Dumbbell Complex
4-5 sets, progressively working up to a challenging load on the following complex:
7 Dumbbell Muscle Cleans
7 Dumbbell Front Squats
7 Dumbbell Push Presses
Only the thumb side globe of the dumbbell touches the floor for the Muscle Cleans. Use a proper front rack for the Front Squats. Control the dumbbells during the dip phase of the Push Press, finishing in a strong, stable overhead position. Please, no dropping the dumbbells from overhead!
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
4 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips
If your 400m run times are longer than ~2:30, then scale to 270m. Sub Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows for Pull-Ups as needed (based on equipment/space). You should be able to complete sets of 5-10 Ring Dips unbroken. If you can’t, scale volume to as little as half (5) or to double (20) Push-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Holy Wall Balls, Batman! Fight Gone Bad is less than 2 weeks away! So far CFSBKers have raised about $4,500 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. That’s awesome, but we still have quite a ways to go before we reach our $25,000 goal. If you haven’t started fundraising yet, check out this list of tips we posted last week. And even if you’re not taking part in the event, you can go HERE to donate to your favorite team
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/8/18 – Su 12/2/18
Goals: This cycle we’re dedicating a regular training day (Mondays) to heavy unilateral training, utilizing varied dumbbell and kettlebell complexes (mixed with bodyweight exercises) in which the aim will be to work up to a heavy load for the day. Wednesday’s barbell lift will be both the Back Squat and the Front Squat. The Olympic lifting focus will include complexes and isometrics with more time under tension, building on the positional strength developed last cycle. Saturdays will continue to be the “Monster Metcon Day,” on which longer and/or partner workouts will be programmed.
Dumbbell/Kettlebell Biased Strength/Stamina/Balance Training
Varied complexes with a focus on unilateral loading and bodyweight training.
Back Squat/Front Squat
Week 1: 2 x 8/1 x 8
Week 2: 2 x 5/1 x 5
Week 3: 2 x 3/1 x 3
Week 4: Box Squat – Heavy Triple
Week 5: 2 x 3/1 x 3
Week 6: 2 x 5/1 x 5
Week 7: 2 x 8/1 x 8
Week 8: Heavy Singles
Start the 2×8 Back Squat at the load you were able to complete for the 10RM from last cycle. Begin the Front Squat at a challenging load, but one that leave a rep or two in the tank.
Weeks 1-3: 2 x 5/1 x 5 Linear Progression
Week 4: Box Squat – Heavy Triple
Weeks 5-7: 2 x 5/1 x 5 Linear Progression
Week 8: Heavy Singles
Start your linear progression for the Back Squat/Front Squat light enough to add weight through 7 weeks, backing off a bit from where you finished the previous Back Squat cycle.
Clean and Jerk
Multiple rep sets and complexes
Monster Metcon Day
Partner/team and/or longer timeframe workouts
Multiple rep sets and complexes
Don’t forget: you can always check our CrossFit group class template over on the Current Programming Cycle page!
News and Notes
- We’re running on a normal schedule today. Have the day off? Come get your fitness on!
- Missing something? Maybe a water bottle (lots of those!), lifters, or a nice looking belt? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: KB Swings, Power Snatches, Overhead Squats, Bar Muscle-Ups
Breaking Down Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Breaking Muscle
Tag, You’re an Insect Atlas Obscura
7 AM since, alas, I do not have today off.
Worked up to 35# on the DB complex. Tiring!
WOD was a slogfest. 20:29 with 8 strict chinups and 20 pushups to DBs per round. I didn’t want to do kipping pullups since I’ve been experiencing some neurological weirdness in my right wrist lately whenever my wrist is in extension (hence the DB pushups too). I should have cut the volume on the pushups because I was spending what felt like a lifetime between singles at the end.
Speaking of neurological weirdness: Basically, what’s going on is that I experience a tingling starting out from the thumb side of the wrist joint (where I had the surgery), and if I keep doing the irritating activity, the tingling starts to radiate outward into the palm of my hand. Is there anything I can do about this in addition to just backing off from stuff that causes it? It’s been going on for a couple of weeks but it’s not severe enough that I’ve considered going to my doctor about it.
Avoid any irritating activities. you may have some inflammation in the area causing some constriction. It might also be upstream somewhere and you’re just feeling it in your hand area. Dont ever push through something that feels like its neurological, adjust position, movement etc. Besides that, some manual therapy from the shoulder down might help. but, as far as on your own, dont just grin and bear it.
Thanks DO! Good to know that my caution here is justified. I sometimes feel like I’m being a baby about avoiding movements that bring it on, simply because it always goes away in less than an hour.
DB complex: 25#, 35#, 40#, 45# for the first two movements and then failed the push press, so I went back to the 40s to just do the push presses.
WOD: 20:15 Rx
Debated scaling dips because I knew that they would take time, but really wanted to get in the volume and skill practice. Right decision for me for the day.
Yesterday’s Subway Series competition at CF Queens with Coach Chris. Also in tow were Daniel R and Andre competing as well as lady fox, Thaisa and Lady Harpzalot cheering us on. Had a great time, none of the workouts were really in my wheelhouse except for the triplet AMRAP but I still had a great time repping CFSBK!!! Thinking about doing the final event at Gantry!
Row 1000m (me)
10:00 AMRAP Alternating rounds
5 pull-ups
7 Hang Power Cleans 115
9 Box Jump Overs 24″
Row 1000m (Chris)
EMOM 10:00
Partner’s alternate every minute for 10 total rounds
10 Burpee Plate jumps
Max reps Bench Press 135
Run 800m with 20# medball
150 Wall Ball Shots
The ball could not touch the floor at any part of the workout
Legs are DEAD today
yesterday, 9am group class w/ the fox fam
did the every 5 min for 5 sets work @ 95, 100, 105, 110, and 115# on the barbell. took my time with singles on the snatches, esp. for the last two sets, but everything still done under 2:30. in hindsight, i should’ve done 5-6 BMU per round probably.
then on my own, every 5 min for 4 sets:
2 rope climb
50′ hs walk
8 each side single leg GHD hip extension — holy shit
50′ dual KB overhead carry @ 16kg ea hand
assault bike for remainder for 5 min period before starting again
wu: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×3, 175×2
work: emom x 10 : 1 bsq @ 185#
Deficit Rvrs Lunge (front rack, dumbbells), 5×8, ascending
25# x 2 sets
35# x 2 sets (L side only)
R knee was very crackly :-/
wu: 45×5, 65×8, 85×6, 95×4, 105×3, 115×2
work: 3 x (2-1-1, rest :20) , rest 3:00 @ 120#
woo! made it! thanks to Snisky for her great hand-off skills!
superset bench warm-ups with 5×8 bench hammy curls @ 20×2
1.75 mile walk home with penny
.25 mile laundry “sandbag” carry (30#?) with penny still in tow #functionalfitness
Lol functional fitness!!
Wow. I wish I would have pushed myself a little more in the DB complex! You’re amazing, Kayleigh!!
Lots of fitness: stuff for Katie, then jumped in on the short circuit metcon, which was a great warmup!
Wod first: 16:something
7 strict pull-ups
8 strict dips
After seeing Kayleigh’s I wish I would have just done the whole thing. We had an 18:00 time cap tho :/
25# on the complex. Attempted 35# for my final round, but I couldn’t muscle clean it. So I quit :X
and *I* wish I’d had an 18 minute time cap…I wonder if you guys had one because of me 😛
WOD 1 Redo!
150 DU
60 WB – 14/10
30 C2B
150 DU
8:06! 1:58 improvement. This was a solid plan! Stuck to it and because of that my doubles werent dead on the tail end. I’m really happy with this. Didnt feel that tired either. How nuts is that? Pacing matters. it really really does.
Need to remember Im comparing myself to myself and not get frustrated with the leaderboard. but good god the competition is hefty this year! Im not surprised given recent announcements of sanctioned comps thus bringing more traffic to the qualifier. Can i say for the 100,000th time that these new rules have made competing at an intermediate-advanced level, COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FRUSTRATING?! seriously. I hope CF realizes this and makes adjustments next year.
Currently in 33rd place. (need to be top 30 to qualify)
My biggest accomplishment was placing 34th overall for WOD 3, which was the 1RM clean and jerk. Never in my crossfit years would i expect to ever place this high in a strength portion of the leaderboard. This shows that my main focus is showing results, and its OK that my engine isnt quite where it needs to be given my increased strength. I bet this time one year from now it will all start to fall into place. patience!! good things are happening! Looking forward to seeing more WODs this week!
Yes!! Eye on the prize girl!