TOO long
Hard, bit not TOO hard
Fun, but not TOO Fun
Did the DB C&Js @35#
Started doing ring dips but I got a knot/cramp in my right trap, the same side where I had an injured shoulder so switched to push-ups.