For Time:
1 Mile Run
2K Row
1 Mile Run
This benchmark hero workout and CFSBK Leaderboard item, “Jerry” (aka “The CrossFit 5K”), isn’t meant to be a relaxing jog/row sandwich. Set a goal to run a hard first mile, maintain an uncomfortable pace for the row, and empty the tank on the final mile. If you’re newer to CrossFit or your mile pace is greater than 10 minutes consider scaling to 2/3 Mile and/or a 1500m Row. If you have an injury that precludes you from running, sub 3 miles on the bike per mile on the run.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fundraising 101: Flex Your Fundraising Muscles
Are you fundraising for Fight Gone Bad or something else exciting in your life? Looking for more ways to support your favorite local nonprofit? Considering starting up a project for social good? Let’s talk about how to find those dollars! Join CFSBK members Jen B. and Kate T., your resident nonprofit and philanthropic whiz kids, on Monday, October 1st at 8:00pm to learn some fundraising basics and get an introduction to some of the resources out there that can help you make a difference. In this 1.5hr workshop we’ll cover:
- How to research foundation funders
- Protips for fundraising from individuals
- Our favorite things to do—and biggest mistakes to avoid—when you start fundraising
- Supporting nonprofits through funds and beyond
Jen and Kate are both directors at Foundation Center, which is a goldmine for anyone in the nonprofit sector to learn and network.
If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to contact Kate (katetkacik [at] gmail.com) or Jen (jen.bokoff [at] gmail.com).
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
- Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! In case you missed it, an evening edition of Coach Keith’s popular Active Life Strength class starts October 15th, and registration opened this week. Check out Tuesday’s post for details!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Benefit of Bad Training Catalyst Athletics
Nutrition: The Problem CrossFit Journal (video)
Reminder that Pilates is back on tomorrow (Sunday)!
Also this fundraising thing sure looks fun 😉
Just want to say that the music in Short Circuit has been ON POINT.
Yesterday after the QOD revealed that my first album purchase was Milli Vanilli (DON’T JUDGE), Brett played “Girl You Know It’s True.”
And today Nick rickrolled us. ACES.