Clean Complex
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 sets):
3 Position Hang Clean (Hip + Knee + Low [1″] Hang Clean)
Pause for a 2 count at each Hang position before the Clean. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The time that you’ll be hanging onto the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20/15 Calorie Row
20 Box Jumps 24/20″
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
Aim to keep moving on this at a. moderate pace, never nearing redline. The Box Jumps should all be step downs, and the Dumbbell Snatches should be smooth and steady. When finished, you should feel like you could keep going for another 20 minutes.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Today’s 12pm Pilates class is cancelled, but Karina was kind enough to give us this 20-minute mat workout you can do on your own. Enjoy!
Next Sunday: The Subway Series at CrossFit Viruosity
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of 4 events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year.
This year the 2nd event takes place at CrossFit Virtuosity on September 23rd. The Subway Series uses a team format (M/M and F/F), and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up.
Go here to register!
News and Notes
- Tomorrow night’s 7pm Next Level Weightlifting class is cancelled. Coach Frank is competing at the USA Weightlifting American Open Series 3 today. He’ll be lifting on the Blue platform at 1:25pm, and you can watch him on the live stream. Kick some ass, Frank!
- There’s less than a week left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day full of fun costumes, badass athletic feats, and fundraising for a great cause! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Team Sprint/Bench
New Elimination Style Format Coming to 2019 CrossFit Games BarBend
Controlling Fibromyalgia Through CrossFit CrossFit Journal (video)
Clean complex, AKA Humble Pie II, up to 103. I actually did decently (considerably better than w/snatching on Thursday) because I kept the weight pretty light, although the first set at 103 was squirrelly from the hip position.
WOD, 4 rounds plus the row Rx. I’m pretty good at keeping a sustainable pace (it fits with my lazy instincts!) but I was surprised at how I found myself not feeling great by the middle of this. I suspect I have last night’s whiskey to thank for that. 😛
Glad I stayed for AR afterward. Felt great to sit in pigeon pose for a while!
Folks AG is happening! Sorry not used to posting before:
8 push ups/knees ok
10 sec chin over bar hold/or 20 sec top of ring row steep angle
15 sit ups
2 min row – increasing pace
x 2 rounds
Bar muscle up practice
Sustained pace:
5 bar muscle ups
30ft DB FR walking lunge – heavy
40 double unders
2k row
40 double unders
30ft DB FR walking lunge – heavy
5 bar muscle ups
20 min cap
8 rounds x 2 sets:
1 min AB
1 min ski
1 min row
rest 5-10 min
clean & Jerk
1 reps every 4 min for 6 sets
add weight each set, keep it snappy, no misses
85% 3 sets, 2 reps, rest 1-2 min
150/160/170/180/190/200 (F) ugh
160 x 2 x 3
TECHNIQUEEEEEE IS KILLIN ME. dude i couldve sworn i was going to hit 200, 190 felt good! I think the bar is crashing on my shoulder and being unproductive, i couldnt catch it on tension. I also got super nervous about this number cause it means a lot to me. But yeah i was pulling it really high my legs are just stupid and cant stand it up.
B)Sumo Deadlift
@2011 3 reps, 5 sets, rest 2-3 min
255×3, 265x3x2. 255x3x2
expectation vs reality. I obviously misgauged my strength today. I thought for sure I was going to build up 10# from 255 and finish at 305. Which honestly i know i can do. But listened to my body today the best i could after my 200# clean fail. I dont think im fully recovered from comp and my body reminded me of that. I will feel fine next week.
C1)Toes to Bar
@20 reps, 4 sets unbroken, rest 30s
4×20. good!
C2)Box Jump Step Down
@20 unbroken reps, 4 sets, rest as needed
4×20, jumpers were tired AF
A1)Strict Handstand Push-up
@10 reps, 4 sets, rest 30s
yes! no clicks no pain and felt STRONG.
A2)Chest to Bar Pull-Up
@ 16 reps, 4 sets, rest 30s
do not rip!
4×16, yayz! still have more my hands were sore thats all
A3)Front Rack Walking Lunge
@6 reps/leg, 4 sets, rest as needed
add weight
4x6ea 105/115/125/125
B)2-4 sets @ 85% effort
12 cal AB
15 burpees
15 KBS, 24kg
rest 10 min
2:16/2:20/2:29/2:19 casual 16-29 seconds slower than the last go around. not the best, i knew i wasnt tanked out by the 4th round i tried to force myself to try harder. but it was a crazy coaching day at the gym so i didnt have time to fuel well so i just didnt have the push today. also i think my brain is just over this WOD.
Clean complex at 83#
All reps solid but didn’t add weight because my lower back hurts.
WOD Rx’d: 4+8
Consistent pace each round. Rows slow so my heart rate wouldn’t spike. Box jumps steady. First set of snatches were a little slow and sped up with each round as I warmed up to the movement. Did a mix up muscle and power snatches.