Dumbbell / Kettlebell Complex
5 Rounds or 18 Minutes:
10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses
10 Double KB Deadlifts
10 Pike Press Ups (from erg)
Build to a few challenging sets on each movements using a controlled tempo.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
9 Muscle-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
5 Muscle-Ups
Break up the sets or scale volume on the Muscle-Ups as needed. The goal is no misses.
For Time:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
15 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Choose a challenging kettlebell load. When scaling the Ring Dips, choose an option that allows you to move through consistently and not get caught up missing reps.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our 5th Art Show on Saturday night! Some photos from the evening are up on our Flickr account
Thanksgiving Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule from Wednesday to Friday this week for Thanksgiving. Here’s what you can expect:
Wednesday, November 21st
6am CrossFit
7am CrossFit
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
11am Fit 55+
12pm CrossFit
6am -1pm Open Gym-only Membership
4:30pm CrossFit Pre – Teens
4:30pm CrossFit
5:30pm CrossFit
6:30pm CrossFit
Cancelled: 7:30pm and 8:30pm CrossFit
Thursday, November 22nd (Thanksgiving)
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
8am – 11am Open Gym-only membership
Cancelled: Everything else!
Friday, November 23rd
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm Crossfit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
6pm to 8pm Open Gym
Cancelled: Diapers & Dumbbells, Fit 55+, Starting Strength, Next Level Weightlifting Club
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Dumbbell Push Presses, Row, Pull-Ups
Want to Really Connect at Your Next Family Gathering? Try This Ted
How an Unremarkable “Brunch in the Forest” Turned into the Thanksgiving We Know Smithsonian
Got through four rounds of the complex this morning. 30# DB, Green KB for Deadlifts. I think all three movements were equally difficult!
Metcon – finished 4:47, yellow KB and did box dips. Used more assistance from my toes than I’m proud of, but these were still super challenging.
SO sad I had to miss the art show – but I caught a good amount of it via Instagram stories 🙂 As always, I’m so impressed by all the talent outside of the gym!
25# dumbbells every round (much harder than regular DB bench!)
16-20-24kg x 3 for deadlifts
WOD: 6:05 I think? Fitness RX with strict ring dips. Had to do a lot of ring dips as singles, but they’re getting better. Less rest between reps.
Art show was amazing!! The setup looked incredible–tremendous organization. So much talent and beautiful art. Great job, all around, to everyone involved!
7 AM-in’. Even before I got to the gym my wrist was tingling, grrrr. I was definitely more conservative than I needed to be about it.
Bench: 2 sets at 25, 2 sets at 30. 10 is a long set.
Deadlifts: All at 24kg. I was too lazy to see whether we had a pair of 28s at 597.
Erg pike ups with DBs to protect my wrist. I used 40-pounders so that I could feel good and secure. Total psychological dread of having the dumbbell roll and doing a face plant.
WOD in 3:44 with 20kg bell and pushups to DBs. Like I said, too conservative. Definitely could have gone with a 24kg bell and maybe I could have done box dips instead of pushups (there were more people wanting to do matador than matadors today).
Excited to see KHarpz tomorrow and work on whatever impingement has been leading to this wrist thing! I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out I needed to make an appointment already.
woohoo see you tom!
First of all – yes! The art show was really wonderful. Thanks to all the talent in the gym for sharing and a special shout out to Brett for leading the way in the planning and set up!
Saturday – AGS
Highlights include getting my hands further away from the wall for HSPUs which helped on my tempo sets of 4 with one abmat and one puzzle piece.
Lowlights include the 5 sets of 4 tempo neutral grip pull ups. There were false reports of these being easier than chin ups. I tried for body weight but ended up doing one banded and then finally one good set on the high rings followed by a set of 3 instead of 4 for the last attempt. Seated behind the neck presses at 58 and bent over barbell rows with 73. ooof – these get hard to hold for that beat at the top! Then some hellish core work.
Bench presses on the 18″ angle with 30lbs. I thought I’d go to 35 but 10 is a lot and the last two were soooo sticky! DLs with 16, 16, 20, 24, 24. Pikes: Yikes!
WOD. There were no more 20kg KBs left! So I grabbed the 24kg. Actually I grabbed the one that Keith had because it had the smaller handle. He was very nice about it. Thanks Keith! Did 30 unbroken but the set of 20 went 10-10. Dips on the boxes but I did 12-9-6 (I dunno why). I totally forgot it was an AMRAP and did not look at the clock. I was the last in the class to finish but hopefully sub 10!
Shawn, your box dips were killer!
Thanks. Just wait! They’re gonna grow up to be real ring dips some day!!!
I’m an a-hole. I totally should have traded KBs with you!
No you’re not Stella! Sounds like you made the right choice for your tingle wrists and I should not have to depend on a lack of options in order to push myself! I did draw a sad face by your name on the board though.
Today’s Strength Complex:
DB Incline Bench: 45sx10, 60sx10x4
KB DL: 32kgsx10x5 Changed foot position each set
10 Pike Press Ups
140 Walking Lunges: 3:49
Been doing plus 20 reps unbroken lunges each week. Started at 80
Today’s Performance Metcon
8:49 as Rx’d
This was harder than I expected. Felt like I was underfed and pretty tired from prior work. Alas
Walking lunges with no added weight? I could do this at school!! I like it! Booty gainz!
Yeah no weight. Just high volume lunges. Im gonna keep going until its unreasonable or I can no longer walk or I get lazy.
I’ve never been to an art show at a gym before and it was so much fun. Loved seeing everyone’s beautiful work. Thank you Brett and everyone else who made Saturday happen!
This aint no normal gym <3
A)3 rounds – NFT
10 elevated box step downs – 24″
10 band pull aparts
30 sec ring support
10 lateral mini band walks/side
2 min bike – increasing pace
min 1 – 4 MU
min 2 – 30 sec ski
happy this was so smooth! wasnt sure if i could do this unbroken for MU and i did! Hell yeah. Prettty solid MU today
Ski: 6/6/6/6/7 (900-1000 avg)
C)Star Plank
30 sec/side x 3; rest 90 sec
not bad once i got the hang of it surprisingly. I did not have charlies serious face which made it slightly more fun
D)sustained pace – 80-85% Aer:
5 min
10 burpees
100m Air runner
rest 2 min
5 min
10 alt DB SS – 35#
10 cal row
rest 2 min
5 min
5 PC – 135
8 cal bike
rest 2 min
5 min
cal row
WOD 1: 4 rds + 4 burpees
this was so freaking fun. like i said i put the go mat behind the treadmill and just let myself shoot off the back so i could go straight into the burpees. transitions were tiiiight today it was fun!
WOD 2: 3rd + 7 snatches
Snatches were savvyyyyy. Rows were around 950.
WOD 3: 4 rds + 5 cleans + 4 cal
this one was my favorite. For obvious reasons because i love PCs. Trying not to meathead my way through this but i might have a little bit. RPM 57-62. Most likely an average of 59. Wanted to see if i could hold that 62 RPM like last week but not so much with a heavier barbell as opposed to a lighter DB movement. Good to remember. Still not too far off tho!
WOD 4: 75 cals
this was only a mental push. 930 avg. i did not enjoy this but my lungs feel pretty good these days. all legs
Sad to have missed the art show and scoped out as much as I could via IG. It looked incredible.
Bench: 25#x1, 30#x3 Spicy on the left side with the 30s
DL: 24kgx2, 32kgx2 Did the split stance and lower back felt solid!
WOD: 4:12
Fitness with pushups. Shoulders are shot from 35# PP yesterday plus today’s work. I was surprised when I couldn’t do a set of 5 PUs after the first set of KBS. Saw Toni struggled with banging these out too and didn’t feel as bad about it. She still crushed my time though.
Make-up post:
Snatch balance: 83-88-93-98
Ran out of time for the last set. Felt a bit awkward since we don’t do them that often but were surprisingly decent.
WOD: 12:29 Rx’d
PP: Started off with a deceivingly easy set of 8 (mistake), then had to break it into 2 or 3 more sets for the round of 21. Did sets of 5 for the round of 15 and 5-4 for the last round. These took a while as I wasn’t able to cycle all of the reps and had to pause for a second on my shoulders. Glad I challenged myself. Thank you to Thaisa who let me use her 35# DBs because there weren’t any left in either gym.
Row: round of 21 was slow then picked it up in later rounds
Pullups: 6-5-5-5, 5s, unbroken
Saturday: 6+19 Rx’d
I clearly need to work on my SDHP because Whit and Brett each gave me different feedback. Thought these would be the most challenging part but it was the FSQTs because they jacked up my heart rate.