Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Start your linear progression light enough to add weight through 7 weeks.
80% x 5, 80% x Max Reps
Warm up, then perform one set of 5 at 80% (of 1RM), followed by a max-rep set at the same load. Use a spotters, but aim to end the set 1-2 reps shy of failure.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
65m Single Arm Farmer Carry
3 Wall Walks (with a 10 second hold)
Post work to comments.
Attention CFSBKers! We will be kicking off Katie Egan’s final week in Brooklyn this Saturday starting at 6pm. The theme: a Wigging Out for the West Coast bar crawl! Cover your cranium with any sort of wig that is colorful, crazy, or colonial. Wacky attire is encouraged. We’ll be starting at Pig Beach at 6pm and hitting all of Katie’s favorite watering holes throughout borough. HOPE YOU ALL CAN MAKE IT!
Massages by Leah DeCesare at CFSBK
Are your back and shoulders sore after Monday’s Press/Deadlifting combo? We have some good news for you! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy to announce that we’re now offering massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT!
Leah is a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York, where she was born and raised. A graduate of the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in 2009, she brings a decade of professional experience to her table. Shortly after obtaining her license, she earned additional certifications in sports and medical massage. She has worked in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, private studios, various gyms, community health centers, and at a variety of races and athletic events.
Leah maintains that truly skilled massage therapy has been the most effective modality for any physical ailments she’s personally dealt with, and has made it her mission to frame it in the larger discussion of physical rehabilitation. Her sessions are resolution-oriented, incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, ART, and rhythmic proprioception rebalancing.
In tandem with her massage therapy study, Leah is informed by her own experiences as a competitive powerlifter since 2012. She competes within USA Powerlifting and is a former New York state record holder in her weight class’s Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and overall total in the raw open division. She has worked extensively with strength athletes since making lifting such an integral part of her life, so she understands common myoskeletal issues they often develop. While strength sport is her forte, Leah has a storied athletic background in dance and martial arts and is a former self-defense instructor. When not healing or training, she rides her Harley in an all-women motorcycle club and plays guitar in rock bands.
Monday: 9am to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 3pm to 8pm
Wednesday: 9am to 2:30pm
Friday: 9am to 2:30pm
Saturday: 4:30pm to 8:30pm
E-mail Leah at leah.decesare [at] to set up an appointment.
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150
Cancellation Policy
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subjected to the full cost of the session.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How America Got Sold on Low-Fat Food JSTOR Daily
Whey Versus Casein: Which Is Better for Strength and Muscle Gain? BarBend
Is a week really enough time to hit all of Katie’s favorite watering holes? Should we start tomorrow to give ourselves a bit of a cushion?
Amazon prime your wigs people!!!! its not too late! I bought mine last night and it is majestic. Excited about leah’s services coming to CFSBK, she’s the best!!
@Jay I’m down to start tomorrow, I think it would help establish a steady enough pace to see me through ~10pm on Saturday
7am with RoHarpz
HBBS: 140x5x3
Keeping my eyes off other people’s numbers & staying patient with myself. Moved fine, a couple slower ones as I’d remember “knees out” halfway up.
SA farmers carries @20kg, 24kg & then switched to SA front rack @20kg x 2. Bless Ro for this suggestion, I have a tear in my left hand that just won’t quit! Wall walks walked
6min cashout AMRAP w/Keith
3-4 rounds of 8 hammer curls & 8 tri extensions @ 12.5# – shoulda gone heavier!
Really fun 10am class with Coach Greg. Great to check in with the 10am regulars including Vaughn, Worm, Kristen, Charles, etc. Good times.
Did 3 x 265 and then decided to do 275 for my rep out because that was what was on the bar and I didn’t want to change plates. Did 275 x 6.
The rest of the work out I did.
Finally, I’ve never had a massage. It always seemed like something only fancy pants rich people did, which I most certainly never was, am, or will be. Maybe I’ll have to check it out.