Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Karina and Francine attended an Olympic weightlifting camp put on by Murder of Crows Barbell Club in collaboration with McKenna’s Gym over the weekend. They’re pictured here with Coach Mike McKenna, and they also met 1972 Olympic Gold Medalist Zygmunt Smalcerz!
Friday: Stronger Than Addiction Workout at CFSK
In our effort to create a community of support for people from all walks of life, we are hosting a FREE workout this Friday, September 21 at 7:00pm for anyone struggling with addiction, in recovery from addiction, or whose lives have been affected by addiction. Being around others who have been through the same experience will show you are not alone. Come connect with others in the community and get a great workout!
This event will feature a beginner-friendly circuit workout, the opportunity to share and connect, and information about Shatterproof, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation addiction causes families. Join us for an evening of sweat and solidarity.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Sumo Deadlift | Thrusters, Burpees
Message to My Haters: You Are Correct, I’m a Neanderthal The Outline
Why I Stopped Running After 51 Years Starting Strength
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
3×5 LP
Heavier than last week.
65% x 5 x 3 (@22X2)
Deload week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
4-5 Rounds Not for Time:
100′ Sled Push, AHAP
4-8 Strict Pull-Ups
90-120s Bike/Row/Jog
The sled push is down and back in either gym. The load should be heavy for you but should never stop moving (except for the turnaround). Add assistance/weight to the Pull-Ups as needed/able. Take the bike/row/jog at an easy pace.
Post work to comments.
20 sec ring support
8 SA ring rows/side
20 sec L-hang
2 min row-bike-ski-run – easy
X 2 rounds
B. Kipping ring muscle up practice
C. Sustainable pace:
2-5 ring muscle ups
20 box jump step down, 24/20
800m cyclical activity from above
Rest 2 min
3 rounds
SAME times per round!
7am doing Monday w/Snicks
Press: 73×2, 75.5x2x3 – stupid math! Planned on 75# the whole time & realized I had to bump up to accommodate the yellow bar in the second set. Moved fine, might have been able to do a tiny bit more for these doubles.
Sumo: 205×3, dead stop, hook grip – heavy af.
WOD: 6:44rx
Had to go RX after all due to lack of 15# bumps! I’d worked myself up over this nightmare after having to watch it for hours yesterday behind the FD, to the point that I’d fully planned to scale down to 63#. Then it just wound up happening to me at the last minute and I dunno I think it went OK. Unbroken on 15, then 6-6, 5-4. Lauren had really stressed staying unbroken, but looking back, if I’d split up the 15, I might’ve been able to hold on to the 12/9. Didn’t wrap thumbs around the bar on thrusters and that helped with the mobility overhead quite a bit. I peeped that little trick when watching the RX ladies at subways series – I like it! Burpees slow but steady.
nice job lady!!!
Anyone about my size (I’m 5’8″) willing to loan me a working bicycle with gears and a straight handlebars for the weekend?
take mine – its not fancy but it will work
A)Barbell Bench Press
@2011 5,3,1 reps, rest as needed
FUQ YEA!!!!!! Keith said it looked easy. I think I agree. Have more in there, wonder what ive got for a max rep sans tempo and a pause at the chest instead! Needed this today. My thumb still really hurts from last weeks ball tossing incident.
A)4 rounds – sustained pace:
25 cal AB
50ft reverse sled drag, 2-3 blue
15 ghd hip ext
12 ring rows
10 push ups
50ft sled push, 2-3 blue
SAME times per round
18:37 total- splits 4:26/5:01/4:50/4:20
Don’t really know what I did different each round. Transitioned the same. Bike 55-58 RPM without dropping or going over that. Sled speed felt the same. RR and PU and hip ext unbroken. No clue!
back off/test week. i get to do a bunch of gymnastics tests cant wait to see how it goes! Karen tomorrow blahhhh Karen and i do not get along
8 AM squatting with Lauren. 200x5x3. Fine, even though I was too lazy to bring my lifters to the gym today.
Sled work was unexpectedly horrible! How is it that my sneakers can slide around so much on the mats but the sled doesn’t want to slide at all? Oh physics.
Was pleasantly surprised to find that my pullups didn’t completely die on me after the first round. I did 4 each round, although I had to break them up 3-1 after the first round.
Got back from a conference in Colombia, and boy am I eviserated from all the travel.
Managed to go running each morning for 30 minutes, but now my knee’s swollen and feeling weird. Def a good sign.
Stuck to Paleo 85% of the time, which I’m proud of. It’s not easy when you travel—and face down locals who INSIST you eat an arepa con huevo (or five).
Hoping this sore throat is minor so I can get back to the gym stat.
7:30 PM, Wednesday work with KHarpz.
Back squat– stuck to 265# for work. I was hoping to increase, but spent the weekend loading festival gear and was still feeling it in a big way, so figured I’d focus on form. First set was shaky as expected…then the second and third were great, and I totally should’ve gone up. Next time!
Sled work (+135) was fun in a masochistic way. The difference in resistance depending which track you followed on the floor was bonkers, but kind of a fun shakeup. Also scaled pull ups to shorter jumps than usual and they were better than expected, so that was a plus. I might just graduate to the band soon. Maybe.
The day after last week’s back squats session, I had to wedge myself onto a business flight and wanted to die. Not having to do that again made recovery much, much better!