Ring Muscle-Ups
Spend 12-15 minutes doing 5-6 sets of one (or more) of the following options. Choose the one that best suits your needed area of improvement.
A) Transition Strength: 2-3 Leg/Band Assisted Low Ring Transitions with a 3 second pause in a deep dip at the finish of the transition
B) Stability: 5-10 Second Top and Bottom Ring Supports. Be sure to squeeze the rings in close to the body and use toes on floor as needed.
C) Pulling/False Grip Strength: 2-3 False Grip Ring Pull-Ups + 10 Second False Grip Hang
D) Transition Skill/Stability: Jumping Muscle-Ups with a 3 second pause in a deep dip in the finish of the transition before pressing out the dip.
Post work to comments.
15 Rounds for Time:
4 Handstand Push-Ups
2 Muscle-Ups
1 Deadlift 315/225
Scale Handstand Push-Ups to 1 AbMat, 1 x Wall Walks, or 1 x Dumbbell Push Presses as needed. If you have a few Dips and Ring Pull-Ups but don’t quite have Ring Muscle-Ups yet, sub Jumping Muscle-Ups. Otherwise scale to 1 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups. They are a sub for Ring Muscle-Ups and are only 2 at a time, so choose a challenging scaling option. The Deadlift should be on the heavy side for you.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Jess crushing it (as usual) at last year’s Subway Series
Tomorrow: The Subway Series at CFSBK
The 2018 Subway Series kicks off tomorrow right here on Degraw Street. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf! It’s a big event, and to keep it running smoother than the actual subway, we’ve modified Sunday’s class schedule. Here’s what you can expect:
8am Short Circuit
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
6-8pm Open Gym
Everything else is cancelled!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
CrossFit Games Athletes Respond to Huge Changes Boxrox
MTA Official Too Nervous to Tell Commuters Waiting for Train That Service Shut Down Permanently an Hour Ago
9am class
15:30 Rx
Good times!
AR then noon w/ Wit to the Brett
Love me some stretching. Capitán Osorio had us wrap up class by staring into a partner’s eyes for 3 minutes—harder than you think. Once I got over my age-appropriate giggling, I noticed the kind soul in front of me with soft brown eyes. Hell of a way to meet you, Frank.
Hip started to feel weird during the DLs. Quit ‘em after the 4th round—had a small tear in my hip last year—and am in no mood for a repeat. Brett gave me a scaling option, that ended up being harder than they look. Thank god I have zero shame, because those seated hip-up thingys look like they’re inspired by a trip to the gyno’s office.
Paleo (and adulting) continues.
took a computer hiatus for almost 2 weeks (besides watching episodes of breaking bad really quickly) computer break has been nice! Bouncing back from ireland hasnt been so tough either surprisingly.
A1) Strict Handstand Push-up
@10 reps, 4 sets, rest 30s
I think my shoulder needs a little break from high volume strict HSPU. Im not getting any better and its definitely the culprit behind my increased clicking. Now that i know whats going on i understand why, im not worried about it at all just need to do some accessory work. Anyway! I felt AMAZING after subbing the following:
3x10ea single arm seated DB strict press (30#)
*focused on controlling a packed position at the top in external rotation on L side (weird ass shoulder), pain free and no click if i wasnt pressing like an a-hole
A2) Chest to Bar Pull-Up
@ 16 reps, 4 sets, rest 30s
do not rip!
stayed strict today. 4×8 strict unbroken c2b. way more in the tank
A3) Front Rack Walking Lunge
@6 reps/leg, 4 sets, rest as needed
add weight
4x6ea lunge @ 85#
keeping legs fresh for sunday.
B) 4 sets @ 85% effort
12 cal AB
15 burpees
15 KBS, 24kg
rest 10 min
Felt good to move fast. im ricky bobby, i just wanna go fast!!!!
cant wait to compete tomorrow with Sarah and see if my engine is almost ready for comp szn or needs a lot more work.
22:30 modified
2 HSPU per round with one ab mat. My shoulder has been feeling good so decided to do these and scaled volume and range of motion since I rarely do them. Did them unbroken with no failures which kinda surprised me bc they aren’t a strength for me.
2 C2B unbroken. No repped myself on one of them.
Subbed :20 Sorenson hold with 15# plate for the heavy deadlift bc of my back. I started with :30 holds but never would have finished under the time cap esp with the long walk to the GHD so decreased to :20 after the 4th round. Didnt set GHD up correctly so Whit fixed that right up for me and then they were harder:)
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!
Hi all!
I lost one of my best komplex grips this week. It’s black. No more details I can give! If anyone picked it up, let me know. My left hand is taking a beating without it…