Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Want to get a lot stronger? The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri |Monday, Jan. 7th – Friday, March 1st
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday, Jan. 8th – Sunday, March 3rd
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Thurs | Monday, Jan. 7th- Thursday, Feb. 28th
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday, Jan. 7th – Wednesday, Feb. 27th (FULL)
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday, Jan. 7th – Thursday, Feb. 28th
A CrossFit Total testing one-rep maxes in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift will take place on Sunday, March 3rd at 2pm to cap off all cycles.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-10 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles: $300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2x Per Week Cycles: $200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, Open Gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates/Short Circuit.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
News and Notes
- Join Sasha Slocombe and Coach Chris Fox from 9am to 10:30am, Tuesday, January 1st and start off 2019 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. Check out the event page for more info and to register.
- Next Level Weightlifting Club with Coach Frank is cancelled all of next week, but he’s offering a make-up session this Sunday from 12pm to 2pm. Hop over to our Schedule page to find out what’s happening over the holidays.
- CFSBKer Andy Lalman’s restaurant (The Islands in Crown Heights) was featured in the New York Times‘s 10 of the Best New NYC Restaurants. Congrats, Andy!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Turkish Get Ups | Burpee Box Jumps
Mindfulness: The Science Behind the Practice Scientific American
Productive Application of Force CrossFit Journal (video)
Wednesday’s Programming
AMRAP 5 Minutes
9 Front Squats 95/65
9 Pull-Ups
Rest 7 minutes, then…
AMRAP 5 Minutes
6 Front Squats 135/95
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 7 minutes, then…
AMRAP 5 Minutes
3 Front Squats 185/125
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
9 Front Squats 65/45
9 Jumping Pull Ups
Rest 7 minutes, then…
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
6 Front Squats 95/65
6 Pull-Ups (or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups)
Rest 7 minutes, then…
AMRAP 5 Minutes
3 Front Squats 125/75
3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (or Jumping Bar Muscle Ups)
Barbell comes off the floor. Full Cleans count as reps. The first load should begin light for you and progress to something heavy while remaining unbroken throughout.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
@sustained pace
5 high box jumps
rest 10 sec
15 rKBS – tough
rest 10 sec
3 wall walks – 10 sec pause
rest 10 sec
90 sec bike/row/ski/jog
x 3 rounds
Double under Practice
@high effort:
b/t each round complete
10 burpees
5-10 min cool down
Ah, the luxury of 10 AM class! Monday’s work, which as DO by way of Lynsey put it, was two “SMMFs” (single movement mind f**ks).
I’m getting over a cold (thankfully, I was able to sing Messiah with my choir last night, although my voice seemed about to go any moment during the show) so I decided not to ask a lot of myself. Did 66 TGUs at 15#, except the first set of 10 at 20#, and that was FINE.
Given the state of my lungs I was pleasantly surprised to get under 6 minutes on the WOD. Kept a slow steady pace and finished in 5:25. Even that steady level of cardio was good enough to give me Fran cough for a couple of hours.
Cashed out with some AR and wrist exercises. (It held up through all the burpees without DBs! Yay!)
Did Monday’s “Get down on the floor and get back up again”, back and front variations, x 100. haha
Wish I was able to make it tomorrow because I really needed a rest day today. Not sore, just fatigued and tired because I didn’t fall asleep until 2am the last two nights.
Wednesday’s WOD:
1: 4+12 Rx’d
Pullups: 5-4
2. 4+6 Rx’d
C2B: 3-3
3. 5 rounds
113# and C2B
Took this one slow to maintain form on the FSQT but def tipped a bit. Also needed a few seconds to get my breath together for the C2B. No repped myself in my last set of C2B.
AM sesh:
A) @sustained pace:
5 high box jumps – 24-30″
rest 15 sec
10 strict hanging leg raises
rest 15 sec
5 ring dips
rest 15 sec
row 250m – EASY warm up pace
warmup was sloooow but worked eventually! ha tough getting started today!
B)Box Squat
TOUGH triple in 3 sets – FAST; rest as needed
-use the foam boxes and the saftey bar!
160×3, 165×3, 170×3
C)@every 4 min complete:
10 bar facing burpees
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters – 95#
-EASY AB with remaining time
x 3 rounds
helluva. im happy with how i paced and forced breathing throughout this. Went unbroken and paused a lot overhead to breathe at top, last round was a bit quicker without a lot of that and just forced myself to go fast **but uhhh on rep 5 of 8, something slipped out of my sports bra. WHOOPS! Had to drop the bar to make a quick fix. lol!! As Ro coined it i “janet jackson-ed” the third round. had no choice but to go 5/3 on the thrusters to adjust my wardobe malfunction. but still got a negative split. baller status!
PM Sesh:
A)Assault bike
3:00 – @60-62 rpm
3:00 – EASY spin
x 4 rounds
OOOH MAMA this hurt on the echo. so hard to push the same. but i did it! wowza
B)Weighted Dip
3,2,1; rest as needed
27.5×3, 30×2, 32.5×1, not a max! sweet
C)@every 5 min complete:
20 WB – 20# – 10′
15 TTB – unbroken
10 burpee BJO – 20″
-EASY AB with remaining time
x 3 rounds
Rd 1: 2:22
7/7/6 WB, UB TTB
Rd 2: 2:16
9/6/5 WB, UB TTB
Rd 3: 1:48
That was a mental push. 20 UB wasnt that bad when i committed to doing it unbroken. Good to know. Mens RX WB is gross
Gave Monday a shot during today’s 6AM!
Made it through 62 TGUs at 15#, and finished 50 20″ burpee box jumps in 6:18.
Felt hella discombobulated after having my glasses swinging off my face during the tail end of the session. Should probably figure out a solution to that problem sooner rather than later.