In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
30 Burpees
30 Calorie Row
Split the work up into 10 reps/calories each. Aim to move at about 80-85% throughout, with a focus on controlling your breathing during your rest periods.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Train with an Olympian: Register for CRASH-Bs!
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Indoor Rowing Team is mounting its 10th CRASH-Bs campaign! Held in Boston each year, CRASH-Bs is the premier indoor rowing championship. Training starts this Monday, November 12th.
Coach Nick is leading a crew of CRASH-Beasts to the 2019 CRASH-B Sprints on Sunday, February 17th, 2019 at Boston University’s Agganis Arena. Doors open at 7:00am. The CRASH-B Sprints is a one-day event with racing scheduled from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Coach Nick will guide the team through a 14-week program based on his training regimen when he was competing at the Olympic level. The program includes:
- Three 2-hour technique clinics (which include a workout) plus 4 group races
- 1 T-shirt ($25 value)
- 6 days per week of programming access which includes rowing machine work, GHD, and other assistance work
- Remote coaching through video analysis
- Online support via the Facebook group, video analysis, and general support/feedback
Please contact Nick at Nick [at] with any specific questions.
A) Full Access to CFSBK Facilities & Equipment
Full Payment Up Front (Non-Refundable)
Non-Member Rate: $450
Member Rate: $360 (20% discount must be applied through our front desk)
Three Monthly Payments
Non-Member Rate: $168 per installment ($504 total)
Member Rate: $134.40 per installment ($403.20 total)
B) No Use of CFSBK Facilities & Equipment (Full Participation in Clinics and Tests)
Full Payment Up Front (non-refundable)
Three Monthly Payments
$105 per installment ($315 total)
NOTE: Your card will be charged immediately for the first month and then again each month until the program ends (3 total payments). Payments are non-refundable once the charge has been processed; however, you can stop future payments at no penalty as long as you give the front desk 3 days notice.
If you’re already a CFSBK member and want to keep your recurring membership while training for CRASH-Bs, then Option B is for you. If you wish to put your current membership on hold, then Option A is appropriate.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
A Different Kind of School Club in DC Morning Chalk Up
Allow These 32 Slumping Pumpkins to Ease Your November Blues Atlas Obscura
A)3 rounds – sustained pace:
5 BJSD – 30″
10 free form board knee tucks
15 dual KB cleans- 12-16kg
20 sec sorenson
500m row
-SAME times per round – get warm!
very nice! a bit distractable during my WU today. probably not same times but warmup felt good. did dual KB swings instead of cleans at 12kg because of my hand tear.
B1)Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunge
@ 2012 8 reps/side x 4; rest 90 sec
4x8ea @ 55/55/60/65
so much worse in the front rack! think my body just needs to adjust this is probably the most uncomfortable ive felt with a lift in awhile. soooo uncomfortable
B2)GHD Hip Extension
@1013 10 reps x 4; rest 90 sec
4×10, feels eggsellent.
C)Sustained pace 80-85% Aer:
800m run – same pace as last week
rest walk 2 min
x 4 rounds
those splits were wind dependent. less wind in the second two. so much resistance i felt like the wind was blowing on my no matter what direction i was facing on the block!! rough. soaking up my last big opportunities for outdoor running before i face the dreaded air runner. Legs were heavier today but still felt pretty good. Didn’t have my good running shoes on.
Partner WOD with Jess B and Theresa
All 10 pullups unbroken each round. Almost ate it on a one of the last few reps of box jumps.