Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes (10 sets):
Snatch Pull + Low (1″) Hang Snatch Pull + Low (1″) Hang Snatch
Pause for a 2 count 1″ from the floor at the Low Hang position before the Snatch. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The amount of time that you’ll be hanging on to the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build only to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Toes-to-Bars
12 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20″
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
This Sunday: The Subway Series Stops at CFSBK
The 2018 Subway Series starts right here at CFSBK this Sunday, September 9th at 12pm. We’re super proud and very excited to host this awesome event! Here’s some important stuff you need to know:
- You can find the workout descriptions and standards here. We also made video walkthroughs for each workout: “Synchro AMRAP,” “Double Trouble Chipper,” and “Heavy 10.”
- We’re still on the hunt for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping. It’s a great way to get involved and make some new gym buds, even if you don’t want to compete. Email David [at] if you’re interested. We really need your help!
- We’re running on a modified schedule that day. You can find that schedule right here.
- Not competing or volunteering? That’s cool, too. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf!
Tomorrow: Free Next Level Weightlifting Club Class
Want to get better at Olympic lifting? We recently added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, and this week those afternoon classes are free! There’s no need to register beforehand. Just show up tomorrow and get your Oly on!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | “Helen”
Can You Do 10,000 Double-Unders in 30 Days? Morning Chalk Up
Setting the Standard The Players’ Tribune
Oh man! Hallalujah!
Thank goodness the calories rowed don’t have to be synchro… lol! Sarah would have had to completely overhaul her rowing technique! Phew!! I had anxiety about that one.
Me, this morning: “Thank gawd it’s an AMRAP! I can get out of bed now!”
7 AM was all about seeing whether I still remember how to snatch. The answer is yes, mostly? I was doing fine up through 73, then both of my reps at 78 were not great. Not terrible either, I guess?
WOD: 4 rounds + 17 reps doing HKR. I have DEFINITELY forgotten how to kip. Time to start coming to AG on a regular basis again!
7 AM with Lady Fox + Harpzedi do
Snatch @43, don’t want to go heavy, only care about working on technique and my awful ankle mobility. I felt low, but upon watching a video of myself, turns out I’m still at a 90 degree angle.
Did nobody read the tortoise and the hare? Everybody took off on this AMRAP while I spent a good while staring at the bar and cursing the 50000% humidity before committing to a slow but steady pace. Managed to work through 3+ rounds, Rxing the T2Bs and using a smaller box.
I think this Paleo thing is making me sweat more efficiently … because I’m sweating in places I didn’t even know you could sweat. Despite a cold shower, I’m about to walk into work looking exactly how I want to look when I have to present to half the staff. #Winning
7am w/ Jess + Katie
Snatch complex: Worked up to 73#. This is my 3rd week snatching after a long time away and it finally felt halfway normal! Failed once at 68 (which basically meant getting to the bottom of the catch, getting stuck down there, and then just…sitting down on the floor).
WOD: 4 rounds + 8 T2B, RX. Normally this would be my jam, with box jumps and T2B, but my T2B are a little rusty. Also felt kinda slow this AM–I cut my carbs down a bit and I think that might be why. Well, that and the heat/humidity. Still fun though!
jumped into 10am w/ Jess for the lifting portion
65, 75, 85, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105, 110, 115#
I think that’s what I did. 115 felt solid. 82% of 1rm snatch.
Once I got to about 105 I stopped moving my feet on the snatch, so zeroed in on solving that problem for the rest. mostly successful.
Focused on leg drive and squeezing my quads like crazy on the pulls.
Pre-lift cues today: “tension. speed.” low hang position felt better than expected.
5 minutes, 85%
8 TTB unbroken
8 box jump overs – 20″
8 DB snatch (muscle) – 35#
Rest 3 min
set 1: 3 rounds + 19 reps
set 2: 4 rounds + 2 reps
-rested a bit less in transition and pushed a bit more through the end.
15 min cooldown with some neck and shoulder pre-hab/re-hab exercises
felt a slight tweakiness on L side when i finished the wod… maybe the TTB/OH combo, as that was when it flared up a couple wks ago (TTB, DB thrusters).
Back to 6am now that school started again.
Snatches were ok at 95#.
AMRAP: Saw all the T2B and thought I’d scale it somehow, but then thought, nah it’s an AMRAP, I will do all the f’ing reps. Got only through a few rounds though.
10 AM with Jess.
Snatch Complex:
63/73/83/93/103/3 fails at 113/
failed 3 at 113 last week also. ugh.
Need to be faster and commit.
4 rounds + 8 bbjo’s with an odd combo of ttb’s and knee raises. Basically I strung together as many ttb’s as I could and then switched to hkr. 5 was my max ttb, which is as many as i’ve ever done.
Snatches up to 83#
Surprisingly felt light and snappy but overextended a bit at 83#.
WOD: 5+4 Rx’d
TTB: 6-6 Surprised I was able to maintain this for all rounds
BBJ: slow, steady and consistent