WOD 12.20.18
3 Rounds for Time:
50 Double-Unders
400m Run
10 Power Snatches 135/95
3 Rounds for Time:
100 Single-Unders
400m Run
10 Power Snatches 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
Week 3 of 8
Cash Out
Partner AMRAP 6 Minutes:
8 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
8 Dumbbell Floor Presses
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
Better Know a Member: Omar Francis
As we head into 2019, blog readers can look forward to new installments of our Better Know a Member series. For the past 3 years, we’ve been bringing you these profiles from across our community of kind, interesting, wonderful members. In our first profile of this round, let’s get to know Omar F. Say “hey” next time you see him!
Name (and any nicknames):
Omar Francis
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
NYC born and raised, in The Bronx. I’ve only lived in Brooklyn for about 8 years now.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
Me and Inna (my wife) started working out in our friend Pearl’s garage. During that time we were introduced to various CrossFit movements like Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, and such. We even went Keto for a while (about 9 or so months), which had results, but ultimately wasn’t sustainable. Pearl then recommended CSFBK, and we took the Foundations class. I initially started with just class cards while deciding to make the commitment, until I was in a group class workout and I was the last one to come back in after running, and all of the equipment was put away since they thought that everyone was done with the workout. Someone then asked if I wanted to finish, and I said, “Sure.” About 3 or 4 people took the time to get my equipment back out for me to finish the workout and cheer me on. I made my decision then, and haven’t looked back! I’ve been more of the regular coming to class, as Inna is baking a daughter at the moment, but I imagine she will be back soon enough.
Ask me about that time I…
Went rollerblading with my father at our local park.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
Probably at 608 Degraw Street doing some mobility work or working on my running. But seriously, most of my time currently is spent preparing for my daughter’s arrival and the usual work/commute grind. I also play some video games when I have the time.
What are 3 things you can’t live without
1) Having a hobby to focus on. Right now that is CrossFit.
2) My cellphone
3) Goals to work towards. I’m learning Russian!
What is your hidden talent?
I can flare my nostrils. Inna gets a kick out of it. Looking forward to my daughter getting a kick out of it as well.
What are you favorite and least favorite lifts?
Favorite: Probably Deadlift.
Least favorite: Thrusters
Yesterday’s Results Board: 5 Minute AMRAPs
Are Marathoners Getting Faster or Is It the Shoes? Outside
The Pyramid of Athletic Development Breaking Muscle
Omar is always a welcome sight in Active Recovery. I love the story about people helping you out with the equipment after they thought the workout was over — that’s SBK in a nutshell.
Glad to see this series is back, it’s nice to get to know people better whom I don’t get to work out with as often.
Omar! So great to learn more about you. Will never forget the time we were forced to sit and stare at each other in AR a few months ago 😂
Today was one of those days I was just proud of myself for making it in. SO SORE from yesterday! Went light and unbroken on the snatches at 43#. These felt great, because it seems like my form has been off for EVERY movement lately and I think I need to start over, in a way. Finished in 14:01.
come do NLWC with meeeeeee!
LOL yeah that staring segment was my evil doing hahaha I forgot about that
Omar! Such a kind, humble, dedicated, soon-to-be father. Congratulations!
I often see Omar when I take group classes in the evenings. Really nice guy. Loved learning more about you, Omar.
Yeah, Omar- great to learn more!
10 AM class with Jess.
Fitness RX (is that a thing?) in 13:43.
all bailed singles for the Snatches. First and last round of single unders unbroken, middle set 65/35.
Performance WOD:14:15 Rx
Power snatches felt way better today than they have recently. Even started the last one with a set of 4 (others were sets of 3-2). Mainly done in doubles. My DU’s were MIA this morning – I think 16 was the most I got at a time. Just kept going with the small sets.
Inspired by the AG workout from Tuesday (thanks Ro), did the following after:
60-50-40-30 DUs
Between each round: 5 HSPU and 10 Burpees
Doubles were a little better, but not great (nothing unbroken). HSPU as 3-2, then 2-2-1 for the next three sets. Took about 14 min.
Today was a day that if I had to think for myself and motivate, I would’ve wasted 30 minutes just messing around and trying to un-sore myself. So glad I could just roll into 10am group class instead 🙂
Made a sub in the WOD since my hands are in no shape to be snatching!
50 DU’s
400m run
10 Deadlifts @ 185#
time: 11:09
DU’s unbroken first two rounds, then had a trip or two in the third.
Run was about 2:10 for first and second round. Didn’t pay attention on my third.
DL unbroken. I didn’t think I’d do that, but the first rep is so godd*mn slow off the floor, I figured it would be better to just keep it in my hands!
I noticed my first round was done in about 3:30, so that means I kept a solid pace and pushed through the end on this one! happy with that.
Cash out w/ Charles: 4 rounds of skull crushers at 15#, floor press started at 15 but then went up to 30#
Accessory: 4 rounds
10ea split stance RDL (started w/ 12kg, 16kg, then 2-12kg x 2)
:30 ea pallof hold variations (lunge and stand, lunge on tension, knee down)
barbell hip thrust complex: :10 top hold L, :10 top hold R, 15 hip thrusts @ 20×2 @ 55#
Omar is a great dude who works super hard, glad to hear more about him!
CrossFit Aju @ Brazil 4pm class
Strength: Front Squat
– 2×8 @ 60% – did this at 145lbs, felt fine
– 3×6 @ 75% – did this at 185lbs, got hard by the end
Metcon – 4 RFT (time cap: 20′)
30 Double Rack Alternating Lunges (Rx: 22.5kg/17.5kg)
30 air squats
45 sit-ups
DNF in 20min – 2rds + 46 with 17.5kg. From the get go I knew I probably wasn’t going to finish this – I don’t think anyone had finished this in any of their previous classes of the day. The lunges were so hard, I can’t imagine what Rx must have felt like. I treated this as a “don’t get injured, don’t go crazy, just keep moving” workout from the beginning. Figuring out how to split the lunges was interesting – I ended up doing sets of 5/5 with a break in between.
My legs are gonna be sore tomorrow, but I think I’ll have a few rest days ahead – Sat is when all Brazilian CrossFit gyms do Murph, and imma skip that one 🙂
I think I was the one teaching the class where all your stuff got put away! I remember being like… oops!! Glad a snafu ended up becoming a good memory!
Omar is a great guy and we’re lucky to have him around the gym!
Had a sad morning attempting to do 72# for today’s wod, failing the first rep… attempting 4 more with bad form then dropping down (52#x6, then 62 for the other two rounds)
Skull crushers/ press @15#. Triceps are SORE.
I gave it a shot. Thought I was ready to graduate metcon snatch weight, but I guess not :/
Then, watched Ely crush 95# slow and steady and regretted not finding more in myself to push through, so I felt doubly bad for being weak mentally AND physically.
Boo, I just feel mad at myself in general. I’ve been feeling so down all week. Ugh. 😐
Oh yeah! The whole reason I even posted:
Omar is awesome! Really nice guy and excellent member of the community 🙂
Congrats on the baby to you both!!
Omar! So great to hear more about you. Looking forward to another CFSBK Baby.