Press/ Sumo Deadlift*
Press (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start your linear progression light enough to add weight through 7 weeks.
Start week one light enough to be able to move through the reps without needing too much rest between sets, or around 60% of what you could perform for 1 rep.
Sumo Deadlift (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
Fitness and Performance
Heavy 5
After a few warm up sets, perform a heavy but not max-effort set of 5 reps. No hook or switch grip.
*Perform all sets of the Press, then move to the floor for the pulls.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
30-40 Second Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Hold, each side (work up to a challenging set)
20 Second Tall Kneeling Pallof Hold, each side
10 L-Hang Flutter Kicks, each leg
Post work to comments.
Here’s WWE superstar Seth Rollins shouting out CFSBK at the CrossFit Games!
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 8/6/18 – Su 9/30/18
Goals: To build basic pressing, pulling, and squatting strength. For the Olympic lifts we’ll primarily use complexes and sets of multiple reps, biasing positions of common error and intended to be done at sub-max loads. The goal of the entire cycle is zero missed reps. As usual, we’ll use mixed modal metcons of varied time frames throughout the week, with Saturday continuing to be Monster Metcon Day.
(Two-Lift) Monday
Weeks 1 and 2: 3 x 8
Weeks 3 and 4: 3 x 6
Weeks 5 and 6: 4 x 4
Week 7: 4 x 2
Week 8: 1RM test
Start week one light enough to be able to move through the reps without needing too much rest between sets, or around 60% of what you could perform for 1 rep.
Weeks 1-7: 3×5 Linear Progression
Week 8: Heavy Single
Start your linear progression light enough to add weight through 7 weeks.
Sumo Deadlift (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7)
or Conventional Deadlift (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8)
(Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo)
Weeks 1 and 2: Heavy 5
Weeks 3 and 4: Heavy 3
Weeks 5 and 6: Heavy 5
Weeks 7 and 8: Heavy 3
Each week, warm up and perform a single heavy set at the prescribed reps.
Back Squat
Weeks 1 and 2: 75% x 5, 75% x max reps
Weeks 3 and 4: 80% x 3, 80% x max reps
Weeks 5 and 6: 85% x 1, 85% x max reps
Week 7: 75% x 5 x 3 @ 22X2
Week 8: 10RM
The percentage is based on your recent 1RM.
Weeks 1-7: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Week 8: Heavy Single
Start your linear progression light enough to add weight through 7 weeks.
Multiple rep sets and complexes
Monster Metcon
Join the melee!
Clean and Jerk
Multiple rep sets and complexes
News and Notes
- Don’t forget that you can always see our group class training template over on the Current Programming Cycle page!
- We’re still on the hunt for folks who’d like to compete in Flex on the Beach 2018. Go to the event page for more info and to sign up.
- What are your goals this cycle? What days are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Farewell to Crush Week
2018 CrossFit Games: Sunday CrossFit Games
The Vigilante Group of New Yorkers Who Hunt Rats at Night Vice (video)
7am with SnickRo
Press: 53x8x3
Sumo: 175×5…but Ro told me my back was rounding on these, so we’ll see. Grip was so shot I felt like I was almost bending down more because the bar was coming right out of my hands.
4RNFT – legit everything I needed
SA OH KB hold: 12kg, 16kg, 16kg, 20kg
Pallof hold: happened
30 hollow hold flutter kicks on the ground because L-hangs were not happening
LBBS 167.5x5x3. Need to work on a quicker descent…when it gets heavy I go REAL slow and it’s a waste of energy.
Bench 100x5x3. Fine!
Deadlift 210×5. My 1RM is 215 and it took me two attempts to get it at the last total, so I was anxious about this, but it happened!
The programming for the new cycle looks great! I’ve got a little less than 3 weeks left of SC and I’m looking forward to those deadlifts and squats once I’m back in regular group class.
ME TOO! Very glad that Meathead Mondays (or Two-Lift Tuesdays, if you prefer to do it that way) are a thing again.
I am feeling extra sore today and I’m not sure whether I should blame it on Short Circuit split squats or Strength Cycle.
7am with Lauren and Ro
Partnered with Kate Tk and Kayleigh, which was a treat! Join us in 7am more often! 😀
Press: 43×8, 53x8x2
Sumo: Worked up to 153×5. Probably should have pushed myself to do more.
Also – if anyone has seen a pink, flowery Rifle Paper Co notebook laying around, please let me know! Or place it back in the notebook crate 🙂
It has all my lift numbers and workouts for the past year in it, and it’s been missing for a week. The only place it could be is the gym 🙁 I am very sad without it. Thank you!
Press: 53×8, 58×8, 63×8.
Sumo: 223 x 5. Nice and light, grip was the only limiting factor.
Fun lifting with Kate and Jaime.
4RNFT with hollow hold flutter kicks. SA OH KB hold: 16kg, 20kg, 24kg x 2
After class 5 rounds:
60 sec moderate AB
90 sec off to complete 4 strict pull ups (all unbroken)
Sunday WOD Rx: 118 reps – I clearly like descending rep schemes
8-7-6-5-4 on the 65# snatches
7-5-5-4-4-3-2 on pull-ups
2-2-1…… on 95# snatches
6-5-lots of 4s and 3s-1-1-1 on T2B
Managed to get 8 singles in at 115#
Very pleasantly surprised to get all 8 (failed a 9th attempt with 10 sec left, but no other fails along the way). Big victory for me since I walked over to the bar with a mindset of “I have 5 minutes of attempts ahead of me – maybe get one or two.” Huge credit to NLWC for dialing in good movement practices.
nice work on the snatches, @kayleigh! that looked like a fun workout!
Saturday: EMOM x 33 min … Brett’s program
a – 10 ttb unbroken
b – 6 cal echo bike
c – 20 DU + 5 burpees as fast as possible
this got so sh*tty around minute 23 or so. but then when you only have 2 rounds left you’re like… okay. fine. it’s almost over.
Sunday: bike ride to Riis beach, across to 90th st, then train back to Nostrand and biked home from there. think about 20 miles total. pretty smooth pace for the trip down. fun recovery work. legs were tired on the way home.
…and my pecs were mad sore from saturday’s 110 toes to bar!
band shoulder warm ups
weighted chin up: 5-4-3-2-1
bw x 5, +10# x 4, +15# x 3, +20# x 2, +25# x 1
10am class
strict press: 63x8x3
totally fine. ready to go up. have been using DB’s for so long, it’s a good switch.
sumo deadlift:
wu: 95×5, 135×5, 165×4, 185×3
heavy set: 205×5
no hook/switch. moved well, good position. could probably have been 215, so will try to be more aggressive in following weeks. was fun to gently peer pressure victoria and allie into lifting more 😉
only got 2 rounds of the NFT work in before the hour changed over and I had a client! used 20kg, then 24kg bell for the :40 hold and did my flutter kicks on the rings with toes above hips. fun!
Thanks for the peer pressure Whit 🙂
7am this morning… Ro and Snickers and was the Gym hot. ooof. HumidityX9000.
Press was alright still feeling a little bit of crush week but everything moved. Sumo was on the lighter side. The static work post lifting was went well.
I am looking to keep my back squat numbers going up… would love to end up past my strength class numbers… Maybe get a (single) ring MU. (Maybe).
7 AM with Lauren + Ro.
Managed to fall out of bed and crawl to the gym that early on a Monday–so that’s a win right there. Trying out this “track my work” concept—also a radical move for arguably the least competitive/laziest CrossFitter ever.
El press: (42×5)*3
Su-su-su-mo: (103×5)*3
Probably looked more like a noodle than an “L” but managed to do all four sets of hanging L-flutter-thingys.
Feliz Monday.
Great to see you on the blog Paola!
10am with Brett!
Press with Allie-Performance
63-68-70 (She did her last set with 73lbs)
Sumo Deadlift with Allie and Whitney! Thought I was going to do about 160/170 but in my head felt like I couldn’t back down from all the weight Whitney was putting up. (Kinda siked myself out of the heavy weight because it’s been awhile since I lifted heavy due to some knee recovery) but glad i was peer pressured into it. 🙂 felt good!
Press: 53x8x3
SDL: 145×5
First deadlifts in months so kept it light to test out how my back feels. No pain during, but it’s usually after I lift. So far so good. I’ll see how it feels in the morning.
OHs: 12kg, 16kg, 20kgx2
Opened my blood blister on the butterfly thingys
Back to it after a week away. I was sorry to miss the last Crush Week, but I’m hoping it means there’ll be more sled work in regular workouts.
Press: 65#x5, 85#x5, 105#x5. 105# was a bit too heavy for the linear progression, but interesting to try out. I’ve been skittish on press/overhead bar work since straining my shoulder a while back, but it was good to get back into the motion.
Sumo deadlift: worked up to 145#x5 through three weighted sets. Definitely feel like there’s room to go up.
16kg KB for all holds. Went a little light to coddle the shoulder again, but compensated by sticking to strict :40 on each.
Pallof hold was interesting, and managed to work a hang with some sorta-floppy lifts to work through the flutter kicks. I’m a long way away from a true L hang.
Ran a wee bit over time so only got to 3 + KB hold. Cashed out with hollow hold kicks and two :30 planks, then bought one of those sweet new tank tops.
Goals for this cycle are to keep up attendance in the face of some wonky work travel, improve overhead work/stability/confidence, and keep driving up my back squat. My goal for the summer was a body weight BS but I blew through that last cycle (much to my surprise), so onward and upward!