Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 5
Front Squat: 1 x 5
Heavier than last week.
Back Squat: 2 x 5 LP
Front Squat: 1 x 5 LP
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
4 Rounds
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Aim for consistent scores within a rep or two on each round.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx for each round to comments.
CFSBK’s 5th Annual Art Show on November 17, 2018: Call for Artists
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our 5th Art Show will be Saturday, November 17th, and we need to know by Thursday, November 1st whether you want to participate.
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great!), but to showcase the often hidden talents of CrossFitters, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
Want to Participate?
We’re excited about everyone who has reached out so far, but we want to hear from more of you. If you are an artist (even if your art is just a hobby) and a CrossFitter at CFSBK or beyond, reach out to Coach Brett at Brett [at] by November 1st, 2018 to get on the roster of artists. If you haven’t participated before, your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show. The volume of responses we receive will determine how many of your pieces we can include.
Note: Several of you have asked if anyone can participate. Yes, but the artist MUST be a CrossFitter. They don’t have to work out at CFSBK.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, design, drawings, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet.
T-Minus 4 Days to Fight Gone Bad!
We’re currently at $12,219 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is about halfway to our $25,000 goal. Great work so far, gang, but don’t stop now. A generous BCF board member has decided to match our fundraising: one dollar for every dollar we raise over $10,000! Send THIS LINK to your friends, family, and coworkers, and tell them you’re raising money for and organization that is focusing many of its efforts this year on immigrants’ rights and encouraging youth activism.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
7 Ways to Stay Healthy, Even When You’re Crazy Busy Puori
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Core to Extremity CrossFit Journal
K HarpZ says
ART SHOW!!! my other favorite event at FGB! already started my project 🙂
YESTERDAY! Beating off fall sickness day by day, so far im winning, yesterday i was exhausted and sluggish. Could be the fact that my radiator just turned on and it randomly got cold. Anyway, feeling better than yesterday.
AM sesh:
A)Easy – Aer pace:
2 min run
2 min row
2 min bike
x 6 rounds
running feels awesome, i miss running
PM sesh:
A)3 rounds – NFT:
15 GH hip extentions
10 push ups
20 sec L-sit – accumulate
2 min row – increasing pace every minute
street construction made it impossible to breathe at 608 during this! Gross all i could smell was hot asphalt oozing through the closed garage
B1)Kang Squat
@20X2 4,4,4; rest 1 min – not a max!
B2)Lean away ring pull up
4-6 x 3; rest 2 min
3×6, think I was getting the hang of it as I went along! Pretty good control
C)4 rounds – sustained pace:
15 TTB – unbroken
rest 15 sec
20 burpees
rest 15 sec
25 box jumps – 20″
rest 2 min
SAME times per round
16:59 total time with rest
Not too bad! Felt so smooth on burpees after rd 1
D)sustained pace:
10 SA DB HSCT/side – 35#
50ft hand over hand sled drag – 145#
3k bike
50ft hand over hand sled drag – 145#
10 SA DB HSCT/side – 35#
11:42, sort of slow and steady I was a bit fatigued and low on fuel. Client changes schedule on me so I didn’t get to eat lunch. Hang clean squat thruster was slow and hurt my thumb but once I figured it out I was good. all unbroken. Sled drag SLOOOOW took a minute to figure out. so hard without being able to use my legs!
Linda says
6am with Whit and KHarpZ
Fitness – LBBS: 180x5x2, FSQ: 150×5
This felt better today than last week, even though it was heavier. Love squatting!
WOD: 2r, 1r + 8 bj, 1r + 3bj, 1r + 2bj
No real surprises here. I haven’t done a lot of heavy kb swings recently and my forearms were fried! Also don’t have the conditioning to keep up the same pace right now.
Kirby says
Bummed I’ll miss the art show this year! Such a cool event.
7am w/ Whit + Katie
Fitness squats…
BSQ: 140x5x2
FSQ: 110×5
Ugh, squat drama is back. Everything felt sort of off, but I got some great coaching from Whit on fixing wrist position/torso and hip alignment issues.
WOD: R1: 1+22 reps, R2: 1+20 reps, R3: 1+20 reps, R4: 1+24 reps RXed
This was waaay harder than I expected! The KB felt really heavy and my forearms were getting super fatigued…after the first round or so I had to break up the sets of swings because I was afraid I was going to launch the dang thing across the room.
Allie B says
6 am!
HBBS: 140 2×5
FSQ: 117.5x 5
Same feedback from Whit as Kirby!!
Wod Rx: 2+1, 2+1, 2, 2
Glad I kept it consistent. But daaaang, I’m so impressed by Kate and Kayleigh! Second the grip! I wanted to quit during the second set of KB swings.
I’ve gotta come back to the gym after Technical Theater Team today to do my accessory work from Katie. At least I won’t have to take 7:30 class after though! 😀
Stella says
Do crossword puzzles count as art? It’s been a while since I’ve made one, but I’m trying to fix that.
Kayleigh says
Performance art – we could watch you solve one…
I’m really just hoping for more Fran fiction from Jay Star…
Stella says
OMG THE FRANFIC! I forgot how amazing that was.
Shawn Campbell says
I love that photo – Joy is cracking up. Keith is my fashion icon.
Last night’s AGS was so fun! No tempo – usually I’m down for a beat but less so when it comes to pull ups. Without tempo I got 6, 4, then 2 with 5lbs and 2 with 10 lbs. Two HSPUs with only one mat and then all of the other work with more weight and better form then when it all started. I’m joining the chorus of those who recommend Ro’s AGS classes. I know that many have expressed an interest if only there could be morning or more options schedule-wise.
Yesterday morning’s Wednesday’s work was only so-so. The squats were at 125# for LBBS x 5 but shallow on the last couple. This was only a 5 lb jump from last week. The front squats were better – one set at 100 and they felt good and low with a good shrug and uppy elbows. The WOD was pitiful. I grapped the 20lb KB and that was just fine but I’ve been freaking out about box jumps lately. Since all the 20″ boxes were taken (at 608) I grabbed the 18″ pylo with a sigh of relief and tried to focus on making really good jumps. Even though they were jump overs I came up to full extension (for practice and because there’s a lot of territory to cover to get to the other side): 1 round flat; 1 + a swing; 1+5 and then 1 + 15. Did not break a sweat. I grabbed a 20″ box after class to test a one min. max and did 11 so FGB here I come!
David Osorio says
Excited for FGB AND the Art show!!! Not sure what my art is gonna be… Ive been thinking of going beyond collage but Im not talented in any other form of art so I might be stuck there! Im good at drawing those little stick figures of people lifting from the side. Maybe that!
Teenage Metcon Ninja Turtles are ready for the weekend! We have our Ninja turtle costumes coming, plus April Oneal and Master Splinter. We have our weapons and we will be coming in Tow with a full pizza which I plan on eating a slice each rest period (Maybe)(probably)
Whit says
todayyyy, not pushing since I woke up with a bit of a neck tweak again yesterday. playing it cool and laying off UB.
15 min general and hip/knee warm up
E2MOM x 3 sets : 3 FSQ @ 32×1 @ 120#
E3MOM x 5 sets: 5 FSQ @ 20×1 @ 140#
legs legs legs babyyyyyyy
3 sets, NFT
8L/6R variation on a shrimp squat with 10# plate counterbalance on the soft mat. cute!
15 lying db tricep ext @20×1 @ 12.5# ea, probably should’ve gone for 15#
20 slow alternating heel drops
10min, assault bike, :30 on / :30 off
started 62-63rpm for first three
stayed at 64-65rpm for the middle portion
up toward 66-67rpm for last two
5 min, assault bike easy cooldown
KLove says
HBBS: 135x5x2
FSQT: 110x5x2
All fine. Ben even complimented the improvements in form I’ve made on high bar! Think I’m finally getting used to it.
Skipped the WOD because I’m exhausted and haven’t slept much this week (writing this as I’m posting at 11pm :/ ) plus Bulletproof is starting to add up. Also feel on the verge of getting sick and don’t want to risk it with FGB on Saturday!