WOD 10.7.18
Every 5 Minutes for 5 Sets:
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
3 Power Snatches
3 Overhead Squats
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Choose a challenging load on the Kettllebell Swings, increasing the barbell load on each set as able. Scaling for Bar Muscle-Ups is either 3 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups or 5-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups. Further scale the Pull-Ups as needed to Jumping Pull-Ups.
Post work to comments.
We can’t guarantee that the CrossFit Jump Rope Workshop we’re hosting in November will get you jumping rope like Buddy Lee, but it’ll definitely make you better! (Seriously, watch this video.)
November 3rd: CrossFit Jump Rope Workshop at CFSBK
Want to get better on the rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts. The workshop features longtime CrossFit proponent and 1992 U.S. Olympian Buddy Lee, who is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost jump-rope authorities. Participants will leave the workshop with clear paths to elusive jump-rope skills such as double-unders, triple-unders and more.
The CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope teaches participants how to:
- Use optimal biomechanics for jump-rope mastery.
- Properly set up jump-rope equipment.
- Correctly adjust the jump rope for optimal results.
- Use progressions that form the base of jump-rope techniques: basic jumping, speed jumping, power jumping (double-/triple-unders).
- Use visualization, imagery, breathing and relaxation techniques in combination with dynamic jump-rope path patterns (forward, backward, sideways, crossover, infinity).
- Program various jump-rope techniques into CrossFit workouts—beyond single-/double-/triple-unders.
What are you waiting for?
News and Notes
- Today’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.
- Tonight at 7pm, CFSBKers Jenna Jerman and Maria Heinegg host “My Body, My Jokes,” a bi-monthly stand up comedy show on the bodily experience. This month’s theme: periods! Come share some laughs with them at Caveat on the LES.
- We’re running on a normal schedule tomorrow, October 8th. Have the day off? Come get your fitness on!
Yesterday’s Results Board: 14 Minute AMRAPS
American Airlines Flight Diverted After Passenger Refuses to Stop Doing Pull-Ups Independent
It’s Okay to Google Your Symptoms The Outline
3 rounds – NFT:
10 HR push ups
10 ring rows
25ft walking lunge
2 min row – increasing pace every 30 sec
Rope climb practice
4 rounds – Sustained pace:
1 min rope climb
1 min BJO
1 min row
1 min burpee
1 min rest
SAME reps and pace per round!