Farmer’s Carry / Gymnastics Complex
In 25 minutes, use a challenging load on the Farmer’s Carry and work up to a challenging rep scheme on the gymnastics complex:
A1) 200′ Single-Arm Farmer Carry (each)
A2) Gymnastics Complex: Toes-to-Bar + Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up + Bar Muscle-Up
For the gymnastics, first try to do one rep of each performed as a complex. If you can do that then, add volume and do 2 reps of each, and so on and so on. Baller status if you can perform a strict cycle on the complex! The goal is to stay on the bar and (relatively) seamlessly blend one movement into the next.
If you can’t yet perform the gymnastics movements then use the time work on your strength in each by performing a few low rep (1-4) sets of: Strict Toes-to-Bars/Hanging Leg or Knee Raises + Assisted Pull Ups, and Assisted Dips.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 8
For Time:
Hang Power Cleans 95/65
Push Jerks 95/65
Lateral Bar Burpees
Don’t let the lighter Rx’d load fool you. This one should be a sprint, and should burn a bit. Scale appropriately to achieve intensity and not become bogged down at any point.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here are a few of our favorite things in one neat package: Coach David… in collaboration with our buds at Beyond the Whiteboard… on CrossFit HQ’s site. This is the first installment in a new Inside the Affiliate series that you can look forward to seeing in the coming weeks and months, and it’s about our Free Intro Class. Pop some popcorn and give it a watch!
Exhibit Your Work in the CFSBK Art Show!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our 5th Art Show will be Saturday, November 17th, and we need to know by Thursday, November 1st whether you want to participate.
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great!), but to showcase the often hidden talents of CrossFitters, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
Want to Participate?
We’re excited about everyone who has reached out so far, but we want to hear from more of you. If you are an artist (even if your art is just a hobby) and a CrossFitter at CFSBK or beyond, reach out to Coach Brett at Brett [at] by November 1st, 2018 to get on the roster of artists. If you haven’t participated before, your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
Note: Several of you have asked if anyone can participate. Yes! But because we envision the show as an intersection of physical culture and the arts, the artist should be dedicated to fitness training (broadly conceived) in some way. They don’t have to work out at CFSBK.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, design, drawings, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet.
News and Notes
- Want to get better on the old jumping rope? Of course you do. There are still spots left in the workshop with Olympian and jump rope expert Buddy Lee that we’re hosting this weekend. Head over to the event page for more details!
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a couple of weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch Complex | NFT Work
Ask a Swole Woman: How Can I Find Safe and Inclusive Gyms? Self
Do We Have to Tell Them the House is Haunted? JSTOR Daily
6:47 on the WOD.
OWWWWWW my hands are a mess. They were already gross after all those snatches yesterday, now they’re red and tingly and ouchy all over. No rips, though, so there’s that?
Also, I tried kipping in very limited quantities in the gymnastics work. No wrist issues! That’s cool.
Also also: CONGRATS to all who Totaled yesterday! Lauren, Sacha, Cidney, I’m looking at you! So fun to watch.
Thanks for coming out Stella and for being so encouraging.
😀 thank you for coming, Stella!
Did the Strength Cycle Total yesterday and I feel so accomplished. It’s a good thing I took Kirby’s suggestion and did the cycle twice. Thanks Kirby! We miss you. Come back and visit soon. Stella, I’m also happy to report, in the language of my feline friends, that I had purrrfect attendance. Thanks to Jeremy, my powerlifting buddies and everyone who has been so supportive and encouraging.
My stats were:
BSQT: 220/230/240
Press: 105/110 Failed/110 Failed
Deadlift: 275/290/300
I did 300 on the deadlift. Yeah baby!!!! That was the highlight for me. I kept hitting replay on that video showing me lifting 300# over and over and over again. I’m swinging on the clouds.
The press was a disappointment. I pressed 110# at the last Total and I felt like I could do 115# this time. I did 105# but I failed the 110# twice. Definitely something to work on in 2019.
Strength Cycle for me was truly a journey and not just a destination of lifting more weights. If I had not done Strength Cycle, I would likely have a 165# one-rep max on the back squat, a 90# on the press and a 225# on the deadlift. I’m very conservative when adding weight and I somehow felt that the weight needed to feel light before adding more. Case in point:
In the last strength cycle class, I squatted 220# for 3 reps and Jeremy made me walk the bar out of the rack at 225# and 245# respectively in anticipation of the weights I would likely squat at the Total. 225# and 245# were HEAVY and I told myself there was no way I could squat that at the Total. In fact, I squatted 240# as my heaviest weight and it felt really light. I could have done more. The body does adapt to heavier weights and that’s how you get stronger. Wow! I’m still learning and a big part of lifting is overcoming the mental You telling the physical You that you can’t. In some cases that’s true but that’s why you need someone like Jeremy who can assess you and not only look at your form which is sooo important, but also suggest the weights that you CAN lift. I’m still working on the mental me. Quit telling me that I can’t, will you?
To anyone who is thinking about doing a Strength Cycle: Just do it! It’s hard work but you will see gainz. Also, the camaraderie in the classes is just wonderful. It’s a great way to get to know people in the gym. Just do it!
I cried when I joined the 300 club. So I totally get why you were watching yourself over and over!
CONGRATS! You put in the work, you earned it, it’s yours! <3 <3 <3
Saccheen, you deserve to revel in all the gainz! You’ve set such a brilliant example by working hard + staying positive since joining the gym. Also, your shoulder press continues to be BONKERS. Congrats on a huge total!
WOW!!!!! CONGRATS, Saccheen!!! I wish I could have been there to see that. Also, these are really wise words: “A big part of lifting is overcoming the mental You telling the physical You that you can’t.” Thanks for sharing that! You’re amazing!
Such a great job! Congrats a thousand times!
Great job Sasha!!!
Oops Sacha (autocorrect fail!)
WOW!!! Congrats!
GREAT work, Sacha. Made me so happy to see your face as you stood up that 300lbs!!!
Absolutely amazing, Sacha!!!
Got up to the round of 5 with matador dips/Strict TTB/strict pull-ups/ strict ring dips. Then did 6 strict TTB/ 6 matador/6 ring dips.
20kg/20kg/50#db/20kg on the carries.
WOD: 6:12 RX
14/1 cleans, 15 jerks unbroken
11/1 cleans, 12 unbroken jerks
8/1 cleans, 9 unbroken jerks
Burpees were slow to ensure I went unbroken. Now I know I can pick up the pace a little more on those! I tied with James A. which is definitely a workout win in my book!
Sad to have not said goodbye kirby!! Good luck! We will miss you!
<3 <3 <3
7 am with Lauren and Ro
I was a mess today. I could farmers carry ok – 28kg kb. Everthing else was iffy – I feel like my kip has been feeling strong but I could not string two ttb together. I got one chest to bar. One. I kept letting myself off the bar because my grip and forearms were so stiff after the carries. Even my matador dips, which I can usually depend on in these smaller reps, felt like a grind. Maybe I gained 15 lbs this weekend. I should check. Knowing I felt so blah I put 52# on the bar for the WOD thinking that was light but it was still a grind. Just very little go-ability. I let myself step over the bar a few times in the set of 15 and I let myself to all step overs in the set of 9 because everyone else was done and it was just easier to keep myself on task that way. 9:59. Thanks gang for cheering me on. Thanks Stella for helping me put stuff away.
I thought eating breakfast before class was supposed to give me more energy. Oh well, even if it didn’t, my overnight oats with almond milk, coconut and pecans was tasty!
Farmer carries:
I had to rest half way through the 32kg carry when using my left hand so dropped down for the last set so I could do them unbroken on both sides.
Strict the first round then kipping TTB, pull-ups, C2B complex + strict matador dips. Completed the round of 2s, then only 1 C2B in the round of 3s and couldn’t do C2B in the round of 4s.
Hands were demolished after both of these movements!
WOD: 6:05 Rx’d
Stopped one rep shy on each HPC then PP unbroken. Burpees were embarrassingly slow.
Just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out to the total yesterday. It meant so much. While I was pleased with my gainz, the best part of the last eight weeks was the friendships and memories made. Can’t wait to cheer others on in the future!
Way to go, Lauren! So much fun to see you and all the Strength Cyclers make your gainz 🙂