Tempo Box Squat (41X2)
Heavy 3
In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy set of 3 reps of a Box Squat at the prescribed tempo (4 seconds down, 1 second hold on the box, fast up, and 2 seconds at the top). “Sit” on the box for the 1 count while maintaining a braced torso and an active hip.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
This benchmark “Girl” workout and CFSBK Leaderboard item is all about the Sit-Ups if your Doubles are dialed in. Stay loose on the rope and crank on the Sit-Ups. Anchoring the Sit-Ups is allowed. Scale as need to half volume on one or both movements, or to 2x Singles as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Team Ruth Bader Gunsberg unanimously flexin’ after last year’s Fight Gone Bad
Fight Gone Bad 2018: Let’s Do This!
It’s hard to believe that we’re less than 3 weeks away from Fight Gone Bad 2018, but guess what? We’re less than 3 weeks away from FGB 2018! Here’s what your teams should have accomplished so far:
- Pick a captain. And pick a name! We have some good ones so far: Sorry, Fight Gone Bad Team #16 ain’t gonna cut it.
- Your captain should create a Crowdrise page for your team, then invite everyone to join the team.
- Join your team!
- Start fundraising! Check the blog tomorrow for some tips on fundraising.
Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) is proud to partner with CrossFit South Brooklyn on Fight Gone Bad for the 6th year running. BCF is on a mission to spark lasting social change, mobilizing people, capital, and expertise for a fair and just Brooklyn. Since their founding in 2009, the Foundation and their donors have provided over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits throughout the borough, bolstering vital programs and services while responding to urgent community needs and opportunities to fuel community-led change. Last year, CFSBK raised over $21,000 for BCF, and this year we’re shooting to beat that number!
Once again this year, we’re lucky to have some terrific sponsors, so some awesome prizes will be up for grabs. If you’d like to donate additional prizes, please get in touch with our Events Coordinator Coach Brett at Brett [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
We might still be able to get you on a team if you’d like to compete! Contact Coach Jess at info [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com as soon as possible if you’d like to take part.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
A New Project Weaves Patient Stories Into Art Smithsonian
Eating for Wellness CrossFit Journal (video)
Love that photo of Notorious SBG!!! (Sara BG, that is)
Hey, any male CFSBKers would be interested in pairing up for this Sunday’s Subway Series at CF Queens? Ideally someone big and slow and that wouldn’t kill me by being much faster than me 😄 (not in it to win it, just to sweat a lot and have fun)
They’ve announced the work outs and its all accessible stuff – pull-ups, cleans, box jumps, rowing, bench press, burpees, and wall balls.
Email me at gmail – danielamaral@
Do it… Team BEAR-FOX will be there !!!
Sent you an email, I am interested but need to clear the schedule with the fam!
I’m in!!
Let’s do it!!!
7am w/ Ro + Katie
Tempo box squats: 45×5, 95×5, 125×4, 150×3. Form got a little weird in the set of 3…I defaulted to low bar and it didn’t really work for this. Ro suggested high bar, but I was psyched out by that point and haven’t trained HBBS in so long. Something new to work on!
Annie in 7:12 RX. I think this is my favorite CrossFit workout! Was able to shave 24 seconds off my most recent Annie time. The sit-ups felt steady but sort of slow, so I think I must have made up the time on the dubs (all unbroken and pretty smooth). So fun!
All the dubs unbroken? WE ARE NOT WORTHY
I was conservative in my heavy 3 for the box and ended up at 205. I probably should have aimed higher and took bigger jumps at the start.
Ah Annie. I wish this came around 6 months ago when I was not still in bad eating mode from vacation and a summer of a non-strict diet. I was also much more intune with my DUs. I was actually practicing Annie to try and make the board, alas, not this time…6:14 RXed. My allergies left me gasping a bit more for air than normal and the three trip ups, once in the 50s, 40’s and 20’s cost me being in the 5 and change place.
Box squats up to 155#
Had to fix these a bit a long the way to keep upright.
Annie in 8:21Rx’d
25s PR. Sit-ups fast and consistent. Only tripped once in the set of 50 dubs, but tripped 2-3 times in the rounds of 40, 30, 20. Tripped 4 times on my very last rep! Grrr.