Squat / Step Up
Back Squat:
Front Squat:
Using a “slower down, faster up” tempo and no belt, traps or wraps. Work up to a 1RM for both the Back Squat and the Front Squat.
Active Life Front Rack Step-Up Test
Using 30% of your best Back Squat from earlier, perform a max rep set of Front Rack Step-Ups for each leg. Use a box that places your hip crease below your patella. Your score should be in the double digits and within +/- 3 reps between each leg.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
8e Dumbbell 3-Point Rows (build to a heavy set)
15-30 Second Ring Support
Scale to a :30 Prone Ring Support for those that can’t do a mature hold.
Post work to comments.
Here’s Brian D. and family representing CFSBK at The Gunks. Going somewhere cool this summer? Be sure to send photos of yourself repping CFSBK at said locale to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com!
Friday, August 3rd: CFSBK Cornhole Tournament
An evening of friendly cornhole competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. All are invited! Please leave a comment on the event page if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up at the tournament.
Friday, August 3rd at 6:30pm during Open Gym. We’ll have the cornhole boards set up periodically over the next few weeks so you can practice.
This Saturday, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th, we are hosting a sold out Barbell Medicine Seminar at 597 Degraw. We’re mostly running on our normal schedule, with the exception of the following classes:
- On Saturday, the 28th, the following classes are cancelled: 8am Strong Fit, 9am CrossFit group class, and 10am Short Circuit.
- On Sunday, the 29th, 11am CrossFit Kids is cancelled.
- We will not be able to offer Open Gym hours outside the usual 2 to 4pm on Saturday and 6 to 8pm on Sunday.
All classes will run out of 608 Degraw (except for those that usually meet in the Annex).
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Nude Man at Planet Fitness: It’s a “judgment free zone” USA Today
Decoding Cardio & Fixing Your Engine Athlete Daily
7am w/RoHarpz
External Factors Affect Performance: A Comedy in 2 Lifts
HBBS: (95×6, 135×5) 165, 185F, 185F
FSQ: 135, 150F, 145F
Step ups @ 45# to 20″ box: 8left, 9right
Let’s start with the back squat! My 1RM LBBS is 195, so for starters, I should’ve hit 175 before trying for the 20# jump on high bar. But still, this was quite sad.
Front squats! I was so in my head by this point, I don’t think I had much of a chance – but still, failing 145 – only 5# more than I can CLEAN – was enough to make me say I’M NEVER GOING ON VACATION AGAIN. To that comment Ro said – “oh, what, is Nike going to revoke their sponsorship?” LOLOL. That was actually just the thing to help me snap out of it a bit. So I’m a little out of shape: WHO CARES. I have all the time in the world to build up again – and I have so much bs going on in my personal life I can barely keep presence of mind enough to put my pants on correctly let alone pick up heavy shit.
Definitely one big thought I had walking away from failtown is that I probably should NOT have gone in with the idea of ‘let’s max out/hit a new PR’ today. I was setting myself up to fail – I missed over two weeks of squatting, haven’t been sleeping well, and have only JUST gotten back into some normal eating habits. A solid single should have done it – 165 was a smooth & easy 85% of my 1RM. Could’ve just gone for that again and called it a day.
NFR: 3 rounds + an extra 10sec on the rings. 35# on the dbs; ring holds were ok! Really tried to engage the midback and felt some good rotation through the shoulders.
“is Nike going to revoke their sponsorship?”
Yeah, sometimes we are so hard on ourselves! You are awesome and doing badass stuff 🙂
Still LOL-ing at Ro’s comment about Kate losing her Nike Sponsorship this morning. It was a good reminder to just be more kind on myself. This is supposed to be fun! Luckily no one at my day job witnessed my multiple failed front squats today.
Back Squat (switching between high and low bar, which was mistake no.1)
185# HEAVY but did it, 200# driver of the cross-country struggle bus (but successful). I didn’t even make a third attempt.
Front Squat: 150, 165 (PR Match), 170F, 170F.
I have heard a million times that I need to focus on driving my knees out on this, I approach the bar and then it just doesn’t happen! If these appear next cycle, I’m going to keep the weight light until I can do this with confidence.
Step ups: 55#, 4 each leg on 20 inch box.
Great photo of the gunks! Bummed I haven’t gotten out there to climb at all this year, but definitely making it once the weather settles down a bit.
So strong!
Sorry. Was testing something!
5 Turkish sit-ups 17.5
10 barbell rollouts
4 wallwalks
BTN Press
37.5×14 3 sec down, 2 sec pause at top
39# 2×14
DB Ext Rotation 7.5# 3×14
Back squat: 125,135,145,160 (f)
I hate back squatting, especially without a belt! I should do Strength Cycle if I care to improve… but I dislike it so much, I just don’t feel motivated to do it!!
Front squat: 125,130,135– fine. Hm
Back squat 145/front squat 135.
I have issues… time to bring back the glute bridge/walking lunge/kB death march/ rfess… etc etc etc :***(
Oh well, we all have our weaknesses. My ring holds are bomb ;P
Step ups: 45# (30%)
Right: 20
Left: 20
Only did a 20 inch box— have been doing with a 45# plate. I think this made it easier, but I was still below parallel. Got some good tips from Tori about not kitty tailin’ it.
8e 40# 3 point row
:30 ring hold. Got spicy last round, but kept hands rotated out!
I feel kind of run down and have since Sunday. Not exactly 100% myself. 🙁 I wonder what’s going on internally!
Traveling. For sure. You’ll bounce back!
Nice work today allie! #ringholdsdabombdotcom
gosh I love coming in fresh off a rest day! 🙂
wu: 2 rds
:45 ski erg
10 barefoot lateral band walks
:30 ea band psoas march hold
:30 L side band clamshell hold
(45×8, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 175×1, 185×1)
EMOM X 15 : 1 BSQ @ 190# (90%)
this. felt. good.
RFESS: L side only, voodoo band BFR @ 7/10
20-18-15-15-15 w/ :30 rest
@ 12.5#
I f*cked up. was supposed to be at 15#. I was thinking “wow — this is hard, but it’s definitely not as bad as last week!” so… now I know why.
oh well, at least I got 6 extra reps of volume in.
EMOM x 10
even: 2 strict pull-ups + 2 kipping + 3 butterfly
odd: 6 burpee box jump over @ 24″
plenty of rest in this. first couple rounds of pull-ups I (not intentionally) hit CTB on the strict ones (yay!). will progress this over time.
Got the lifts from today and Monday in between some sessions this evening.
BSQ: 265×1
FSQ 205×1
Both not PRs, was hoping to be about 30lbs heavier on both lifts but mean old mr. Gravity wasn’t having it.
Bench Press