CFSBKers at last year’s Flex event. It’s definitely not photoshopped, so stop asking!
Flex on the Beach 2018
We are organizing teams for Flex on the Beach, which goes down Saturday, September 15th in Long Beach. Early Bird pricing ends August 26th, so now is the time to sign up. This is a co-ed competition for teams of 4 (2M/2F) with Rx, Scaled and Masters divisions. Just add your details here and we’ll try to get you on a team for this fun event!
News and Notes
- From July 17th through August 28th, we’ll be offering an additional CrossFit Preteens (ages 8-12) class at 11am on Tuesdays (hey, that’s today!) to help keep your kiddos active over the summer. Go here to read more about our youth programs!
- SAVE THE DATE: We’re hosting a cornhole tournament on Friday, August 3rd at 6:30pm.
The Brain May Clean Out Alzheimer’s Plaques During Sleep Science News
The Importance of Community in Fitness Girls Gone Strong
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
Front Squat
Using a “slower down, faster up” tempo and no belt, traps or wraps. Work up to a 1RM for both the Back Squat and the Front Squat.
Active Life Front Rack Step-Up Test
Using 30% of your best Back Squat from earlier, perform a max rep set of Front Rack Step-Ups for each leg. Use a box that places your hip crease below your patella. Your score should be in the double digits and within +/- 3 reps between legs.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
8e Dumbbell 3-Point Rows (build to a heavy set)
15-30 Second Ring Support
Scale to a :30 Prone Ring Support for those that can’t do a mature hold.
Post work to comments.
For those of you who did scaled flex on the beach last year…talk to me. Can I do it? Is it like open scaled movements and weights? Thinking of signing up this year because miraculously no travel then!
The weights and movements should generally all be doable. The highest skill movement in scaled were pull-ups, and there were partner lunges and thrusters involving a snake, which was cumbersome and weird, but other than that it wasn’t anything too crazy. IIRC deadlift weights were 185/135 (m/w), and KBs were 24/16. Once event was just a run, and another was a max lift (I think it was: clean-front squat-thruster-jerk, snatch-hang snatch-OHS-snatch, with each athlete having to do one of those complexes). Really, the big issue here is volume – it’s four events, and while no individual event was all that insane, it adds up.
thanks, that’s super helpful. Can’t do pull-ups (someday!) but can definitely push through the rest. Will put my name on the spreadsheet!
By September 15th you will be able to do pull ups. Work on them every day before or after class- just a few extra minutes. Use the Chris Fox method, which must be searchable on the blog (or ask him). Flex on the beach seems like great incentive for pull up goals! I’m already excited for you!!
I have the Chris Fox method flagged! You’re right…what good motivation!!!
2 sets
10 band goodmornings
10 supine leg raises
10 cal row
B. Kipping toes to bar Practice
C. FT @aer
50 TTB
50 burpees
50 alt reverse lunges
1.5 mile run
This is a 4 hour pace, 30 min cap
Scale volume/ROM
Monday’s work, 7am
Bench: 90×4, 95×4, 100×4, 105×4!
THANK YOU Kate Tk for pushing me! My 1RM just earlier this year was 95# so I have NO IDEA how 105×4 happened, but it did and I’m psyched.
Grateful for NFT work today 🙂 Rope climbs went smoothly, though I still got slightly rope burned on my shin despite three layers of coverage. Cool.
Interested on Flex on The Beach! Unsure if I’d be up for Rx or Scaled – are there prerequisites?
All your reps were flying up – even the 105×4 didn’t stick/grind. You’ve got way more!
Flexxxxxxxin on em!!! I’m in!
7am with Lauren doing Monday
Bench: 85×4, 90×4, 95×4, 100×1
So, benching is a huge challenge for me! I also missed most of this cycle on Monday, but still – wow. I almost failed the 1 little rep at 100 bc I got a cramp in my…hamstring??? Had to rack it right away. I actually have gotten also sorts of weird strain/cramping feelings in my hip flexors & hamstrings while benching in the past – any idea what I’m doing wrong?
Meantime, it was SUPER fun to watch Jaime beast out on the bench. Goals!
-Got halfway up the rope a few times – I keep chickening out on the height + not trusting myself to be able to properly ease back down. I think I need to go up the knotted rope a bunch to get over the fear factor.
-Swings happened – I want to learn more KB skills!
-Blasted the tri’s, bro
6am with Lauren doing Wednesday
BSQ: 245×1,265×1,275×1
FSQ: 185×1,205×1,225×1
This was more challenging than I expected. I haven’t attended a squat day since early in the Cycle. The front squat definitely felt slow at 225, but it’s also a PR since I haven’t done a max front squat in well over a year.
Active Life Front Rack Step-Up Test
Made it to 7 on each leg at 75.
I’ve never done a step up with that much weight before so it was a little awkward to me, but overall a good experience.
Only for to do 1 round for the NFT.
7am Open Gym
Deadlift practice.
Roose, I read that as you doing 1,265 reps at 245 at first and I was like WHAAAAAAAAT
8am with Jess Fox doing Monday’s work
I really need to bring my book to the racks with me. By the time I got home I forgot if I failed at 98 or at 103. Did I have 2.5s or 5s on? I know I made a set of 4 with 93, which beats my previous 5 rm of 85! Jess saw my fail and said it was a bar path problem but I couldn’t manage my form when I tried again. I’ll blame the previous 4 days in Puerto Rico. I’ll also still be happy with the gains I know I made.
The tricep work was weird. I felt it in my abs more than my arms. The kettle bell swing was light at 12kg but too slippery with the thick handled 16kg. The rope climbs were fun because they’re one of my favorite thinks to do in the gym! I love sliding down. I tried to go legless and got three grabs up but they were pretty inefficient – hand just over hand – no long reaches. 4 rounds of this.
Strength cycle, volume day
Squat 180x7x3. Jeremyism of the day: “Just think of it as Short Circuit.” LOL
Press 70x7x3. Right shoulder was cranky in set 1 but it got better in sets 2 and 3 and after some time on the M80 roller. I really need to get one of these at home (because my apartment hasn’t already been taken over by AR tools or anything).
Chins 8, 6, 5. Not as good as last time out. I have been eating a lot of crap this week so I don’t think I’m weaker, but I do think I might weigh more 😛
Hey all! More info to come about flex if you have any questions I’ll be your head lady getting this together: emphasis on the A In my name plz. It is not katherine even though most brains read that for whatever reason!!!
Got pretty beat up in my training day today. Need to take a couple days to respect how I’m feeling for sure.
A) 50 min aer:
20 cal row
20 cal ski
20 cal bike
361 Cals total
A)Back Squat
@3012 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2-3 min
1×6 @190
1×6 @195
1×5 @ 200
Hips under cue was MONEY!!! Slow lift on 5th 200 think I can do all 6 next week
B1)Handstand Walk
@20ft, 3 sets, rest 30s
Rushing third set and failed. Left shoulder just crapped out on me. Reset and got it done just fine.
B2) Muscle Up
@4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
Poop. That’s the last time I try and squeeze things in right before a group class. I wasn’t recovered and I was trying to rush because there were people around me and I had a pretty scary muscle up fail in the first attempt of my third set, which never happens. It lit up the left side of my neck pretty bad and it’s referring into the top of my shoulder. Going to get it evaluated tom afternoon. I don’t think it’s anything serious. May just need to avoid overhead for a couple of days we’ll see, feeling positive about it.
B3)Wall Ball
16-18 reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 3 min20# ball
That last set of wall balls Hurt like 4-5/10. Like in my neck and shoulder. Was hoping it was going to get better with reps but it didn’t. Again. I think it’s just my neck locked up. Think with some release tomorrow I’ll be ok.
C) 4 sets @ very hard effort
20s AB for max calrest walk 2:20still looking for repeatability here. if you fall off by more than 2-3 cal
11/11/10/9 cals
This was horrendous after set 3! Omg! It took almost an hour to recover I was so out of it. I was like slurring my words during group class and laid on the sidewalk in multiple places and spent at least 15 dollars buying beverages to keep me from throwing up. Amazing how that little bit of work can be so potent when you learn that push. Can’t wait to be able to tolerate this again. But also dread the process. Lol!
BSQ 45×5 65×3 75×2 85×1 95×1 105×1
FSQ 75×1 80×1 85×1
These all felt strong considering I missed a few exposures this cycle.
Happy with this.
Step-ups to 20″ box with PVC pipe 2L and 8R – need to work on these. Whit suggested working these in 1x week.
35# rows and modified hold using two benches w/ legs extended.
Happy to squat and chat w/ Colleen who I haven’t seen in so long : )