Is Karina going to eat a Nike Metcon? What is the “hippo joke”? Only time will tell…
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Pilates But Were Afraid to Ask
If you’ve been reading the blog lately, you know that we have a new Pilates class starting this Sunday. So today we have our new Pilates instructor Karina S. here to answer all your questions (full disclosure: she also wrote the questions) about the ab-rockin’ discipline created by Mr. Joe Pilates. Let’s do it!
What is Pilates exactly? Is it like Yoga?
If I had to define it in the same way we define CrossFit (constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity), Pilates is “a movement system designed to balance muscular development, increase proprioception (mind-body connection), improve movement quality, and generally enhance quality of life.”
Pilates is like Yoga only in the sense that they both happen on a mat, are stereotypically popular with the same groups of people, and often some stretching is involved.
So it’s like Yoga?
No. Stop asking that question.
Yoga is my only frame of reference for this kind of thing. Don’t be rude.
Ok. You’re right, I was being rude.
First off, let’s be clear that there are lots of different kinds of yoga (Yin, Vinyasa, DJ Yoga, Yoga with Goats, etc.) So if we have to settle on the very loose definition of Yoga that you will spend around an hour on a mat, you’ll go through a sequences of movements, there might be some props, you’ll come out feeling good. Yes, Pilates is similar.
Some ways a Pilates class might be different:
- A focus on initiating all movements from your center or “core.”
- My personal experience with yoga is that is is very planar (front, back, side, other side, twist) while Pilates will move your body and spine in all ranges of motion, it also encourages you to understand your movement in 3 dimensions and therefore allow you to find and correct imbalances and sub-optimal habits.
- Relentless focus on form. You’ll be hard pressed to get away with any funny business. You might also meet “the claw” which will help you not get away with any bad habits outside of Pilates.
- Trying to figure out optimal movement for your body. Just like CrossFit, Pilates is infinitely scaleable. Even if you’re injured or even if you’re an elite athlete you can always move a little better and we’re going to spend the hour getting you there.
Ok I’m glad we have that cleared up. What’s an average class like?
You’ll walk in and grab a mat, sit or lie down and chill. I’ll say hello and then ask about any injuries. Then I’ll ask if there are any requests (certain exercises, parts of the body you want to work on) and then we’ll get started. If you come regularly, you’ll see that there are exercises we do nearly every time and some I’ve thrown in based on requests or from what I see happening in the room. This allows you to check in and compare yourself to how your body felt the previously and allow you to expand your movement vocabulary. Then we’ll wrap up class and you’ll leave feeling way better than when you came in. Like floating, super-tall feeling better.
So should I use Pilates as a warm-up or cool-down or what?
Both! I use Pilates as a warm up because it lets me wake up all the little supporting muscles in my body, gets my blood moving, limbers me up and gets my core and the rest of my body ready to deal with the demands I’m going to place on it.
It’s also fantastic as a cool down after a workout. I find Pilates works really well after the WODs where I feel “not right” afterwards (see: anything with the assault bike) as it helps iron out and organize a jangled neurological system. And of course you can use it on an active recovery day. I like to think of Pilates as a body mechanic. You’ll go through your whole system and check in and then make adjustments until things are moving a little more smoothly.
You said in an earlier profile that “Pilates will make you a better athlete or I will eat a Nike Metcon.” How will Pilates make me a better athlete?
- Your core will become substantially stronger. This will transfer to and improve nearly almost every single movement you’re likely to come across in Crossfit and in life.
- You will become better at, and understand more about bracing. So you’re likely to see a better Squat, Press, and Clean.
- Your hollow and arch positions will be tuned like a finely tuned violin. This will help your kip in every variation.
- Wanna feel better Snatching? We’ll improve your overhead range of motion and stability.
- You’ll understand your body better. Giving you better data on when you should push harder and when you should back off.
- You’ll get terminology that will make you more coachable. Ever hear “knees out” when you’re squatting? Lets break down why they need to be “out,” and why they were “in” in the first place.
Cool. Would you really eat a shoe though?
Maybe if it was a Flyknit Metcon? I’m pretty comfortable in my statement that a regular (minimum once a week) Pilates practice will improve everyone’s performance. I’d be especially interested to see what would happen on 1RM test days.
Do you think you’d have to cook it?
The shoe? I don’t know. Do you have any other Pilates related questions?
When is Pilates at CFSBK?
Sundays 12pm, in the Annex. It’s included in your membership!
Do you want us to know anything else?
I love to teach and I especially love to teach athletes so I’m really excited to get to teach you guys! We’re gonna have a lot of fun and remind me to tell you the joke about the hippo.
Just come to class on Sunday.
News and Notes
- Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. We promise it doesn’t have anything to do with the discussion above! Coach Whit will be out of town.
- All CrossFit Kids classes are cancelled this Sunday, August 12th.
- A new cycle of Active Life Strength with Coach Keith starts this Tuesday. Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class very specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs. For more info, testimonials, and the registration link, see this post!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Row, Burpees
Why We All Need to Drink More During Hot Weather Exercise NY Times
Ideal Body Weight: Is There Such a Thing? Breaking Muscle
Saturday’s Programming
Every 5 Minutes for 6 Rounds:
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
7 Thrusters 135/95
The swings should be a medium load that you can do unbroken. Try to move immediately to the barbell for the thrusters, which should be on the heavy side but unbroken as well.
Post work to comments.
I love Karina’s Pilates class and I’m thrilled she will be teaching on Sunday! I remember she told me Pilates is about creating order in the system and then introducing disorder. It was very meta and also very helpful.
Yayyy! Thank you Kate. I’m stoked to have you and very excited to dispense more Yoda Pilates wisdom.
Great interview! And nary a mention of “lengthening” the muscles. I might actually try it 😉
8am w/ Katie doing Thurs
Snatch complex was *theoretically* fun, but I wouldn’t say I HAD fun doing it. Realized I haven’t snatched in ~2 months and this was a tough one to come back to! Felt super awkward throughout, and fell backwards not once but twice, both times doing (…well, failing) those dang snatch balances. Worked up to 68#, then back down to 63 to try to get it right. Was fun lifting with Jill, who has a great attitude! <3
On the other hand, the WOD I really enjoyed! It's fun to see how hard you can push yourself when it's for manageable chunks of time. I stayed around :32–:38 per round of both movements and was complimented on the consistency of my burpee pace 🙂
Then I did Short Circuit with Jess which was also fun until I smashed my pinkie finger between two kettlebells doing front-rack carries. Pro tip: do not do this. It hurts like a MF.
Jill gave a great cue to Kirby this AM. “as long as you look hott while youre lifting, you’re doing it right”
Word. I agree.
@Kirby You should hear my molars as I grind them together when someone says they want to “tone and lengthen and not get bulky like at the gym”
Would also like to second Jill’s statement, because she is right.
OMG, don’t get me started on “TONING.”
Crazy Friday for me! No sleep past 2am which was sad cause i was all proud of myself getting to bed by 9am for a good nights sleep : ( oh well. ill rest on the plane
managed to squeeze in 5 hours of coaching and an hour of training AND a shower before my flight to nashville at 3pm
A) Sumo Deadlift
@2011 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2-3 min
1×5 @ 242 (worked in KG, forgot i was using a mens bar! so i went in thinking it was 235, the weight took my by surprise and my grip failed, did sumo today it was a slippery bar!)
2×6 @ 242, once i understood the weight i got it together.
C1)Toes to Bar
@18-20 reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 30s
do not rip
3×20 UB
last set was definitely all i had left
C2)Box Jump Step Down
@15-17 reps, 3 sets unboken, rest 30s
D)4 RFT @aer
800m row
130m crossbody carry, 16kg
12 alt renegade rows, 25lb/hand
7 burpees
2 hr pace, time per round and total time, 30 min cap
i nailed this one!
carries felt easier today, was able to walk to end of the block unbroken this week without feeling strained. everything else UB as well. I put on my heart rate monitor today and forgot to connect it to my polar app. Lol! so i basically just wear an upper ab belt for good looks
Hi Karina!
OG chill accessory + squats
8e seated DB external rotation @ 7.5, 10, 10
10 goblet squats @ 30#
100’ SA OH carry @ 30#
Banded pull ups
Get back some of those AGS gainz!
FSQ Clusters
4 x 6 (2-2-2-2) w/15s rest between doubles/subsets, 3min rest between sets @ 115# and then 120# for the last set
3×15 medball tucks @ 10#
Today doing Saturday:
Saw the scale up option on the board and went for it. RKB at 24kg and Thrusters at 103#. Times were 1:01, :59, :59, 1:00, :58, :56. Only difference was pushed the kettlebell more in the last two rounds, otherwise tried to just keep a light grip.
Thursday: Worked on the complex through 93#, failed the last hang snatch on 98#. Tired and grip gone at that point.
Rowing/Burpee sprints were just long enough and with enough rest to feel sustainable.
Karina’s classes are hilarious! And magically she made me feel less awkward at something I find very difficult. Definitely have to find a way to work that class into my routine 🙂
Jenny u da real mvp
Can I do Pilates in my yoga pants? Do I need Pilates pants? Do I even need pants?
You can do Pilates in any pants. But if you have Pilates pants tell me where you got them.
I want to float like a Jedi. Sign me up!