Power Clean
Every 2 Minutes x 30 Minutes (15 sets):
3 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans + 6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Build or work across on the Power Cleans. Add a deficit as able on the Handstand Push-Ups.
Every 2 Minutes x 30 Minutes (15 sets):
3 Power Cleans + 3 Wall Walks
Build or work across on the power cleans. Go “nose and toes” on the Wall Walks if you can.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Quality:
Strict Toes-to-Bars/Hanging Leg Raises/Hanging Knee Raises
Rest as little as needed between sets.
Post work to comments.
Want to see some cool art by your fellow CFSBKers? Our 5th Art Show is just a couple of days away. Head over to the event page to learn more!
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training! This 1.5 hour long class starts Thursday, November 29th and will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement.
Each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (Muscle-Ups, Levers, etc.), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on over the 4 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: 4 Thursdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm (11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20)
Cost: $100 for 5 weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended a rings class or 1 Pull-Up for women or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Deadlifts, Box Jumps
Very Brief Workouts Count Toward 150-Minute Goal, New Guidelines Say NY Times
Mattie Rogers Wins Bronze for the US at World Championships BarBend
83 —> 128 on the power cleans.
2 wall walks each round throughout.
Shoulders might no longer function at the end of the day.
NLWC last night!
FSQ: 133#x2x5, 153#x2, 163*, 168*!
I thought my 1RM was 165, but looking back it was 160 – so a couple of little PR bumps, happy with that. Belted, depth was fine, legs were fine, posture not fine. Gotta tighten up – but I was pretty tired by that point.
Jerk: E2MOM x 15ish, mostly working at 103# – trying a new front rack, starting elbows slightly lower bc I tend to drop them in the dip. Weird, but got it towards the end.
Pull + hang snatch: E2MOM x seemingly endless reps. Basha and I took it 1kg at a time from like 30kg to 40kg or so. Frank’s trying to drill me into a more vertical jump and it. is. working! Key is to not really think about the bar at all, and just worry about what my body is doing. NO rocking through the feet or hips.
Going to test a bit on Friday. Two weeks out.
PS: Happy to jump in on the Kharpz praise train. After having hip/low back pain for a month straight after subway series, we did two sessions & started working on a 3x per week warm up + deadlift program–SO stoked to report I’ve had my first couple pain-free days in weeks! Learned a ton in the assessment about imbalances, mobility issues in my ankle, and just general weakness that I gotta build up in my posterior chain. Will report back as I make those gainz 🙂
Power cleans 63# -> 93#, Wall walks went well but after 10-15 mins I scaled down to 2 per round because my third was just getting sloppy!
My palms are so sensitive 😅
7 AM with JHarpz.
Stuck with 93# across, which was JUST FINE. That is a damn lot of reps!
I made it through 12 (I think) rounds of wall walks before switching to my plan B, which was 6 DB push press (25#, 35#x2). I knew I was probably going to have to do that since my wrist has been behaving better but I wasn’t sure it was up to 45 wall walks. I made it further than I thought I would!
Would like to propose some PLEASANT “would you rather…?” QOTDs for future reference, because KHarpz is a sadist. (“Would you rather walk a mile on hot coals or on ice with perpetually wet feet so your feet always stick to the ice?” Answer: I’M A GROWNUP AND I DON’T HAVE TO!)
So, would you rather:
* Go on safari in Kenya or museum-crawl in Paris for your next vacation?
* Do karaoke or stand-up comedy in front of 200 people?
* Snorkel or skydive?
* Read “War and Peace” or see a five-hour Wagner opera?
* If you could instantly acquire a new skill, would you rather learn to play a musical instrument or learn a new language?
* Have creme brûlée* or blueberry pie?
*Ha, I love that autocorrect throws in the fancy diacriticals automatically for brûlée, but not creme.
blueberry pie
museum crawl in Paris
These are good WODs!!
haahahahhahahaha. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HATE!!! Original question of day:
““Would you rather walk a mile on hot coals or run a mile on glass with socks on?”
people didnt like that one either
and definitely creme brulee come on.
It was run 100m over hot coals barefoot or 400m on glass shards with socks on
Lol ugh I don’t even remember anymore alright WHATEVER ILL TRY AGAIN TOMORROW.
See? She’s a sadist!!!
83-83-88-93-98-103 x4 HSPUs with two puzzle piece mats(24)
X 3 with two puzzle pieces
Had one or two rounds pwith only 2, and then did 0 reps on my final round. About 40-45 hspus total.
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 TTB was pretty easy for me
However my back, arms and abs are currently fried. Glad it’s a rest day tomorrow!
My adductors too from those squats yesterday! Ouch!
Okay… back in the swing of things here.
Pretty bummed that I seem to have strained/torn something in my forearm while kayaking on our vacation. It’s getting a little better pain-wise, but not function-wise just yet. So we’re back to “look ma, no hands!” workouts for a while I guess.
It’s looking like I’ll have to pull out of the weightlifting meet at murder of crows in two weeks. Was really looking forward to that experience, but even if I can lift without pain by then, I’m not sure that testing myself in a competition would be a smart thing to do.
so far it’s been lots of legs and hips and core! today was feeling uninspired so I warmed up on the bike for 10 min, did a whole bunch of CARs and movement flow, and then I felt SOOOO GOOD. finished with this
emom x 12
a – 5 snatch balance + 5 hip snatch with the muthaf*ckin’ pvc pipe, babyyy!
b – 10 1 and 1/4 squats with 20# slamball cradled in arms
c – :30 ghd prone hold, turning my R leg off so L leg has to actually work. so hard.
d – :45 forearm plank with single arm reaches moving the slamball around
Awww Whit sorry to hear that. I hope it’s not spoiling memories of what looked like a beautiful vacation!
A)3 rounds – NFT:
50ft dual DB overhead carry – HEAVY
5 icecream makers
5 wall walks
10 box step ups
2 min bike – increasing pace every 30 sec
i am flattered Ro thinks i can do ice cream makers! lol!
did 5 strict chest to bar with a lay back like on the rings
B)5 rounds – strength work:
75ft sled push – HEAVY – build from 300#
rest 30 sec
25-30 ft HS walk
rest walk 3 min
300/305/310/315/322.5, haha just wanted to get A LITTLE more than last week! Now im confident i can build i wasnt sure today because the first push felt so hard. handstand walks were slightly better today! 30 ft walk is almost guaranteed now wow!
C)Every 8 min complete:
20 dual KBS – 20kg/hand
60 double unders
600m row
x 4 rounds
not gonna lie this was absolutely terrible and i did not like it at all. BUT i dont have to like everything lol! The swings were so difficult. Slowed me down a lot. I had to rest a bit to muster up the energy for all that hip extension post sleds. Its all muscle fatigue lungs feel good. doubles hurt my dumb cut hand. Im going to take care of this tonight so it wont be a problem tomorrow. My rows were ok. mental drive wasnt there today but tried to stay around a 2:05 sub 2:10 avg
D)Sustained pace:
4k ski – @2:40 or better split
I had nothin left! on any given day staying under 2:40 would be cake. By the end of this session i couldnt do it. May need to figure out a different fueling strategy for Thursday AM idk if im eating enough before all of this. total time: 22:04