WOD 8.5.18
In 18 Minutes:
30 Snatches 95/65
30 Pull-Ups
20 Snatches 135/95
30 Toes-to-Bars
10 Snatches 165/115
Max Bar Muscle-Ups
Barbell Scaling Options:
B) 75-95-115
C) 55-75-95
D) 35-50-65
The Snatches can be Power, Muscle, Squat, or Split, as long as you pull directly form the floor (no Hang) and fully recover the feet under the barbell while coming to full hip and knee extension with the arms locked out overhead. When scaling, choose loads that begin light for you and progress to medium-heavy before ending heavier. The third load being heavy but doable, likely done as singles by that point if not earlier. For the gymnastics movements, sub Jumping Pull-ups for Pull-Ups, Hanging Leg / Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bars, and end on a more difficult movement in the final round. Depending on where you started out this could be full Pull-Ups, Chest-to-Bar / Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, or Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Check out more of Robert C.’s awesome photos from the cornhole tournament on our Flickr account!
Tonight: Watch the CrossFit Games at CFSBK!
We’ll be showing the final events of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597 ALL DAY. The gym will be open between our afternoon classes and PM OG for viewing…. come though! Bring food, drinks, and friends!
- Our new training cycle starts tomorrow. Check back right here to find out what you can expect in group classes over the next couple of months.
- How did your Crush Week go? What was the toughest workout for you? Sound off in the comments!
The Real-Life Diet of Mat Fraser, the Fittest Man on Earth GQ
Five Artists Who Tackle the World’s Challenges Smithsonian
2-3 sets
20 single unders
6 hanging knee raises/knees to elbow
5e lateral box step ups
Double under Practice
4 RFT @aer
800m row
20 double unders
15 no push up burpees
2 hour pace, note total time and time per round
10am with Fox!
WOD: got through the last 10 snatches and a couple not-even-close attempts at a C2B pull up.
Scaled snatches to 45-55-75. Definitely way lighter than Fox advised us when he was breaking down the workout, but I think it was right for my shoulder today. I don’t want another month+ set back. Chipped away at the pull-ups and ttb in mostly sad doubles and triples. Lats are toast & hands are gross. Byeeee crush week.
Strength Cycle!
Squat 215×3, 205x3x2. Tough, but not a total grind.
Bench 135x3x3. I got my big girl plates today! 😃
Deadlift 265×5. This ties my 5 rep PR from a few years back and I think I have more room to grow.
Reiterating my plea from last week: if you’re crossfitting in 608 and you’re going to the back to get plates, PLEASE watch out for Strength Cyclers who are squatting or benching!
:45 ring hold
50 ft bear crawl plate pull
10 Blackburns
10 T pushups
3×10 12kg kB arm bar
3×14 7.5# Powell raise
Ended up making my own little crush week wod:
2 rounds:
30 DB Snatches 20#
15 strict pull-ups
20 DB Snatches 25#
30 VUps
10 DB snatches 27.5/30#
Then… 3 strict C2B with :30 remaining
Finished round 1 at ~8:15, so I just decided to go through it a second time!
I was proud Monday for doing 30 strict pull-ups in 30 minutes. Today I did that many, plus 3 strict c2b in 18:00!!!
I don’t think I ever want (or need) to go back to kipping, and I’m fine with that! 😛
Did anyone see or take a pair of brown Bear Komplex hand grips (2 hole) by accident? Initials ‘JW’ on the inside. Toss them in the lost and found bin and I’ll check next time I’m in.
My baby was so excited to see her pic make it on the blog!
125 reps
Scaled to 55-65-75
Broke everything up from the start to save my grip. Grip still gone after the first set of snatches. Haha.
55# snatch: Broke up into sets of 6. Already could feel my grip fatigue despite breaking these up into so many sets.
Pullups: Broke up into sets of 6
65# snatch: sets of 4
TTB: sets of 5
75# snatch: singles
Did a double C2B then 3 singles for 5 total C2B. Felt my skin on my hand separate on the first rep so didn’t max out. Thankfully no rip, but I do have a blood blister.
Curious if I would have finished sooner if I did the pullups and TTB in smaller sets. I needed a lot of rest in between each set to give my grip a rest. But I also like challenging myself and seeing if I can maintain a certain rep scheme.
Def appreciate how difficult the bicouplets were in yesterday’s CF Games WOD!
Bye bye crush week
1pm Class!
214 Rx’d (4 bar muscle ups)
95# Snatch: 7-7-6-5-5
PU: 5s
135# Snatch: singles
TTB: 5-5-4-3-3-3-3-2-2 (ugh)
165# Snatch: singles
BMU: 4
Ran to the bar with about 15 seconds left and was happy to do a set of 4!