“DT” in a Boat
3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
2 Rounds of “DT” 155/105
“DT”= 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
The limiting factor determining load on the barbell will likely be the Jerks, which should be medium-heavy for you. Scale load as needed so that most sets of jerks can be done unbroken. Each round of “DT” should take around a minute, so considering scaling volume overall to 9 Deadlifts + 6 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Jerks if you can handle the load and want to bias more of a strength stimulus.
Pro Tip on breaking up “DT”: The final rep of each movement leads into the next, so instead of doing 12 Deadlifts and dropping the bar, do 11… break… then the 12th rep, putting you in a position to begin the 1st Hang Power Clean. Same for the Hang Power Cleans into the Push Jerks. Or you could just, ya know, do the whole thing unbroken.
Post time and Rx to comments.
“If a regular* Pilates practice doesn’t make you a better athlete, I will eat a Nike Metcon”—an actual quote from Karina
Starting August 12th: Sunday Pilates with Karina!
Our beloved, longtime Pilates teacher KH is leaving to open her own Pilates studio in Manhattan, but that doesn’t mean we’ll stop offering Pilates. Starting August 12th, Pilates will move to Sundays at 12pm and will be coached by our own Karina S.!
Coming from a background of competitive cross country skiing, Karina saw the benefits of a regular Pilates practice immediately and signed up for teacher training after her first session. She believes Pilates allows us to regain the freedom of movement we enjoyed as children, and that transforming fitness into a form of play is essential to creating a life-long practice.
Her classes are vigorous and full of laughter with an emphasis on proper grounding and alignment.
Karina has trained everyone from Division 1 Linebackers to those barely able to walk into the studio. She completed her Balanced Body certification at Paragon Pilates & Physical Therapy studying under Cari Riis Stemmler, Tiza Wynn Riley, and Roger Gonzalez Hibner. She has completed continuing education in Hands on Cueing Techniques, Pre and Post Natal Pilates, Low Back Pain and many other topics. She has experience working with a wide range of spinal conditions as well as many other injuries and limitations.
*regular=at least once a week
Weekend Events
We’ve got some fun stuff going on at the gym this weekend, and you won’t wanna miss it! Here’s what’s happening:
- Friday night, during Open Gym, we’re running a cornhole tournament. It’s super fun and easy to learn. The games begin at 6:30pm!
- During Sunday’s Open Gym hours, we’ll be showing the final events of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Front Squats, Burpees, Toes-to-Bars
2018 Instagames: Day 1 CrossFit Games
What Do 90-Somethings Regret Most? Medium
Crush week should really be called “To thine own self be true” week. Okay maybe that doesn’t have as catchy of a ring to it, but the biggest lesson I am taking from the last few days is “listen to your body, know your limits, and do not, for the love of god, compare yourself to anyone else”
Managed to drag myself into 7am this morning with Whitney and Jess, figuring that I didn’t want to deal with the evening heat and humidity intensifying. My initial thought on my way to gym was that 85# sounded reasonable but luckily, as whit explained appropriate scaling for each movement, I settled on 73#. See, I did 73 just two days ago for Wednesday’s workout, and it felt perfect. Today it felt like a grind. Funny how that works?
Don’t look at the rx, or even what you may have been pulling or pushing earlier this week. Listen to your body. Know that VOLUME and PACING is going to get you, and pick a weight you can move for what will likely be 20+ minutes, as we’ve seen in most of the workouts this week.
And duh, remember Shakespeare.
7am with Whit & Jess
DT in a boat: 21:10 @ 83#, scaled the last set of DT rounds to 15 deadlifts + 8 push jerks, no power cleans
Fackingggg shoulder. Felt super impinged on the hang power cleans in the second set. Whit was helpful in offering an alternative for the last set, but it’s just so frustrating. Like, I get (logically) this shoulder thing is probably a LIFE issue I need to deal with now – with regular pre-hab & warm up movements – but actually disciplining myself to DO THE THINGS is hard (I know, it’s not *actually* hard), especially when so much other stuff is going on in life and when my shoulder was just feeling strong & “normal” again. Sat down & angry cried for a little. Ugh.
Sorry, Kate. 🙁 I empathize. But remember, you still got a great workout— and crushed some extra deadlifts and power cleans! Any average person would be completely stunned that you did that at 7am (did it at all!)
LBBS 165x5x3. This is my pre-Strength Cycle 1RM (from about a year ago) AND it somehow felt better than 162.5 on Monday.
Press 67.5×5, 67.5×4 1F, 67.5×5. Can’t really explain what happened in that second set. Side note: Sacha absolutely crushed 3 sets of presses at 90# and it was amazing!
Deficit deadlift 195×5. No complaints.
YASSSSSS squats!
Sacha, I am oozing (friendly) jealousy! You’re a beast!
Thanks Kirby and Stella! If only my lower body would catch up to my upper body. Kirby, your presses, squats and DL were SOLID this morning. Awesome job! Stella! YASSSSS! Let’s go after it woman!
Huge 7am this morning! Whit and Jess did a great job keeping the class controlled and organized. The rowers were all feng-shui’d out. Def felt that good energy.
Finished in 19:21 with a flurry of scaling.
Ran around the block (570m I think that is?) instead of rowing, got nervous that the run would set me back too far, so scaled reps to 9-6-3 with 83# for the first two rounds. Then when I got back from the third run, I felt that I definitely had enough in me to do full reps so I completed 12-9-6. In hindsight, I wish I had done full reps the entire time.
One thing I’m trying to work on is to stop worrying about being the last one to finish.
Also, what do the Games athletes think about while they’re marathon-rowing for three hours?
I must admit my love of Crush Week, but understand the reasoning behind letting it go.
DT on the Run: 17:57, Rx weight
Ran around the block instead of rowing (getting outside was worth the extra meters). Always started the deadlifts right away, then paused to chalk before cleans. Cleans 8-1 for first 3, then 5-3-1. Push jerks unbroken, but need to work on cycling throughout.
WOD: 5 rounds + 11 reps Rx.
Followed up with some NLWC – finally stomping my feet and feeling more consistent.
NLWC with Coach Frank! It’s been a long time, but it was great to get in and get some eyes on my lifts.
E2MOMx10: 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk w/ :05 hold in split @ 105# (60%)
E2MOMx15: 2 split jerks: 120, 120, 120, 125, 125, 130, 130 (70-75%)
E2MOMx10: 2 paused snatch (at hang): 85×2, 95×3
FSQ: 3×5 @ 130# (70%), 4×3 @ 148 (80%)
Today: DT in a boat looks fun/hard! My hands were not recovered enough to take that on today, though.
15 min general heat up, joint prep, cobweb shaking
a. BSQ: nonchalantly work to moderately heavy single in non-WL shoes
85×5, 115×4, 135×3, 155×2, 165-175-185-195 (about 90%)
b. RFESS: L side only, voodoo band on thigh @ 7/10.
20-15-15-15-12, rest :30 between sets @ 15# DB’s, farmer carry
I wanted to stop really badly in the third round today. Think the band was a bit tighter. Glad I didn’t stop. Sorry to the 10am class for whimpering/grunting.
c1. DL: work to heavy 3
125×5, 145×5, 165×1
triples @ 175, 195, 205, 215, 225#
I think my all time DL PR is 265, so that would make 225 ~85%. Haven’t lifted that in a while. Looking forward to doing it more frequently.
c2. DB strict press @ 20×1
25×8, 30×6, 35x6x2
d. Every 3 minutes for 6 sets:
130m run
5 Deadlift @ 175#
10 DB push press @ 35#
splits: 1:23, 1:19, 1:15, 1:13, 1:13, 1:10
1:15 was probably about right if I wanted to do 10 sets of that…
6 min easy AB cooldown
Rowing DT
Scaled to 135
OOOOOFFFFF is right!
Strength Cycle
Squats 170x4x4 paused. Not too bad.
Press 82.5×2, 75x5x2. Also not too bad.
Chins 9,6,5. I got the 9th rep back in the first set but lost one in the second. Next week I’ll ask whether I can add weight.
Amazed by the growth and strength of all these tfba cfsbk women!
Wednesday: did 5 rounds +7 reps at 83# with GHDs for 3 rounds (was making my quads and low back really sore) so I switched to V ups for two rounds. I still felt beat up from Murph !
Oh! One good thing though: three months ago I couldn’t do a Turkish get up at body weight! Yesterday I did on at 25#! THANK YOU, KATIE HARPER!!!!!!
5 Turkish sit-ups 17.5
10 Barbell roll outs
3-5 walk walks— man my handstands feel SOLID!
3×16 40#, 42#… BTN Press. Hard!
3×16 7.5# DB ext Rotation
WOD: 103#
500m row, 12 dead’s, 9 power cleans
…24:15! Last one to finish. Didnt anticipate that this would be so hard. But I got positive feedback on how my cleans looked (and some good tips from Whit to save energy)! Then Whit also reminded me that this was the first time I’ve ever done power cleans in a workout!! So… actually… yeah! I feel really good!
Then went to AR where I learned elbow cars, since I think my tendonitis jumped ship to my elbow giving me the good ol’ Tennis Elbow. Hmph.
Haven’t posted in a few days so it’s going to be long.
I’m ok with not having crush week anymore. I’d prefer longer, more challenging, benchmark, and hero WODs integrated within the regular programming. They might not seem as intimidating and people may be more inclined to scale as they would any other day if incorporated sporadically over the cycle. On that note, still getting back into it after two back to back vacations and I’ve scaled every WOD so far this crush week.
Today: 25:17
Subbed pullups for deadlifts bc of my back and did the WOD @93#
Pullups and push jerks were the easiest part. I did them unbroken BUT had to take a bit of rest before each movement in order to stay braced throughout.
Row- SO slow. I could never row a marathon. I drifted off so many times on the 500s.
HPC: These were the most challenging bc I’m bad at them. Jess said my elbows weren’t fast and I didn’t dip down enough to meet the bar. I’m not able to cycle these quickly and holding the hang position didn’t feel great on my lower back. Probably should have done them from the floor instead. Did these 4-4-1 for all rounds except the last set which I did as 5-3-1.
Took a LOT of breaks.
Wednesday’s WOD on Tuesday:
Done @103#
TTB 6-5-4 for the first four rounds, then 2-1-1 for my final four reps. Happy with this, especially because I haven’t done them in a month or possibly longer.
The FSQTs and burpees were so slow. I’m just so out of shape right now. I have no speed or ability to push myself at all.
Even though I can do this at full volume, I opted to scale from 3 to 5 rounds so that I wouldn’t be demolished all week. I missed so many WODs this summer and didn’t want to take extra days off from working out other than my usual rest day! Was only a little sore afterwards so scaled appropriately.
All pullups unbroken and air squats were fast. Pushups slowed me down. Broke them up into 4-3-3 from the start but fatigued fairly early and needed a lot of rest in between each set- but managed to keep that rep scheme for the entire workout which was awesome.
Worked up to 93 on the snatch and failed 98 three times. Neither weight felt heavy so that’s a plus!
Used the 24kg KB for the WOD.
Been doing NLWC at noon on Wed and Friday and I love spending the extra time working on olympic lifting and getting feedback on every lift! My shoulders are so tired though! Going to miss this when I go back to work at the end of the month.