Press / Sumo Deadlift*
Press (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
3 x 6
Heavier than last week. The last rep or two of each set should be a challenge.
Sumo Deadlift (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
Fitness and Performance
Heavy 3
After a few warm up sets, perform one heavy (but not max effort) set of 3 reps, heavier than Week 1. No hook, no switch.
*Perform all sets of the Press, then move to the floor for the pulls.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
Calories Rowed (or Bike 15-9-6)
Post time and Rx to comments.
Save the Date: Fight Gone Bad 2018!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad.” Last year, we raised over $21,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Last year we had over 30 members participate, and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, October 20th, 2018. The first heat begins at 9am.
What is Fight Gone Bad?
3 Rounds, as Many Reps as Possible, of:
Wall Balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 75/55 lb
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push-presses, 75/55 lb
In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the three rounds is five minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
What does the registration fee cover?
The $30 (plus tax) fee covers the cost of a team t-shirt. You and your team will be able to create a unique team name and decide on t-shirt colors. We also give prizes to the team with the most spirit. Think costumes, props, makeup, and other fun stuff!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home. If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re busy, at least check out their list of Grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you. Since 2012, we’ve raised a total of around $190,000 for BCF. Help us $200,000 this year!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While encourage everyone to make wholehearted attempts to raise funds, there is no fundraising minimum to participate. As in years past, there will be some sweet prizes awarded to the top individual fundraisers!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends (to be announced), we’ll create teams consisting of 6 athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up their fundraising pages. We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform again and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family. (Check out last year’s main fundraising page HERE!)
Also, we’re looking for donations to give out as prizes. Contact Brett [at] if you have something to offer!
Tell me more about the workout. What if I can’t do it Rx’d?
Here’s CrossFit founder Greg Glassman explaining FGB in detail in a delightfully vintage video. And don’t worry! We have scaling options available!
Ok, I’m sold. How do I get in on this?
We’ll have registration info very soon!
News and Notes
- Have you done FGB in year’s past? What was your favorite part? Tell us in the comments!
- As we mentioned last week, we’re very excited to have Leah DeCesare offering massage therapy right here at the gym! This weekend and next week Leah is extended hours on Saturday (12:3opm to 8:30pm), Monday (9am to 5pm), and Wednesday (9am to 8pm). Follow the link above to book a session!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Hang Power Clean | Partner AMRAP
Why Sitting May Be Bad for Your Brain NY Times
It’s Okay to Curl, Biceps Are Still Cool Breaking Muscle
MGMT – Unfortunately I will be in L.A. attending a wedding on October 20. Please find an alternate date for FGB.
FYI – October 27 works for me. If not, then we are looking at November 10.
Unless it’s you this is a lame excuse and you’re already married so it ain’t. See you on the 20th.
Woohoo! Fight Gone Bad – I am so excited! When I first started at CFSBK I didn’t really know anyone but thought I’d put myself out there for this event. Meeting and bonding and team-mating with new people outside of your normal group class time is the best part!
This AM with Lauren and Ro-
Push press: 53x5x2, 58×5. These all felt easy despite 55x5x2 being a grind for me two weeks ago! I ate very well on vacation, that must be it 🙂
Deadlift: Worked up to a triple at 183, felt solid.
Metcon: Finished in 6:02. Tried to sprint the whole thing – breathing was a bit difficult afterwards, but I am happy with my performance today!
You made all the lifting look easy! Good work.
LBBS 180×3, 170x3x2. 180 is my current 1RM and x3 felt smoooooth today! Yay.
Bench 105x5x3. Tough!
Deadlift: 220×3! I’ve only touched this weight once before, it was my last lift of the day at IM 2 months ago and I failed it. Today it actually felt great! Jeremy said I could have done 5, “gun to my head,” though I would have “had to pay full retail” for the last two. I’ll sure miss the banter once this cycle is over 😉
lolol @ that banter – amazing progress, Kirby!
220×3!! Amazing! I can’t wait to see you PR all over the place on Sunday!
<3 Jeremyisms
Nice work, lady!
crushing it!!!
So strong!
This year is the first in a long time that my choir won’t have a rehearsal the same day as FGB. No excuses. Not sure how I feel about that. 😛
I’m glad!
A Rosh Hashanah invitation and FGB Save the Date announcement today. Summer must be over.
I love FGB in so many ways and plan to maintain my perfect record of holding back my tears during each minute of rest. Every team I’ve been a part of has made the day extra fun and Brooklyn Community Foundation is very worthy of our efforts!
7 am with Arturo and Lauren
Press: 53×6, 58×6, 58×4 then fail. I know we weren’t supposed to go to failure and I guess I should have deloaded given how tough the reps were in my first set at 58 but I’m hopeful by nature and sometimes I surprise me. DL: 153 – just what I planned. Lauren had to cue me to get my lats back. My grip misses the hook. We used a yellow bar – that helps!
One more thing. The WOD! Those calories took forever to add up. Tried to keep a 30 s/m pace and felt like I kept an even pace with burpees (pausing a couple times in the round of 15 but just two counts) and pushed through the nines. Finished in 7:43 and felt a bit disappointed by that. I can’t find my entry from when we did this not too long ago. Does anyone have that date?
Fight Gine Bad!
It’s like Friday Night Lights at the Open but with costumes and for Charity. Plus everyone is there.
Can’t wait!
8 AM with Lauren
Happy to keep progressing.
DL (regular)
3×245 20# more than last week’s 5.
WOD in 5:20. Ouch.
Er, Charles Smith.
FGB is one of my favorite SBK events even though it’s probably one of my least favorite workouts! Haha
Performance Press: 58x6x3
Moved well with lots of room to grow.
Deadlift: 145×3
Stopped after that because I could feel a pinch in my lower right back during the lift. Thinking I might need some PT since it’s not getting better and it usually only hurts after I workout, not during.
WOD: 6:07 Rx’d
Maintained a pace over 1000 for 90% of it which is a big accomplishment for me!
Last week of noon classes before I head back to work next week 🙁