WOD 12.6.18
Every 5 Minutes for 5 Sets:
30 Double-Unders
10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Power Snatches 135/95
Score times for each round. Aim for consistency.
Every 5 Minutes for 5 Sets:
60 Single-Unders
10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Power Snatches 95/65
Score times for each round. Aim for consistency.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Week 1 of 8
Cash Out
Partner AMRAP 8 Minutes:
8 DB Curls
8 DB Presses
Partners alternate rounds. Choose a load that you could do for a set of 12-15 reps when fresh and try to keep the dumbbells moving the whole time.
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
Leah D. on her way to a new New York state record!
Highlights from CFSBK at Murder of Crows
As we mentioned over the weekend, a bunch of CFSBKers competed at Super Weekend over at Murder of Crows Barbell Club, which included back-to-back USA Weightlifting and USA Powerlifting meets on Saturday and Sunday. Coaches Chris and Jess Fox and Kate Tk. competed in the Olympic lifting meet on Saturday. On Sunday, Chris, Jess, Leah D., Chainsaw Charlie, and Amy M. are competed in the powerlifting meet. Chris and Jess did both for a Super Total.
Here are some highlights from the weekend:
- Kate went 3/6 for a 100kg total! “Mentally I came out feeling 5/6 on the day even if the results say otherwise,” Kate says. “The lifts in my total were both over 85%, so I’ve grown in strength and technique. I was grateful to have Jess Fox as a bar mate to warm up with since we were lifting in the same session, and also for Frank’s expertise in counting us through our warm up attempts. It took so much pressure off and helped me hit my two main goals: to make a total and have fun. With this first meet down I’m excited to keep training and set some actual weight goals next time around, maybe even trying to qualify for the American Open in 2019.”
Coach Chris Fox reports: “Saturday was the weightlifting meet, where I went 3/3 in the Snatch making 72, 76, and 82kg. I oddly missed my first Clean and Jerk at 95kg (press out) and almost bugged out. Luckily, I had Frankie there who handled me amazingly. I went on to make 100kg and missed 105 so ended with a total of 182kg, 4th in my weight class.
“Sunday was the powerlifting meet, which started out well. I went 3/3 on Squats with 142.5, 147.5, and 155kg. Missed my first bench at 85kg! Came back to make that in what felt like a 10 second press and took a pass (omg) on my 3rd attempt. Opened the Deadlift at 165kg which felt okay, then 175 stayed glued to the floor on my next 2 attempts. I ended with a total of 405kg, 3rd in my weight class. None of these lifts are all time PRs for me, but they are at this bodyweight. All in all, it was a really fun weekend to participate in and a great way to spend time representing with some strong CFSBKers!” - On Saturday, Coach Jess Fox placed 2nd in her weight class with a total of 117kg. On Sunday, she also placed 2nd in her class, this time with a total of 322kg!
- Last but not least, Leah D. weighted in at 45.2kg, Squatted 120kg, Bench Pressed 72.5kg, and Deadlifted 130kg. If that sounds impressive, that’s because it is! Leah matched the state record for Squat and BROKE the state records for Bench Press and Raw Total (322.5kg) in her weight class! “A few months ago,” she says, “I really thought I’d never lift again. I wound up having my best meet ever by a considerable amount. I put up a Wilks score of 445.86, a 46 point increase from my last meet.” Truly inspring!
Congrats to all who competed! You can check out more photos and videos on our Flickr account and on Coach Frank’s Instagram.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Thrusters, Toes-to-Bars | Deadlift
The Flow State of Strength Training Breaking Muscle
Ask a Swole Woman: What Should I Actually Be Doing with My Open Gym Time? Self
Performance WOD Rx: 1:42, 1:37, 1:33, 1:37, 1:41
Last one was on pace to be my fastest because I was spinning like a top doing burpees rather than turning facing the same way each time. So dizzy – big mistake and failed my first snatch. Not my best power snatched overall – just losing form. Need to go back to some basics, I think.
Unknown number of rounds in the cash out with Joy (17.5#).
Wednesday EMOM:
Thrusters at 83#
9 hanging leg raises + 1 T2B on the last rep every time
Deadlift: 185×15, 245×9, 300×3.
All beltless and felt good!
Holy smokes – there are a lot of impressive people here at cfsbk! Congrats on being awesome, you guys!
ARIEL! Where you been? Miss you on the blog!
With greetings like this, I’ll be sure to show my face more often!! Thanks, Stella!
Miss you Ariel!!!
SO impressed by the Murder of Crows competitors. Way to represent CFSBK!!
Today’s work really added up! I made a tad bit of progress on my DU’s in the first couple of rounds, which I’m proud of. I switched between DU attempts and singles dependant on my frustration level and number of times I painfully whipped myself 🙂
63# on the bar, each round between 1:20-1:40 I believe.
Very casual cashout with 10# DB’s.
Yesterday’s DL’s were 115×15, 145×9, 175×3. SO HAPPY to be attempting deadlifts again after dealing with lower back pain for so long.
WOW so many awesome lifters!
7 AM. Did the fitness weight and double unders, which were amazingly there! I say amazingly because when I was warming up, I did 2s and 3s and kept tripping. So I figured I’d count attempts, and then I did 30 unbroken in the first round! At which point I was like “eff attempts, I’m doing this.”
I managed another round unbroken in round 4 and got very close to unbroken in all other rounds except R5. Yay!
Curls: I think Christine and I got 5 rounds each? I used 17.5# DBs and oh boy do my shoulders feel swole.
Also, quote of the day: Jess, referring to biceps: “They grow faster if you’re looking at them.”
The dubs looked strong today, Stella!!!!
Like I said, I need to stop blaming all my failures on my jump rope, because clearly I can do them 😉
Love getting my workout day be at 6! Now that there’s no Thursday AR at 7:30, I don’t feel like I’m missing out!!
KHarpz told me to go up in weight next time 😡
15#\12.5# with some rounds of single arm high pulls in there.
I miss Thu 7:30pm AR :'(
(and Penny)
I know!! We used to have good times!
Also— amazed by everyone at crow hill! So impressive!!! And motivating!
Such amazing performances at murder of crows!
10AM with Jess.
Fitness complex in 1:38, 1:34, 1:30, 1:28, 1:27. got faster by forcing myself onto the barbell. That hurt.
Curls and presses @20#.
congrats to all who competed over the weekend!! inspired by your efforts 🙂
Allie — you’re still missing out on thursday night lifting, but I’m glad you’re having fun at 6am 😉 we can always remember the good times we had in AR!
10am group class today w/ Jess and the usual suspects:
WOD as RX’d:
1:17, 1:14, 1:09, 1:15, 1:00
woweeeeee this was FUN! my thoughts upon finishing that first set was “oh shit. that may have been an aggressive start. better chill out.” but with a big rest each time, it was a sustainable effort. just a very uncomfortable one!
round 3 was probably where I dialed in my snatches the best — a bit snappier. overall, it was not a great power snatch day for me. quick warm up getting into this and my legs felt legitimately DEAD from yesterday’s work. so creating “power” felt like a joke.
round 4 I had two trips on my rope so lost some time.
round 5 I just decided to go all out and if I died, I died. in truth, my last rep was a full snatch hahaha. so that was the cost. whatever, i’m counting it. thanks to the folks who pushed me to the finish!
cash out with Thaisa! 15# STRICT curls and 20# presses for me. gosh I suck at curls! I think we did 6 rounds?
Wow! You’re amazing!
I’ll cherish Thurs AR memories! Good times 🙂 I guess I’ll just have to start coming to 10am Yoga!!
Love the updates from the Murder of Crows comp – inspiring group and the photos and videos are awesome!!!
Haven’t blogged in a while. Been a weird fitness time. Really fun partnering with Stella today, though! Experimented with DUs but while I could string together 60 unbroken earlier this week and the warmup felt good… my balance was all over the place today. Dub another day I guess.
63# for the snatches, rounds ranged from 1:30 (final round) to 1:50 (one of the earlier rounds when I was “experimenting” with DUs).
Cashed out with 15# DBs while admiring Stella’s pants and discussing the merits of cheap clothing from Amazon. Arms are going to be sore!
Oh right, I forgot you guys were into my pants! LOL, I love that the bottom half of my MC Hammer FGB costume is something people want to wear.
They come in allllll the colors: https://smile.amazon.com/HOEREV-Super-Modal-Spandex-Pilates/dp/B00HEHH7HG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1544131170&sr=8-3&keywords=mc+hammer+pants+for+women
Congrats to all the CFSBK’ers @ MoC – you’re all amazing!
10am with Jess (one of the amazing ones)
EMOM Perf Rx (135), but doing 3 snatches every round. Between 1:50min and 2:15min, really depending on how much I tripped during the DUs. Really focused on bracing my lower core, so I decided to reduce the volume a bit, do singles, and try to brace well for every rep. Turns out it’s really hard to brace when you’re breathing really hard from burpees. At any rate, managed to hit all the snatches, some prettier than others.
Cash out BLAST OUT partnered with Leo, 25lb dumbbells. My sleeves exploded off my shirt half-way through it, and my winter coat doesn’t fit any more.
“Cash out BLAST OUT partnered with Leo, 25lb dumbbells. My sleeves exploded off my shirt half-way through it, and my winter coat doesn’t fit any more.” <=== 😂
Right? Dead from the lolz.
WOD @63#
1:26, 1:26, 1:36, 1:37, 1:29
DUs were ok today. Only one set unbroken, one set with multiple trips and then the rest in two sets.
Finally figured out a technique that works for me for the new(ish) Rx bar-facing burpee standard. I was no repped so many times during last year’s open and will not allow that to happen this year.
Kept snatches light to focus on form and cycled them. On the first set, Lauren said my hips were too high on the setup so fixed that in the rest of the rounds.
7 rounds each of curls and presses with 15# DBs. Should have gone heavier on the press. Curls were challenging on the left side.