Split Jerk
Barbell comes from a rack. Build to a medium-heavy triple. The need to lower the barbell to the rack position for multiple reps will keep the load on the moderate side today. Use this as an opportunity to work on perfecting your dip/drive mechanics by focusing on a braced and upright torso with your weight balanced over the foot.
Post loads to comments.
21 Minutes Not for Rounds:
18 Unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
6e Weighted Pistols (or unilateral strength work)
3-6 Bar Muscle-Ups (or straight bar strength work)
Choose options on the gymnastics work that challenge you and works your weakness.
Pistol Work
Flexibility/Skill Scale: Foot on Box Pistols
Strength Scale: Deficit Reverse Lunges (weighted if able)
Bar Muscle-Up Work
Strength: Front Lever Progressions / Straight Bar Dips or Dumbbell Lat Pull-Overs
Skill: Attempts, Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups, Kip Swings and Bar Dips
Post work to comments.
Make an appointment with Leah, CFSBK’s on-site massage therapist, today. You’ve earned it!
Labor Day Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Monday for Labor Day, but there will still be plenty of chances to get your fitness on! Here’s what you can expect:
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner AMRAP
Rewired by the WOD? CrossFit Journal
The Crucial American Warehouse JSTOR Daily
10 cal row
20 alt tall plank toe taps
65m OH carry/side
Rope climb practice
5 RFT @aer
270m jog
1 rope climb
10 push ups
100 farmer walk, 24/32kg hand
2 hr pace, time per round and total time, 30 min cap
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good gym in Nashville?
There was this cool one with portable community and a volleyball court in the center CrossFit Nashville. I think they have more than a few facilities but the I went to was a great experience
9am group class w/ the Fox Fam
split jerks with Mike I!
did some quick push press/push jerk/split jerks @ 35, 65, 85
triples @ 105, 115, 125, 135, 145# (83%)
felt solid throughout. cued myself mostly on abs/brace throughout, as the footwork and power are generally there
NFR work:
4 rounds
18 swings: 16kg, 20, 24×2 – i don’t enjoy these
12 pistols: L side so much stronger and more controlled. very exciting.
5 BMU unbroken: feeling pretty snappy! practiced glide kip (ish) today, as opposed to the quicker knees to elbows pop up. was getting very high on first 2-3 sets, not much pulling. last set not quite as good.
4 rounds:
10 lying tricep extensions @ 20×1 @ 15# (last round just L side)
1:00 wtd forearm plank @ 35# – thanks kate tk!!
cash out:
brunch @ fort defiance and then biking a whole bunch of groceries the 3 miles home from fairway 🙂
Open Gym at XS CrossFit, Parker, CO
Pause squat 170x4x4
Press 75x5x3
Then I did a version of today’s SBK WOD. I really did mean to do 21 minutes, but I ended up doing 5 rounds and nearly passing out. I guess I should have known I’d have some altitude effects. Everything was so much harder than I expected!
Tomorrow I’d like to come back but I hear it’s going to be a hero WOD and I’m not sure I can deal 😳
11 AR with Zorro
12 with L-Ro.
Traps are v sore from yesterday’s long af workout. Still trying to up my game, so managed to waddle myself into the gym, despite my visceral cavewoman instinct to take an afternoon nap instead. Hadn’t jerked in a while, felt a bit jerky. But good. Turns out not eating garbage = slightly less awful workouts.
Got into a fight with a band attempting to help me do a pistol–and lost. As Ro said, luckily the fall isn’t too far.
Paleo, day 15. Headed to a BBQ where elote is reported present … going to do my best to stick to everything else. Pray for me.
I need a partner for the CFSBK subway series! Just saw the movements and I can do them!
I’ll do rx or scales!
Yesterday partnered with Allie B and we did 1+130 @83#. Fun despite having lots of weak movements for me (wall balls, rowing, PCs).
Complex up to 108. All moved well.
KBS: 24-28-32kg
Pistols: Can do these but not high volume and there is a lot of room for improvement.
BMUs: Ro assisted me on these and said he only had to help me on the turnover- have to do it faster and remember to shoot my legs back as well. Super happy about this especially bc I didn’t chicken wing them like I have in the past. I think my shoulder is finallllly good to go on working on them again! And I had developed a fear of them over the last year and wasn’t afraid today.