Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 3
Front Squat: 1 x 3
Heavier than Week 3.
Back Squat: 2 x 5 LP
Front Squat: 1 x 5 LP
Heavier than Week 3.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders
7-6-5-4-3 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (each arm) 50/35
Scale the Dubs to 2x Singles or 1/2 attempts as needed. The Thrusters should medium-heavy and unbroken on the fast side.
Post time and Rx to comments.
In case you haven’t checked them out yet, there are so many great photos from Fight Gone Bad 2018 on our Flickr account! | Photo by Robert C.
Join Stacey C. for a Women’s Yoga Retreat in the Catskills!
A winter women’s yoga retreat in the Catskills with CFSBK member Stacey Cervellino (a certified mindfulness and breath work teacher) and Sharyn Hahn (a certified yoga and Ayurveda teacher).
Friday, February 1st to Sunday, February 3rd at Floating Farmhouse in Eldred, NY.
Nestled in the Catskills featured in Dwell and Architectural Digest, Floating Farmhouse is a mix of modern architecture and old-world charm.
More Info
The workshop includes: yoga, meditation, breath work, visualization/journaling, chakra balancing, Ayurveda, hikes, group meals, pizza made in the pizza oven, and a roaring fire in the evenings.
Cost: $375 for single or double accommodation, workshop, organic beauty samples, meals, wine, snacks, tea, and coffee. A $200 deposit is due December 1st.
For more details and teacher bios click this link, check out the evite, or contact Stacey at staceylcerv [at]
Mad 1 Rep Max! Great photo.
It took me like two rounds’ worth of time at FGB to figure out that it was Kevin under that mask. 😛
Also, I have been listening to I Love My ’90s R&B all week. Thanks Lauren!
LBBS: 230 x 3 x 2
FSQ: 190 x 3
Tough, but doable.
WOD: 3:59 Rx
Raced with Julian at the end – great extra push to keep transitions quick.
After: 3 rounds…
Pull ups (6-5-5… and bonus 4 after to make an even 20)
10 cal AB
Pistols (5e)
7am with Katie and Ro:
HBBS: 115x5x2
FSQ: 95×5
WOD: 5:30, 2x single unders and 20# DB.
Man, what little DU progress I had went completely out the window while I was gone! Gotta get as much practice in as I can 😀
Fun one today!
Man, kind of bummed with how my morning went. Forgot to eat something again beforehand… I need to remember to try that!
Week 3: 150 3×2, 122.5×3
150×3, tried to go up to 152.5 and failed second rep. >:(
Front Squat: 125×1, failed second rep!
MAN. :*( I don’t know…
WOD: 4:47, 27.5#
I need to go up in weight on dumbbells. 27.5 are officially too easy. A couple trips on the round of 50/40/30 on DUs.
This is super last minute! Myself, Elly Correia and a buddy of mine are going to do a track workout this evening at the east river park (6th st and FDR) if anyone wants to join.
Going to do:
400m run
25 PUs
800m run
50 sit ups
1200m run
100 air squats
1200m run
50 sit ups
800m run
25 PUs
400m run
Riding bike over from the gym at 545pm if you fancy it!
SWIM DAY, two weeks in a row, really want to make this a habit!
100m x 10; rest as needed
NICE. practiced faster front crawl stroke, more powerful and strong kick through legs this time as opposed to flutter kicks. it was much easier, felt much more like i was gliding. flip turn was more coordinated too! Tried to keep rest under a minute. It didn’t occur to me to actually time my 100M until after my 10th set. next time! I’m curious how fast i am. did 300M recovery with breast stroke until kids jumped in my lane. dang! Long steam room recovery too!
Feeling like one beelion dollars
HBBS: 145x5x2
FSQT: 120x5x1
WOD: 7:13 Rx’d
Some sets of DUs were better than others but I tripped on all of them. I def need to get my breathing in order before I do them so lots of time spent resting.
Thrusters were more challenging on my left side- mostly on the eccentric part of the movement.