Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds of…
AMRAP 6 Minutes:
8 Power Cleans 115/80
8 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Power Cleans 165/115
8 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
2 Power Cleans 205/135
8 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
The Power Cleans should begin on the light side and get progressively heavier through each workout, ending with a load that’s heavy for you. Scale the prescribed loads as needed.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Here is our Next Level Weightlifting Club coach Frank M. Snatching 140 kg (308 lb). Frankie is lifting in The American Open Series 2 this Sunday. Frank will compete as a 94kg in the A Session, which can be viewed online. Good luck, Coach Frankie!
Weekend Schedule Changes
Today, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th, we are hosting a sold out Barbell Medicine Seminar at 597 Degraw. We’re mostly running on our normal schedule, with the exception of the following classes:
- On Saturday, the 28th, the following classes are cancelled: 8am Strong Fit, 9am CrossFit group class, 10am Short Circuit, and 11am Anti-Gravity Strength.
- On Sunday, the 29th, 11am CrossFit Kids is cancelled.
- We will not be able to offer Open Gym hours outside the usual 2 to 4pm on Saturday and 6 to 8pm on Sunday.
Our front desk staff will be at 608 Degraw both days. Please check in for all classes there!
These Boots Are Made for Lifting BarBend
The Complicated Politics of… Refrigerators? JSTOR Daily
Biggest short circuit class – ever? Maybe? But this is cfsbk so Brett and Whit ran it like the pros they are. As though they wrangle huge mobs through feats of fitness on the regular! Just another day of being struck by how lucky we are. Thanks for being you, cfsbk.