Saturday, November 17th: The 5th Annual CFSBK Art Show
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it were transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us who participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know that it looks pretty awesome. Our 5th Art Show will be Saturday, November 17th. We’re so pleased to be bringing you so many talented artists across so many different mediums!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest gym on the planet.
The night will feature several dance and musical acts that you won’t want to miss. We could use some volunteers to help set up and break down. Contact Coach Brett at Brett [at] if you’d like to help make the magic happen.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Have you attended and/or exhibited in a past CFSBK Art Show? What was your favorite part? Tell us in the comments!
News and Notes
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- Don’t forget to vote today!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Dumbbell/Kettlebell Complex | L-Sits, Dynamic Blackburns
What Does the Science Actually Say on Artificial Sweeteners? BarBend
I Love My Commute NY Mag
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 3
Front Squat: 1 x 3
Heavier than Week 3.
Back Squat: 2 x 5 LP
Front Squat: 1 x 5 LP
Heavier than Week 3.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders
7-6-5-4-3 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (each arm) 50/35
Scale the Dubs to 2x Singles or 1/2 attempts as needed. The Thrusters should medium-heavy and unbroken on the fast side.
Post time and Rx to comments.
3 rounds – NFT:
2 chin up negatives – SLOW
10 DB PP
20 supine leg raises
20 jumping lunges
2 min bike/row/ski/run – increasing pace
kipping HSPU Practice
C. @80-85% Aer
10 HSPU – 2 sets tops
20m dual KB FR walking lunge – HEAVY
500m row
Rest 2:30 min
x 3 rounds
D. 5-10 min cool down
7 AM with Jess
Jump rope practice: hahahahaha this was comical. Alternating-leg singles might be the new bane of my existence.
Squatting: always a treat to partner with beastwoman Morgan!
Back squat: 215x3x2
Front squat: 185×3
I was thinking I might drop to 175 but I was too lazy to walk 15 feet to get more 10# plates and instead I left the greens on. Cliche of the lifter who does a lot more work to avoid doing a little work 😛
WOD in 6:03 Rx. I mostly got double unders in sets of 10-15 so this was an okay if not amazing day for that. Thrusters were fine, not enough of them to really make me curse my existence. I did spend a good five minutes with the Alpha Ball on my glutes afterward though.
Last pre-surgery workout, which means last crossfit workout for a while!
1000m warmup row
Then some kipping skill work. Super small class of 3 so lots of personal attention. The coach helped me with some BMU drills jumping from a box + 45# plate. Learned a few other drills and got some great coaching re: hip drive, lat activation etc. He also told me to widen my grip a little bit on my kipping pull-ups, which I found helpful.
Strength was paused deadlifts again, this time at 65%. 135#x4, then 165x4x4. 2-sec pause at the knee, bar didn’t touch the ground until all 4 reps were done.
WOD was a competition workout–“2017 Fittest in Cape Town”
AMRAP 7:00:
one 500m row, then…
as many T2B as possible in the remaining time. Every time you came off the bar, you had to do 3 burpees over the rower. I accumulated 27 T2B, in sets of 5s and 3s with one single in the final second.
Grip is shot, got a nice little rip on my right thumb and now it’s time for 2 straight weeks of rest days. Wish me luck!
“Every time you came off the bar, you had to do 3 burpees over the rower.”
That sounds TERRIBLE.
Heal fast, lady!
Monday work destroyed me. That little amount of bike felt like the hardest thing I have ever done. ha. I think I need to catch up on sleep or something.
If you have to wait in line to vote, there’s always air squats!
AM Sesh:
A)3 rounds @80-85% aer:
3k bike
130m SBC – 100#
50 Tuck ups
130m yoke walk – just yoke
3k bike
just about 29 min. first time doing yoke, this was great!!
PM Sesh:
A)3 rounds – NFT:
15 BB jump squats
8 plyo push ups
20 supine leg raises – shoulders off the ground!
2 min row – increasing pace every minute
slow but again a great warmup and helped me feel solid for squatting
B)Back Squat
@20X2 2,2,2,2,2; rest as needed – not a max!
legit. tried to keep my jumps close since i was going submax
C)Weighted Dip
20X2 4-6 x 3; rest 2 min
1×4 @ 16#
2×5 @ 16#
matador. felt terrible first set but got better after i figured out how to stay hollow with weight belt
D)sustained pace – 80-85% Aer:
12 TTB
18 burpees
24 box jump step down – 20″
rest walk 2 min
x 5 rounds
Total time w/ rest 18:57
tripped and missed my second to last box jump of last set! otherwise V smooth.
E)sustained pace:
15 dual KB snatch – 16KG
50ft reverse sled drag- HEAVY
5 wall walk
3k bike
5 wall walk
50ft reverse sled drag – HEAVY
15 dual KB snatch – 16kg
slow but everything felt a lot better, snatches are going much better too