Back Squat Test
Warm up and test a 1RM. If you’re feeling good, then try to set a new personal best. Use spotters on all work sets. The bar may only move upward from the bottom of the Squat and the feet must stay flat. Full depth in the Squat is achieved when the hip crease passes below the top of the kneecap.
Warm up and test a 10RM! Use your higher rep-out sets from the previous 7 weeks as a guide on what to shoot for. You likely only have 1-2 good attempts in you, maybe 3, so plan wisely. Use spotters on all work sets. The bar may only move upward from the bottom of the squat and the feet must stay flat. Full depth in the Squat is achieved when the hip crease passes below the top of the kneecap.
Sample Warm Ups and Attempts
These are only meant as a guide. The main goal is to get properly warm and not fatigued for your opener. Notice that as the warm up weights go up, the reps go down.
Lifter 1
Warm Ups: 45 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 3 275 x 1, 315 x 1
Attempts: 345 – 360 – 370 – 375
Lifter 2
Warm Ups: 45 x 5, 75 x 3, 85 x 1, 95 x 1
Attempts: 105 – 110 – 115 – 117.5
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
If you don’t register for Fight Gone Bad, you’ll have to deal with Captain Lynsey. Just 3 days left to sign up! You don’t want to walk the plank, do you?!
New York Health Act: Short Film and Forum on October 27th
Sick of medical bills, co-pays, deductibles, and rising health insurance premiums?
On Saturday, October 27th from 7 to 9pm, CFSBK will screen Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point. This 22-minute documentary takes an in-depth look at our dysfunctional for-profit healthcare system and shows how moving to a universal, single-payer system might impact you as a patient, a provider, or a business.
Learn about a new comprehensive health plan with no premiums, deductibles, or co-pays that guarantees healthcare for every New York resident regardless of health, income, immigration status, or employment status.
We will have a Q&A after the screening and a discussion about the ways YOU can help achieve guaranteed care for all.
Come learn why CrossFit South Brooklyn and hundreds of other businesses, freelancers, doctors, and other New Yorkers support the New York Health Act.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Welcome to the Muscle-Up Club Morning Chalk Up
Undocumented The Players’ Tribune
4 more announcements of sanctioned comps. One including the MAAC challenge which I sign up for occasionally every year only because it’s close to my house in Maryland and my friends want to do a team for fun. They throw on a good event and there is cash prize so I guess there is incentive to sign up. But seriously, what is happening?!? All of these “sources” are coming from PR newswire. Has anyone heard any actual recorded evidence that this is all true? Not a word from themselves. Last time I checked that’s where I should be getting my news. #frustratedcompetitor.
7am w/RoHarpz
165, 180, 190*, 200F, 200F HBBS
PR – 5# shy of LBBS 1RM. The good: 180 & 190 moved fast, felt so good. I definitely got stronger this cycle and I’m very pleased to have closed the gap btw high bar & low bar. The bad: this makes like the 5th or 6th failed attempt at 200# & I really don’t want to make a albatross out of this number, but damn. Got just a beautiful bounce out of the bottom on both attempts and then stuuuuuckkkk halfway up. I think I need to focus on ‘hips through’ instead of ‘hips up’. Kharpz recommended box squats which makes sense. Quick shout out to Gene who did great work on his 10RM @ 190#, as Ro said “that was a nice piece of squatting.”
1mi run cash out + squat over-analysis w/Kirby 🙂
7am w/ Ro + Katie
LBBS test: 135×3, 165×2, 185f, 185×1 (current 1RM is 190)
Well, that didn’t go as planned! Went in intending to do my attempts at 185, 195 and 200, but that first failure at 185 totally f’ed me up mentally. In retrospect, trying to go for a PR today was way too ambitious; I realized I’ve only squatted 4 times in the last month since coming back to group class post-Strength Cycle, and haven’t really squatted heavy at all in that time. I just want 200 SO BAD!!
It wasn’t a total loss, however, because I got some awesome coaching from Ro and Katie. And I got to squat with Shawn, who very nicely put up with all my squat drama.
Then a 1mile run cash-out at a truly conversational pace (meaning we actually conversed) w/ Kate!
gurl it was group class, you had 15 minutes! (18, maybe?) The difference between that and having 30+ minutes to warm up and do your attempts is ginormous.
7am with Katie and Arturo too
Garrrzgh. I got tired of not squatting low enough at 165 so I added 2# and failed 167 instead. Close, as usual. Not really a problem coming up (granted I didn’t have very far to travel). So many blames – such as third class in 24 hours but that would only be the culprit if the weight was too heavy. The real problem is that low gets higher as the weight gets heavier. Ro noticed that my knees are coming in at the bottom, which prevents the bottom from getting to the bottom. Well, he didn’t say it like that….
This is just frustrating since the shallow squat has always been my issue and I tried to really, really focus on that position this cycle. On the upside. I knew immediately that I didn’t make it all the way down. In the past I would be shocked when I was told it was a no rep.
It was great to work with Kirby who was not dramatic – just thinking it all through. I have every reason to believe that Kate TK and Kirby are right around the corner from 200 and I think I’ll just blow off 165 by PRing at 170 next cycle. How’s that for a plan?
Excellent plan
10 AM with Brett.
then 3×220, all fails and 1x 217.5 also a fail.
215 is my PR, and I really wanted 220 this cycle- I think two things mattered the most for this-
1. I didn’t start the cycle heavy enough. Went from 135-165, should have started at 145 at least.
2. Brett made a great observation that I was prepping for the bounce and tilting forward, which got me out in front and gave me no real chance to make the lift- this is not something I do at lighter weights, so I need to push past the mental error of doing this differently.
Angry one mile run sub 8.
Looking forward to (hopefully) snatching tomorrow!
Blow off 220 and get a 222.5 PR next cycle!
Went into today thinking “one set of ten and I’m out.” Loaded the bar to 210 (previous 10RM was 200) and it felt – well – not easy, but far from max effort. KHarpz tried to talk me into 215. Instead, I talked myself into 220. And they all happened. 220 for a new 10RM 🙂
My attention span on the bike is that of a goldfish (snapchat memory), so I broke up every 2 min with 5 strict pull-ups.
Wow, Kayleigh, you really are amazing! Everyone is!
Great work, everybody… even if you didn’t PR!
Followed performance programming, so I just stuck with a 10RM. I am 100% positive I picked my real 10RM. Lauren was watching and all were to depth, but that last rep was harrrd.
I honestly feel pretty good about that! 85% of my 1rm.
Doesn’t seem like a lot compared to all the gains some folks have made, but I am just gunna focus on my own progress and keep being consistent.
The gains of Whit, KHarpz, etc over the years proves it’s possible!
HBBS: 200#
Really happy about this even though it’s 20# under my LBBS PR. I had no idea what to expect today since this is my first cycle doing HBBS in 4 years and kept it conservative the last several weeks to make sure I was maintaining good form. Ended at 150x3x5 so was a bit nervous about attempting anything higher than 180#. Everything moved well though so I kept adding weight! If I had more time left I would have attempted 205. I’m considering this a HBBS PR.