1RM Test
Warm up (sample warm up progression below, notice the sets at lower weights) and test your 1RM. If you’re feeling good then try to set a new personal best. If not then warm up and try to make a few singles at or above 85% of your previous 1RM.
If you’re newer to the lift, or just want to break it down a bit, perform the complex of: Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat.
Sample Warm Ups (Previous 1RM of 145): BB Drills, 75 x 3 x 2, 95 x 2 x 2, 105 x 1 x 2, 115 x 1, 125 x 1 (85%)
If you’re feeling good then… 132.5, 140, 147.5
Press outs are missed lifts, as are any part of the body other then the feet touching the floor or taking more than a few steps forward on the recovery.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
Calories Rowed
Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
When scaling, choose a load for the Thruster that allows you to complete each round in 1-3 sets.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Behind the Desk: Rachel Cochran
This fall you can look forward to new installments of our Behind the Desk series, about our beloved and much appreciated front desk staff! These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together. First up is Rachel C.!
Name (and any nicknames):
Rachel Cochran
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born and raised in the “Athens of the South”—Nashville, Tennessee
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I’ve been doing CrossFit for about a year and a half. Prior to CrossFit, I spent a few years doing road races and triathlons. I finished a big triathlon and realized there was more to life than spending, quite literally, 10+ hours exercising on a Saturday. Not long after, I joined CFSBK. Here, it’s almost like half the work is done for me. I show up, do what the coaches say, and I’m out in an hour. It’s a dream!
What are you recommending right now?
Sushi and podcasts. Current gold medalists: Silver Rice and My Favorite Murder.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
I’m the co-founder of a communications and design firm, Beachy Media. We work mostly with endurance sport and lifestyle brands, which roughly translates to sitting behind my computer and talking about fitness. Shout out to CFSBK for being a much-needed daily break from the screen, and well… giving me a chance to work out instead of just talk about it.
What are your favorite and least favorite lifts?
Favorite? Deadlifts, easily. Least favorite is Bench Press because I swear my upper body is filled with air.
What are three (non-essential like food and water) things you can’t live without?
Iced coffee, dogs, and lakes.
Any front-desk public service announcements?
Save a LaCroix for me!
News and Notes
- Registration for Fight Gone Bad 2018 closes tomorrow at night. Just 2 short days left to sign up for a day loaded with fun costumes, camaraderie, and fundraising for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Since 2008, CFSBK has raised more than $600,000 for local causes, and since 2012, we’ve raised over $190,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Check out all the good stuff BCF does in your area. Help us get past $200,000 this year! Go here for more info and to get in on the fun!
- Monday’s Fundraising 101: Flex Your Fundraising Muscles talk with Jen B. and Kate T. has been bumped back half an hour to 8pm this Monday. Learn some fundraising basics and get an introduction to some of the resources out there that can help you make a difference!
- Who PR’d their Back Squat yesterday? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat Test
No Expiration CrossFit Journal
Are We Wired to Sit? NY Times
Rachel: hear, hear! I used to be a distance runner too and boy is it nice not to spend my entire morning running every Sunday.
First workout back from my vacation. I basically spent the entire day traveling yesterday and my body is a mess. Tight hips, angry low back, all that. I came in for 7 AM (kinda shocked I didn’t make 6 AM, given the jet lag!) not expecting a whole lot out of myself other than to move.
I did ok on snatches through the 93# mark (PR match), then it was fail after fail after fail. The bar was up to my freakin’ eyeballs, I just didn’t want to drop under it for some reason! I can somewhat blame jet lag (I really was feeling pretty lightheaded by 3/4 of the way through lifting time), but it wasn’t ALL about the lightheadedness. This is an ongoing thing I need to work on. :/
WOD in 6:36 Rx. I took what I thought was a slow and steady pace and I ended up coming in only 19 seconds slower than Kayleigh! I usually measure myself at about 1.5 Kayleighs when we’re talking about for-time WODs so I’m very pleasantly surprised. I felt like garbage for a good 20 minutes afterward though.
HI RACHEL! It was super fun lifting with Rachel during my last Strength Cycle and seeing her make major gains. And I’m excited to learn that she is, like me, a murderino. (Rachel, I can’t believe we never discussed this! #ssdgm! Also, your job sounds so cool.)
7am w/ Katie + Jess
Snatch testing: 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88PR, 90PR! Haven’t done much oly lifting in the last few months (and haven’t PRed my snatch in ages), so I was pleasantly surprised by this. Happy I was partnered with Stella—that always forces me to rise to the occasion!
WOD in 7:00 with 25# DBs. I punked out on the 35s and felt kind of guilty about it, but considering my time was about where Jess advised it should be, and I was able to stick to my chosen rep scheme (11-10, 7-8, 9 unbroken), maybe this was exactly right!
103 would be a one year old PR match that I’ve hit several times since then. Happy that I could make so many attempts and not feel intimidated by the weight. Got under it several times but form was off. Bar was too far out in front and/or pulled too early. Both things I have been working on in NLWL.
WOD: 8:11 @30#
Thrusters: 9-7-5, 8-7, 9
Chalked up twice and drank water once in the middle of this WOD. Had no drive to get to the point of pain or push through it today.