Tempo Box Squat (41X2)
Heavy 3
In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy 3 rep set of Box Squats at the prescribed tempo (4 seconds down, 1 second hold on the box, fast up, and 2 seconds at the top). “Sit” on the box for the 1 count while maintaining a braced torso and an active hip.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
3 Rounds:
In 2 Minutes…
35 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
Max Reps Pull-Ups
Rest 7 minutes between rounds
The Wall Balls will be done unbroken on the top end. Challenge yourself here. Can you do them unbroken? Scaling option for Pull-Ups today is Ring Rows.
Post work to comments.
Coach Nick rowed at the Head of the Charles in Boston last Saturday in the men’s masters eight (40+ years old). It’s a 3-mile, “head-style” race, meaning that the boats race in single file. Nick’s boat won last year, but came in second this year by 5 seconds. Coach Ro has been doing Nick’s programming since last December, and while Nick didn’t want to focus too much on rowing, the training has certainly helped him feel prepared and, overall, healthy and well balanced.
Want to Reach Your Rowing Potential? Come to the CRASH-Bs Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick This Sunday!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick, an Olympic rower who competed in Sydney in 2000, will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 17th in Boston. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting at 2:15 this Sunday, November 4, in the Annex. This meeting is open and free to anyone who’s “erg-curious” and wants to learn more about what’s involved. There will not be a workout.
Here’s some basic info:
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be an SBK member to participate—so tell your non-SBK friends! (If you have any!)
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three or four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide programming and support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
At the kick-off meeting at 2:15PM this Sunday, November 4th, in the Annex, Nick will explain the program in detail.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
News and Notes
- Registration for the next cycle of Coach Ro’s Anti-Gravity Strength class opened this week, and there are still some spots left. This class always sells out, though, so hurry! Take a look at Saturday’s post to learn more about this special offering and to sign up.
- Tomorrow is the last day to let us know you want to participate in our 5th Annual Art Show. All the info is over on the event page!
- This Saturday’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Language of Dieting The Atlantic
Make Big Investments in Your Weak Points for Big Returns Breaking Muscle
Guys, do CRASH-Bs
1) it’s super fun and you’ll make new friends
2) you’ll spend a lot of time on the erg and get the technique DOWN
3) by virtue of #2 you’ll be able to crush people in erg workouts because if you have the technique right you don’t have to work as hard *head tapping meme*
4) you’ll figure out what your favorite erging songs are
5) you get to work with Coach Nick who is a) an awesome coach b) very encouraging and reasonable c) if you’re lucky get to hear him scream “break the erg” in a voice that sounds like a rhino and Lucifer had a baby
6) really get to know your pacing and ideal splits for different workouts so #3 can happen
7) learn cool tricks about the erg. ex. Are you checking your drag factor when you sit down?
8) stare into a black void that stares back at you 20 minutes at a time, coming to the conclusion that life is intrinsically meaningless and the best decision you ever made was signing up for CRASH Bs
Conclusion: sign up for CRASH Bs you get a cool t-shirt
Thanks for this Karini. I’m very interested. I would love to figure out my favorite erging songs. lolol!!
I heard a rumor that AG Strength might be offered in the morning. Is that a true story? I would be so stoked if it were!
Awwww no AR on Saturday 😭😭😭
Oooh, I support this idea!
Working on it!
<3 <3 <3
Been doing a buncha Frank stuff aka all I do is squat.
HBBS: 130x6x3, 155x4x5
Strict press: 65x4x5, 73×4
E2MOM x 5
Snatch pull + snatch pull + snatch, built up to 73#
E3MOM x 5
Snatch pull + snatch, all at 83#
Snatch pull from 6″ blocks @ 63# for 50 total reps, mostly set of 7-8
FSQ: 133x4x5, 143×4 (feels gud!)
Pause power jerk + pause split jerk @ 83 -garbage
Pause split jerk + pause split jerk @ 83 -slightly less garbage but still garbage
Also working with KHARPZ right now as my hip & back pain/tightness persists and hey guess what, my back is weaksauce. Between Frank’s 50 snatch pulls and Katie’s promised 4×20 deadlift schedule I guess I’ll get skronger???
Yasss Kate!
I keep hearing DJ Khaled going “All I do is squat” in my head now
also gurrrrrrl I know those 4×20 deadlifts. Godspeed.
lollll! but we all back in the gym alive and kickin amiright?!
Last time I box squatted, I did 150×3. I wonder why today wasn’t as easy!!
95×5, 135×3 (normally don’t make that big of jump?), 145×1…
155x..1(failed 2nd rep)
155x…1 (failed 2nd rep again!!)
Round 1: 35 unbroken, 7 strict pull-ups
2: 35 unbroken, 7pullups
3: struck with some sudden pain right before I started… maybe that impacted me?
20unbroken, then really small sets. Did I give up? I don’t know… felt really weak? Managed to get 5 strict despite only having :30…
bummer! Should I eat breakfast or a banana before squats instead of nothing??
yes to eating before exercising. you need fuel to exercise! Even if it means drinking something
HEY GUYS! does anyone know of a cheaper way to swim 1x/week for 10 weeks instead of joining the Y for 3 months? its $80 a month + $99 initial joining fee. Not quite worth it. but i really want to swim once a week for my competition!
Can weasel my way into the YMCA on a guest pass 2 more times, but i need another solution if anyone has heard of good options.
Swam 4x400M with a 100M recovery lap!
First 2x400s felt REALLY good. Surprisingly still know how to flip turn. Although my old lifeguardsuit was totally out of elastic and my top was 1000% starting to fall down the entire time. Thank goodness people couldnt see, lol! goodtimes.
Tried to reacquaintance myself with holding a tight position in the front crawl, it seems like a counterintuitive strategy but my legs get so lazy in my kick and then i sink like lead in my lower half (not exactly the most bouyant individual). Took a recovery 100M with breast stroke after four sets and two during my last two sets of 400M. tough! But this felt so damn good. I used to be a fairly regular swimmer for most of my life until i started crossfit. Would love to be consistent with this because my shoulder feels normal again.
Cash out: sat in the steam room for 10 min. wow
6th ave is so cute for the tricker treaters!! I’ve never really wandered the neighorhood before on halloween night but i really enjoyed take a slow bikeride home to see everyone out and about
Really nice recovery day 🙂
The indoor pool on Metropolitan Ave and Bedford was free back in the day and now it’s $150 for an annual membership: https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/metropolitan-recreation-center/facilities/indoor-pools/metropolitan-pool
If you don’t like that particular pool, you can check for other indoor pools of the same price on the nyc parks website.
Hi! I’m new to CFSBK. I have a pool in my building that’s pretty good length. Not far from the gym. I’d be happy to let you use it if our schedules line up. Send me a message on IG if you’d like @heyjameslopez
Kirby, guessing you are still reading the blog and will see this. Loved what you wrote yesterday and there were so many golden nuggets in your post!
Box squats: up to 155#
Was only able to match my weight from the first week. Knees caved in at this weight today but not last time. Keith said it’s most likely because my feet weren’t far enough apart.
Going into this wasn’t sure I could even do 35 wall balls in under 2 minutes because I’m SO bad at them. Decided to try doing them in two sets. Ended up doing 3 sets on the first two rounds and 4 on the last. If there wasn’t time pressure, would have given myself LOTS of no reps.
8: 5-3
12: 8-4
12: 10-2
Only had :30 each round to do pullups! Could have done more the first round if I chalked up before because I kept sliding off the bar. Chalked up before the second and third round which obv took a few seconds to do but I was able to stay on the bar longer.