Press / Deadlift*
Press (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
3 x 6
Heavier than last week. The last rep or two of each set should be a challenge.
Deadlift (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
Fitness and Performance
Heavy 3
After a few warm up sets, perform one heavy (but not max effort) set of 3 reps, heavier than Week 2. No hook, no switch.
*Perform all sets of the Press, then move to the floor for the pulls.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
3 Rounds of…
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
6e Single-Arm Kettlebell Rack Reverse Lunges
6 Knees-to-Elbows
6e Single-Arm Kettlebell Thrusters
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
Choose a challenging kettlebell load that you can stay unbroken with. Aim to keep moving for the entire 3 minutes and to score within a few reps on each round. Scale Knees-to-Elbows to Hanging Leg Raises as needed.
Post work to comments.
In today’s vid, Coach David talks us through shoulder position in the Dip—what a good Dip looks like and how it’s surprisingly similar to the good old Squat. Put it into effect next time Dips are on the menu!
Sign Up for Anti-Gravity Strength
Want to get better at bodyweight movements like the Dip, Pull-Up, and Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class. These always sell out, so hop on it!
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up. The class meets 2 times per week for 8 weeks according to the schedule below.
Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm
Saturdays from 11am to 12:30pm
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY sales tax). This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise you on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
“I’ve done 3 cycles of AG Strength and will continue to do so. I’ve made so much progress with this class—not only in things we practice in AGS, but in movements we did not train in AGS but used in regular CrossFit classes. Let me tell you that I was a very poorly skilled person. I decided to take this class because I wanted to do a Pull-Up. That being said, I couldn’t do 5 Pull-Ups with a band. My upper body strength was mediocre at best. And, I didn’t know how to do a Wall Kick-Up, so I wasn’t even considering doing Handstand Push-Ups.
The past 24 weeks were full of firsts: I did my first Chin-Up, Wall Kick-Up, Handstand Push-Ups with 3 then 2 then 1 AbMats, and Strict and Kipping Pull-Ups. Those are things we practice in AGS. But since the class focuses on upper body strength, I also improved in a bunch of things we didn’t even practice in class: Toes-to-Bar happened for the first time during the 1st cycle and now I’m able to do Toes-to-Bars in WODs (did 15-12-9-6-3 recently!). I also now can do Dips, Plank for 90+ seconds, Ring Transition + Hold, and many other small things that I was never able to do in classes.
So, if you are a beginner, like me, and struggle with some things that seem basic to a lot of people—Toes-to-Bars, Pull-Ups, Push-Ups—I highly recommend this class. Trust Ro, push yourself and stick to the program for 8 weeks and will see mind-blowing results! As we say in Portuguese: se joga!”—Thaisa L.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean Complex | Row, KB Swings, Burpees
How Greg Glassman is Reshaping the CrossFit Games Morning Chalk Up
(In)Visibility The Players’ Journal
If you get confused about the last part, just know that riff is literally what’s coming out of my mouth so you’re all set.
It’s true. David spits stoner metal riffs like Biggie spit bars.
Yesterday the Total was everything I wanted and then some. Nine lifts, nine green lights, PRs on every lift! Clearly my Tanooki Mario shirt gave me enhanced superpowers.
Squat: 240/255 (PR)/265 (PR). 265 was the number I had in my head a few weeks ago and was not going to post on the blog because I didn’t want to jinx it. I’m not going to say it was easy, but once I started the lift I had no doubt I was going to make it.
Press: 87.5/92.5/95 (PR). As far as I am concerned this lift can go f*@! itself. But it was amazing to watch Sacha CRUSH 110! Also, I wasn’t even sure whether I’d PR on this one — during this cycle, press is the only lift I really stalled out on, and I stalled at close to my historical bests for reps. So I figured I hadn’t really improved. 95 is only 2.25# better than my previous PR, but every ounce on the press is bought with gallons of sweat. I’ll take it (remind me to test my bench this week though, I’m certain I improved way more on that one!).
Deadlift: 295/315 (PR)/325 (PR!!!!) I had a strategy and it paid off! Previous PR of 305, I wanted 315, and I knew I’d get it the way my training has been going. So I decided to go for it on my second attempt and then anything after that would be gravy. The bar moved fast enough that I knew I had a shot at a 10# jump. It was so satisfying to make it (my sad-looking face in the photo my husband took notwithstanding)!
And now I’m going to write a novel:
As many of you know I will recommend Strength Cycle to anyone who asks (or doesn’t ask). I think this past cycle was my 7th or 8th and although not everybody wants to do it that many times, everybody should do it at least once.
SC gives you the safe space to lift until you can’t any more. In group class you try not to fail, or at least I know *I* do; yes, we spot each other, but you don’t necessarily know where your own boundaries are and you can end up being too conservative as a result. In SC, you know you’re going to fail sometime. (Probably not during your very first cycle, but sometime.) Even if you don’t fail, at some point you are going to put a weight on your back, or over your chest, that is scarily large. But you know that Jeremy has been watching every rep since you started the cycle, and he picked that weight for you based on how everything went last time, so you go for it. And you make it, sometimes with a life-changing amount of effort.
Or you don’t make it, but you’re safe, because Jeremy has told your spotter to take the barbell, and you know you’ve run into your limits, at least for now.
This cycle I’ve felt more faith in my own abilities than any one I’ve done in the past. I learned to trust Jeremy very early: I will never forget the time I choked out “help! help!” on a heavy bench set early on in my Strength Cycle career, he told me to keep driving the bar up, I made the rep, and he told me afterward, “Never ask me for help again!” (The obvious subtext: I didn’t need his help that time, and OF COURSE he would have spotted me if I’d needed it.)
It’s taken me considerably longer to trust myself. It’s funny, the last couple of cycles I’ve done, I’ve told myself, “This weight seems insane, but Jeremy thinks I can do it, so I can do it.” THIS cycle, I skipped right past the “Jeremy thinks I can do it” to “I know how it felt last time, and how strong I feel now, and I can do it,” and eagerly awaiting my numbers on the whiteboard, hoping they’re going to be as high as I imagine they’re going to be.
Also: I was having a bit of an existential meltdown that started on my birthday last year and ended about three months ago, and today was just the cherry on the cake. It feels great to know that just because the first digit of my age is a 4 now, it doesn’t mean all my PRs are behind me and there are still lots of gainz to be made.
I can’t recommend enough to everybody: Do a Strength Cycle. If you’ve never done one before, you’ll DEFINITELY surprise yourself, and even I, who have done so many of them, was surprised that I could still surprise myself. I did not think I was going to come in and add 15 pounds to my squat PR and 20 to my deadlift, but that’s what happened. <3 <3 <3
Wow, this is all so awesome. Congrats Stella!!! Hope you celebrated these awesome PRs and mental shift…you deserve it!
I really want to do strength cycle but keep putting it off because of various travel that would prevent me from making all the classes. For those of you who have done it but can’t make the schedule consistently, what is your strategy? Open gym when you’re back or wherever you are? Or does that defeat the point of Jeremy’s coaching? And, how many classes do you think are ok to miss and still have it be worth it.
I hear ya. I personally prefer not to miss more than one week of a cycle (I know that part of the reason I did so well this time around is that I managed perfect attendance!). Jeremy will give you your numbers if you need to make up a training day at Open Gym or while traveling, but especially if you are going heavy and have no spotter support, it’s pretty hard to do.
But lots of people still get good results missing, say, three or four classes in an 8-week cycle.
In my one SC, I think I missed 2 or 3 classes total, so about 1 week. I agree that I wouldn’t recommend missing more than that. The whole beauty of that program is having Jeremy watching you move and gauging where you are and where you should go. If you’re gonna miss a week or two, I’d say probably the ideal ones are around week 3 or 4 – you know how to move, and it’s not yet heavy enough that you want Jeremy to help you.
Congrats Stella!
Stella was gunning for three wheels on her DL before the total and the way she slammed that home, there was only one way to go, heavier. (The t-shirt was a placebo, sorry/not sorry) I loved having a small-ish total – it was a great pace and about half of us were 1st timers – the newbies in my cycle made gainz! SS is a must for anyone who really wants to train. Yes, training definitely goes on in group classes, but Stella nailed it – Jeremy sees everything. Having done a few totals, my favorite part is where the athlete does a guessing game with him about what the number will be. He has this thing where you may get overruled (higher or lower) with total aplomb. Priceless. If you ever were considering it, pull the trigger. For me, 265/140/370. A couple of weeks ago, I surmised I would be about here – so, I just went out and did it.
“Having done a few totals, my favorite part is where the athlete does a guessing game with him about what the number will be. He has this thing where you may get overruled (higher or lower) with total aplomb.”
Yup, he did this to Sacha yesterday and I knew he was going to! She squatted 185 with crazy good speed, declared her second attempt at 190, and Jeremy wrote “195” as if that’s what she’d said out loud. The man knows how strong you are, even if you don’t know it yet.
Congrats on putting in the work and seeing the results, Stella! Having done SC once, your description is spot on – there’s no better way to develop than having Jeremy right next to you, and he’s really good at figuring out what you can achieve.
I couldn’t have said it better, so I co-sign on everything you said about Strength Cycle, Jeremy’s coaching and the transformational effects of this program. It was inspiring to lift with you yesterday (and always), Stella. I aspire to be as strong as you. You’re amazing! Congrats!
Wow Stella! Well said! Strength Cycle is definitely great for any athlete who wants to get stronger. Jeremy sees everything and knows that you can lift a heavy weight even when you doubt yourself. Yep! I was very conservative about how much I could go up on the squat in the Total yesterday. I said 190 but Jeremy knew I could do 195 and I did it! It was a great experience for me as a first timer and I missed 2 classes. I plan to do the next cycle, hopefully with perfect attendance. Congrats to all the gainzers!
congrats stella!!! impressive numbers. im very excited to see how far you’ve come since last spring! hard work and diligence pays off!!
SC helps with existencial crises? Should have started with that.
Happy to hear about your #4Gainz
This post makes me so happy- congrats, friend!
Well done to all and obviously 200% agree with everything said here about Jeremy’s SS. I did two in a row about a year into CF and it changed everything for me. It’s so much fun being strong!
+1 to all the testimonials for SC & AGS. I’ve done one of each, and I’ve always been most surprised & delighted with the payout that building strength has on other aspects of crossfit. It’s really nice to step back from group class a bit, stay focused, and then return with a new baseline. It’s easier to progress on all the skills when you’re stronger 🙂
8am group class with Lauren
Press 125, 130, 135 – last set was tough but manageable, excited to go to 4s.
Deadlift 345 – not great, my hands just really can’t hold the weight, it slips and I end up rounding my back a bit.
Metcon 24kg 1+{6, 6, 9}. Decided to go heavy and slow on this, thrusters were a real challenge. Everything unbroken but with decent breaks in between arms.
ps Sorry Crumsho Tuesday night buddy, can’t make it this week, hope the numbers are helpful 😉
pps you should sign up for Strength Cycle and/or AGS – the strength gains are REAL and translate to everything else (olympic lifting, gymnastics, even burpees!)
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Taking a rest day after yesterday’s total! My results: Squat 180-190(PR)-200F/Press 70-72.5-75/Deadlift 220-230(PR)-240(PR).
My goal of hitting a 200# squat by the end of this 2-cycle strength journey turned out to be juuust out of reach, which bummed me out, if I’m totally honest.* I put a lot of pressure on myself to hit it and I think it backfired–I was intimidated by the weight and hesitated on the descent, and didn’t have any bounce out of the hole. However! I felt really uplifted by Jeremy’s parting words about how SC isn’t about chasing PRs—it’s about learning to love the process of making yourself stronger over time. The ability to be patient and trust the process is a valuable and highly transferrable skill! I’ve had such a gratifying experience with Jeremy’s class and gained what I think and hope will be a lifelong appreciation for serious strength training. (AND I’ve added 30# to my squat, ~10# to my bench and 40# to my deadlift, FWIW). I highly recommend SC to anyone who wants to get stronger, gain confidence, test their boundaries and surprise themselves with what they’re capable of. Amazing job, everyone who lifted yesterday, and endless gratitude to Jeremy and all the pals who came to watch, cheer and take iPhone videos like proud parents!!
*I’m having the first of two foot surgeries in November, which will take me out of regular training for a while, so my new goal is to hit 200 before then! Would it be a good or bad idea to test again this week, w/o the pressure of an audience? Hmm…
Congrats on those gainz Kirby. I will miss working out with you in the mornings. I know you will hit 200# before your surgery. Go get it girl! All the best with your surgery too!
Crazy proud iPhone video parent over here! Took 1pm group class yesterday so I could stick around to watch the total. It definitely gets me all teary-eyed every time! Especially when there are battle cries involved (ahem, Stella!) Great job to all lifters, and a +1 to Stella’s sentiments about Strength Cycle.
Sunday’s Power Clean complex: worked up to 123#
Metcon: 12:50, Rx
7am this morning with Lauren + Ro:
Press: 58x5x3
DL: worked up to 190×3.
Metcon: 2 rounds each time, with a blue KB.
In just a couple hours I’ve developed an insanely painful bruise where the KB rested below my wrist. Pushed through the pain during the metcon, but it’s super tender now and just getting bigger and darker. Is this happening to anyone else? I’m wondering if I’m 1) Positioning the KB incorrectly, 2) Slamming the KB on to my wrist when I swing it up for both the lunges and thrusters 3) Just a lil’ tender peach or a combination of all three 🙂
I bruise ridiculously easily (lil tender peach lolz), but I too have a matching pair of wrist bruises.
That’s the thing, though! I meant to include that they’re not matching! It’s only on my right wrist :O
Video is fixed. Sorry, gang!
Starting Strength OG Radhika Vaz is performing her one woman comedy show Older.Angrier.Hairier at UNDER St. Marks Theatre on Sept. 7 and Sept. 14th! Use code OLDER for $10 off tix! Don’t miss this opportunity to see this hilarious strong lady perform!
Away for a few days doing hiking in the Adirondacks and Catskills. Basically doing and endless number of weighted step ups, but it was in nature so that makes it much more satisfying.
Press: 75.5 x 3. Up 2.5 from last week, just made it.
Deadlift: 213×3, 243×3, 263×2,1,1. Just couldn’t hold onto the last set and kept dropping from the top.
WOD: With 16kg bell. First round was 2 rds + 12, second and third were both 2 rds + 15. Faster kettlebell on the last set, but lost my kip and K2E had much more between swinging.
Made up Saturday’s WOD after class: “Danny” Rx as 3 rounds + 8 box jumps.
7AM with Lauren + Ro.
Have this dream that I can go to bed early enough to make 6AM, but alas, I just discovered ER (as in Clooney ER) is on Hulu.
Still trying to psyche myself out of being psyched out by a heavy bar. Psyche?
3×5 strict press — 58. Felt good.
145 DL x 3. Felt good.
Balance has never be a forte so happy to do some one-legged squats; moved well. Slowly but surely.
Day 9 of Paleo.
Anyone ever wanted to do a SUPER TOTAL???!
I signed up for the USAPL only section of this and I’m hoping we can get a team of CFSBK badasses to sign up- it’s only over the road in Crown Heights.
neck tweak last Monday and opposite side reactive tweak on Friday means training has looked a bit different recently!
row 500m x 6 @ 2:05-ish
rest 2:30 (extra 2:30 b/t set 3-4)
2:05.5 / 2:04.4 / 2:04.0 / 2:04.8 / 2:04.1 / 2:03.8
heat up, neck re-hab
4 sets:
20 bb hip thrusts @ 30×1 @ 85#
20 alternating crossover box step ups @ 30# slamball hug (slower down tempo)
neck stuff in between
4 sets:
10 supine slider hamstring curls (both) + 10 alternating L/R
:40 hollow hold
8-way reaches with slider, each side
5 rounds, sustainable pace:
2:00 bike (52 rpm)
75′ reverse sled drag (harness) + 90#
75′ sled push + 90#
(untimed, just kept moving)
Sat + Sun rest… neck re-hab. 90 min walk on sunday. a bit of biking.
neck re-hab, shoulder warm up
close grip bench 3-3-3 @ 20×1
(45×5, 75×5, 95×4)
deadlift, heavy 3
(135×5, 165×4, 185×2, 205×1)
first two regular grip then i totally cheated and put in my hook grip because i didn’t think i’d make it without and i’m the worst at following my own adviiiiiice
RDL, 4×8 @ 30×1
Every 3 min for 5 sets:
10 russian kb swing, 24kg
10 kb f-rack alt rvrs lunges @ 12kg ea hand
6 cal echo bike of hellish death
1:20, 1:18, 1:16, 1:16, 1:12
quite uncomfortable
L side lunges feel INCREDIBLE. this is huge progress!!!
Congrats to all the strength cyclers! Impressed with those numbers!
Performance press: 3×6@ 63#
Skipped the deadlifts because of my back and did:
3 rounds:
:30 sorenson hold
:30 hollow hold
:30 rest
Can definitely hold for a longer amount of time next week
WOD with 12kg
2+5, 2+9, 2+7
Was tempted to use the 16kg KB but wasn’t confident about doing KB thrusters at that weight and wasn’t sure if I could get much more than one round in 3 minutes. Good choice.
Congratulations for all the folks at Strength cycle. It’s super inspiring! What incredible growth and progress!!
I’ve had some good workouts lately, but trying to keep my blog posts to minimum 😛