Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
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Another satisfied NLWC member: Kate Tk. competing in her first Olympic weightlifting meet at Murder of Crows this past weekend. Kate says: “Best thing about my first weightlifting meet? It! Was! Fun!”
Next Level Weightlifting Club: A Q&A with Coach Frank
Our Next Level Weightlifting Club offers Olympic lifting (the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk) with strength training and mobility all in one. Weightlifting classes will be held in two- or one-and-a-half hour windows and taught by Coach Frank Murray. We’re sure you have more questions, so today’s we’re happy to bring you a Q&A with Coach Frank, who is a 5-time Nationals medalist. Let’s go!
What is Next Level Weightlifting Club?
NLWC is an Olympic-style weightlifting program that focuses on the improvement of the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk.
Does the program only focus on the Olympic lifts?
No, NLWC is an all-inclusive strength program. Olympic lifting is not all technique. It is a combination of strength, technique, power, speed, flexibility, and coordination! For this reason we train a variety of exercises to enhance these modalities.
What lifts are trained in the Next Level Weightlifting Club program?
Beyond the Snatch, Clean, Jerk, and their variants, there is a strong emphasis on strength development. Back Squats, Front Squats, Pulls, Deadlifts, and Presses are the most common accessory lifts we train. While I say “accessory,” don’t be fooled. Weightlifters need to be strong to lift weights overhead, and it takes a lot of strength work to lift big! We Squat 3 days per week and Pull and Press 2 days a week.
Is this program for advanced lifters only?
Not at all! In fact, it’s preferable to start as soon as possible, when you are just learning how to lift. Learning the lifts from the start helps to establish proper movement patterns. One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to be good before joining. People that come later in the process may have to unlearn poor patterns. This is much more easily corrected the earlier you come!
Can Weightlifting help me improve my overall fitness?
Ask Mat Fraser. He was an Olympic weightlifter! To Snatch, Clean, and Jerk with proficiency you need to have strength, power, speed, flexibility, and coordination. These are exactly what Olympic lifting and Next Level Weightlifting develop! Being stronger, more powerful, more coordinated, and more flexible will absolutely improve your Fitness. But I’ll tell you what’s more: Learning how to lift properly, teaches you how to lift efficiently, helping you save energy during long WODs, reducing technique breakdown under fatigue, and decreasing the likelihood of injury from technique breakdown.
What does a class look like?
Classes are 2 hours in length. For those in the program, there is a Facebook group where the weekly program is sent out to all the members. While we have a designated start time, you can come at any time during the 2 hours to complete the assigned workout. During that time, I am walking around class giving feedback and instruction.
Do I have to choose between CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting?
No, in fact we created the Unlimited NLWC membership for just that reason. The form of training a person choose has benefits and tradeoffs. Weightlifting and CrossFit both have benefits that shouldn’t be thrown out at the expense of the other. The Unlimited weightlifting membership allows you to do both Weightlifting and CrossFit group classes so you can reap the benefits both bring to your health and fitness!
What day’s and times does the class meet?
The program is 3 days per week. We meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-9pm and Fridays from 6-8pm.
Do I have to do the whole 3 days program?
No, there are also options for a 2 -day membership, 10-class punch car, and drop-ins as well.
How big is the average class?
While it varies from class to class, 5-8 people is average. Because Weightlifting can be technically intensive, we try to keep the classes smaller to maximize individual feedback. Think of it as small group training!
Thanks, Frank! To learn more about Frank and to see membership options and pricing, check out the NLWC program page!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Kettlebell / Dumbbell Complex | Muscle-Ups
How to Fix Your Butt Wink So We Can All Stop Saying “Butt Wink” Catalyst Athletics
Recovering from Injury Breaking Muscle
Wednesday’s Programming
Skill: Toes-to-Bars
Every Minute on the Minute x 15:
1) 8 Thrusters 115/75
2) 6-12 Toes-to-Bars/Hanging Knee or Leg Raises
3) Rest
Choose the scaling option for TTB that allows you to maintain a good rhythm. The Thruster should be medium-heavy and unbroken.
Post work to comments.
Warm up and perform one heavy set of 15, then of 9, then of 3, increasing load on each set.
Post loads to comments.
Just for clarity…
$300 = unlimited NLWC AND unlimited group classes like short circuit, CrossFit, and AR??????
If this is true, I am very very interested.
Me too. I want a truly unlimited option (inclusive of strength cycle too if possible) including those the more scheduled/prescribed/regular day+time classes like strength cycle and next level.
Yes! It’s true!!
(Not including Strength Cycle, since it’s a cycle and has a limited number of participants)
I’m in. I have needed to do this for so long, and now that I see that squatting 3 days a week is involved and the regular group class cycle doesn’t involve heavy squats every week any more, I’m SO IN.
Yeah Stella! Go get those gainz. I wish I could join you but no time soon.
Awesome! It’s a great option. I’ve been on that membership plan since last October and love the flexibility.
8am with Lauren
EMOM with thrusters @ 115lb and 6-10 T2B. Fun workout, it was enough rest between rounds that you didn’t dread picking up the bar for the thrusters. Happy that 115lb thrusters felt good. Always good to practice exhausted gymnastics, very open-like.
Deadlifts 225×15 275×9 345×3, everything moved very well except the triple, where I felt I lost my upper back a bit (and was hinging too much and not using legs enough).
If you’re wondering about trying out NLWC – do it! I’ve done a few drop-in classes with Frank and it’s always been helpful. Oly lifting is so much about repetition and muscle memory, and Frank will definitely get you doing lots and lots of reps of everything. I’ve been meaning to try a regular 3x/week attendance of that class, just haven’t found the right time yet.
yesterday 12pm with Mr. Fox
lunges: 12kg x 2 sets, 16kg x 2 sets… 16 reps on all. just that kind of day.
DB bench: 25, 30, 35 x 2 sets… 12 reps on all. plenty!
WOD: 5 rounds RX’d
muscle ups were: 1, 2, 2F-1, 2-2, 2-1F-1-1
first fail was likely because I rushed coming down; lost my false grip on left side as always and then i just lose all confidence that I’ll be able to turn over and totally cut myself short. second fail was really dumb — i think I went into a straddle split during the transition!?! hahah
this was fun! took it as 10 min of good muscle up practice without huge rests. focused on not losing tension in my arch and really pushing DOWN on the rings there. need to work my dip efficiency, as well as re-build my dip strength! have been focusing on other things!
@sustained pace:
3 wall walks
rest 15 sec
30 sec hollow hold to superman
rest 15 sec
15 sec star plank/side
rest 15 sec
row 300m
x 3 rounds
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
@sustained pace:
10 kPull ups
rest 10 sec
20 WB – unbroken
rest 10 sec
row 350m – TOUGH
rest 90 sec
x 3-4 rounds
D. EASY 5-10 min cool down
Frankie is a fun guy, a great coach, and NLWL is a solid part of the offerings at CFSBK. I worked with Frankie leading up the Murder Of Crows WL meet and was very happy with it. Hit him up!
Wednesday’s class with Whit!
Such awesome feedback and pointers!
Felt a worlds difference after a couple cue’s!
Deadlifts felt…. well, I don’t know. I think better…. yeah, I mean, I Was able to get the hamstrings working which never happens! So that’s good! Still Need a little more work! Back lit up as usual!
Left the class feeling very Happy with my movements! Cheers Whit!
I never really write on the blog. I feel like I’m writing in my personal diary. Kinda like talking to myself…
Just a side note…
Hiiiiiii Toni!
Your side notes are my favorite. Keep leaving them.
Came in for AG. So glad I didn’t miss out on kipping pull-ups just because I couldn’t come on Sunday!
Did 8 kipping pull-ups per round and was very happy that my wrist held up throughout although I was starting to tingle a little at the end. This is still way better than I’ve done with kips in a couple months, so I think my KHarpz homework is working 😃
Wednesday’s workout: Loved ALL of it!
Thrusters: completed in 22-ish seconds each round. Whit had me experiment by not squatting as low to see if I would tip over less and it worked. It helped me maintain tension at the bottom which kept me upright.
TTB: Selected a number that I knew I could do unbroken each round which was 8. No repped myself on the very last rep of my last set but stayed on the bar to complete get that 8th (real) one in.
Although these used to be really light weights for me, it felt challenging and was the most weight I’ve had on the bar in about 7 months! Had Whit check my form and got the green light. Hoping I have no pain tomorrow.
Glutes are SO sore from the last two days!
Hey, where’s my gravatar?
Found it!
Also- I’ve had an unlimited membership + Oly since this summer. Went to Frankie’s 1-2x per week over the summer. There is LOTS of squatting and OH movements so never felt like I missed out on group class gainz. Wish it was earlier in the evening so I could go now that I’m back at work but I would never go to sleep if I worked out until 8 or 9. If anyone wants to motivate me to go on a Friday which is usually a rest day, let me know.