Dumbbell / Kettlebell Complex
In 15 minutes, build to a heavy load (using a dumbbell or kettlebell) on the following complex:
Turkish Get-Up Ascent
5 OH (or Front Rack) Reverse lunges
Turkish Get0Up Descent
Start light-medium and find a heavy single for each arm on the complex. Ideally you’ll max out at the same load on each side.
Post loads to comments.
Every Minute on the Minute x 21 (7e):
A) 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
B) Max Push-Ups
C) Rest
Us the heaviest kettlebell that allows you to perform the sets unbroken with proper form. The goal is to perform the greatest total number of reps, not max unbroken sets. If you can’t yet do sets of 7+, scale to incline Push-Ups as needed. On the flip side, if you can perform sets of 10+ easily, scale up to Ring Push-Ups.
Post work to comments.
Tonight: Flex Your Fundraising Muscles!
Are you fundraising for Fight Gone Bad or something else exciting in your life? Looking for more ways to support your favorite local nonprofit? Considering starting up a project for social good? Let’s talk about how to find those dollars! Join CFSBK members Jen B. and Kate T., your resident nonprofit and philanthropic whiz kids, tonight at 8:00pm to learn some fundraising basics and get an introduction to some of the resources out there that can help you make a difference. In this 1.5hr workshop we’ll cover:
- How to research foundation funders
- Protips for fundraising from individuals
- Our favorite things to do—and biggest mistakes to avoid—when you start fundraising
- Supporting nonprofits through funds and beyond
Jen and Kate are both directors at Foundation Center, which is a goldmine for anyone in the nonprofit sector to learn and network.
If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to contact Kate (katetkacik [at] gmail.com) or Jen (jen.bokoff [at] gmail.com).
News and Notes
- For our CrossFit group class programming, this week will be a “Transition Week” between testing week and the start of our next cycle. This week will look pretty similar to any regular cycle but will have some novel lift exposures followed by a metcon or not-for-time work. One thing of note is that the strength work on Mondays during the upcoming cycle will be dumbbell/kettlebell complexes. The goal on these will be to work up to a heavy load for the day, and we’ll be teasing this tomorrow. These should be a fun and novel way to go heavy on some unilateral work. As always, we value your feedback!
- Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! An evening edition of Coach Keith’s popular Active Life Strength class starts October 15th, and registration opened last week. Check out last Tuesday’s post for details!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Burpees, Toes-to-Bars
Huge Global Studies Find Low-Carb or Keto Diets Could Lead to Shorter Lifespan Blue Zones
The Benefits of Intuitive Lifting Breaking Muscle
Had the BEST morning!!!
Our school started a staggered schedule (during non-testing weeks), so that means I’m now working from 8:30-5:15…which means, I get to workout at 6am!
Had so much fun!!!
PR’d my turkish get up at 30#. On both sides! Sturdy shoulders built by Katie! If you have any issues, man…see her! I am so excited by the strength and stability she has helped me develop 😛
23-23-18-18-15-13 for push-ups.
Of course, next week is our first testing week. It’s going to really suck going back to evening classes. I literally feel like I’m going to PR EVERYTHING when I’m not totally exhausted from work and drama club… yay!!! 6am rocks!
thank you allie!!! <333
Roll call – who’s planning to come flex some fundraising muscles tonight? Post some of your fundraising curiosities here too!
nonprofit pump seshh see you there
woot woot!! Ill be downstairs coaching unfortunately. Have a killer session!
7am w/ Ro + Lauren (happy belated birthday!)
TGU: 15#x2ea, 20#x2ea. I love these! Wish I’d gone a bit heavier.
WOD: biggest set of push-ups was 15 (round 2). I used the white KB for the first 5 rounds, then traded with Shawn for the green for the last 2.
Lil recap from yesterday…
C + J: 130 for a 2# PR! I mistakenly thought it was just a PR for the jerk, but realized I’ve never full squat cleaned 130 before (I power cleaned it at Subway Series but failed the jerk). That’s 2 oly PRs last week—unexpected considering the lack of consistent training this cycle. Yay!
WOD in 6:08 with a mix of t2b and HLR. Don’t know what happened to my t2b…they used to be one of my favorite things but the last two times I’ve done them, I just haven’t been able to get into a rhythm and keep it. Something to work on (again).
Turkish – Lunging – Get up and Down: 25#, 35#, 45#, 50#
Felt pretty balanced on each side.
KB Swings: 32kg (20 x 7 is a lot more that I initially conceived)
Push ups: 24-20-18-17-16-16-16
Settled in to consistent sets at the end.
7 AM fun
Worked up to 30# on TGUs. I should have been more aggro with my weight jumps, I really wasn’t sure how having to stabilize the DB for 5 lunges was going to affect me. I think I could have done at least 40.
WOD with 24kg bell, best set of pushups was 18, worst 12. When they die, they DIE.
7 am with Arturo and Lauren
Worked up to 25# on the TGUs and TGDs. Time ran out or I would have grabbed the 27.5 or even the 30. There was more in me. Therefore, I grabbed the 24kg KB for the emom. I couldn’t hold on to it for the full 20 by round 4 so I asked Kirby if she wanted to trade for the last 2 rounds (there were no more 20 kgs on the shelf) to my relief she said yes! Thanks Kirby! I gotta say, even with the lighter KB those last two rounds were tough. Push ups started at 17 for the first few rounds, dropped to 13 (that 4th round was killer) and then back to 15 and 16 once I had the 20 kg KB. I seem to do OK getting one last one with one second left.
I’m sorry that I have to miss Jen and Kate tonight! I’d love to listen in on their wisdom. The Foundation Center is a treasure and has been a great help to me several times over the years. I’d be particularly interested to know how philanthropic institutions have responded to these “go fund me” times.
Interesting question! One thing I’ve seen is that crowdfunding/online donation campaigns increase the perception that running an online campaign is easy because ‘anyone can do it.’ They can…and there are lots of reasons for them not to and things that are challenging about doing it successfully.
How far does that – it’s so easy – feeling ripple? Does it have an impact at the foundation, or large nonprofit level? I was thinking that the online donations are easy and tend to be focused and finite. Does that translate into giving at an organizational level, or does it compete with ongoing campaigns? It reminds me a little of some of the concerns I have about Participatory Budgeting in NYC. I’d love to talk to you about this some day. In the meantime, have a great gathering tonight!
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Fox
TGU/LG Complex
Used Dumbbells
40# x1e
50# x1e
60# x1e
75# x1e
90# x1e
Love me some Dumbbell work
KB Swings @24kg
That was a lot of sets
Love Allie B’s ringing endorsement of KHarpz’s coaching and guidance! Hells to the yeah… on both accounts! 🙂
Today, some solo work after a luxurious and wonderful THREE FULL DAYS OFF of training (and two full days off in a row of work!):
a. power clean and split jerk, up to a heavy-ish single
85 with variety of jerks
105 push + split
115, 125, 135, 145 x 1 x 3 (83% of C&J, 88% of power)
mehhhh. letting the bar get away from me a bit. might be something in my second pull. i think i’m just used to that… didn’t notice until i took video. things to fix!
b. EMOM x 10 : power clean + split jerk
@ 135#
focused on the above notes
c1. close grip bench @ 20×1: 8-6-4-2
75×8, 95×6, 105×4, 115×2
bonus round: 125×2
drop set: 105xME (leave 1-2 in tank) = 6
c2. single leg RDL
4×8 @ 65# barbell
d. 4 sets
150′ dual KB front rack carry, 16kg ea hand (3 passes of 608 gym)
:15 L-sit hold on rings — quads on so much fire
Hey Moms!
Is there a CFSBK/CrossFit pregnancy/new moms facebook group (or some other such thing) that you could recommend? Asking for a client who would like some communal support for this specific population.
Email me with any info you care to share.
christian (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
TGU: 25-30-35-40
40# felt solid and I didn’t feel an imbalance (yet?). Wish there was a little more time to see how 45 felt.
24 kg KB
Goal was to stick with 15 reps each round. Could have done more reps the first two rounds but knew it would be difficult to maintain consistency.
Sad to have missed the fundraising workshop. Exhausted and wasn’t able to hang until 8pm.