Power Snatch
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
5 Power Snatches
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
3 Power Snatches
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
1 Power Snatches
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
3 Power Snatches
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
5 Power Snatches
Choose a challenging load for each 3-minute EMOM. The intention is to add load from the fives to the triples, and then again on the singles, dropping weight for the triples and fives on the way down the ladder.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
Tabata Double-Unders or Single-Unders
Rest 1 minute, then…
Tabata Pistols or Squats
Score total reps for each tabata. Sub Singles for Dubs as needed, and be sure to hit full depth and extension on all of your Pistols or Squats. If performing Pistols, alternate legs each rep.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Thanks to everyone who came out for our potluck in Prospect Park yesterday afternoon. You can check out more of Robert C.’s photos on our Flickr account!
September 22nd and 23rd: Birthfit Coach Seminar at CFSBK
The BIRTHFIT Coach Seminar is a strength and conditioning seminar for those who train (or might one day train) pregnant and postpartum athletes. This is for coaches, personal trainers, and anyone who works with women in the fitness world. This seminar is unlike anything else out there!
Format: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on Saturday, September 22nd & Sunday, September 23rd
Price: $599
- Learn basic anatomy and physiology associated with a woman’s body, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
- Understand the BIRTHFIT definition of “core” and discover the origins of functional movement and breath; integrate these principles into both prenatal and postpartum training.
- Explore the idea of fitness, strength, and conditioning specifically in the context of labor and delivery; understand the need to move with intention and train for birth. The intention is quality over quantity; it is not what you do, but how you do it.
- Understand beneficial movements and movements to avoid for specific trimesters.
- Facilitate a woman’s respect for her body and make space for her instincts—this trust starts in the gym. AWARENESS.
- Gain a respect for the uniqueness of both the birth and postpartum healing processes.
- Each woman has her own healing process and timeline.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Pull-Ups, Thrusters, Row, Burpees
Why Do I Yawn When I Lift? BarBend
Improving Overhead Strength and Stability The Barbell Physio
5 DB high pulls/side
10 alt plank walk ups
10 cal row
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
5 sets @ aer
5 pull ups
5 push ups
10 cal row
rest 2:00
A) PC + HC + FSQ + Jerk
every 4 min for 6 sets
add weight
really solid lifting day for my leggies! Jerks got a bit sloppy but Frankie was giving me good tips about hips down, had no idea my back leg was a little bit straight, which would explain why i tend to lose my thpinal position in the jerk. going to go for 190 next week i think i can do it
B)Sumo Deadlift
@2011 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2-3 min
3×6 @ 265#
holy moly. This was INTENSE after those clean and jerk. system was toast after this! Felt strong though. Back has been feeling better than ever.
C1)Toes to Bar
@18-20 reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 30s
do not rip
somehow. still room. somehow.
C2)Box Jump Step Down
@15-17 reps, 3 sets unboken, rest 30s
D)30 min @aer
1000m ski
10 lateral MB tosses/side, 14lb
100ft reverse sled drag, 2-3 blue
3 rounds + 1000M ski i think exactly. sort of forget what i got because i had to transition to coaching relatively quickly.
A1)Strict Handstand Push-up
@12 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
i think the extra rest would help! shoulders were toast after fridays lift in the pressing department. pullups felt fine though
A2)Chest to Bar Pull-Up
@ 13-15 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
do not rip!
3×15, plenty of room to go up
still mindblown that you can see when im not breathing during these
A3)Front Rack Walking Lunge
@6-8 reps/leg, 3 sets, rest 3 min
add weight
1x8ea @ 115
1x8ea @ 125
1x8ea @ 135
I hate that i know i can go heavier. so brutal on the last set! front rack is feeling relentless these days. no fatigue or discomfort! all of the time under tension work has been magic.
B)8 sets @ very hard effort
10s AB for max cal
rest walk 2:30
still looking for repeatability here. if you fall off by more than 2-3 cal cut it
figured out that if i dont hit the start button and if i just go and wait for the screen to come on i get more calories. hitting the start button takes the arms out of my drive from the beginning. couple of close calls on getting that 5. But i felt like it was just when i lost connection to the bike, not because i was dying.
Strength! 😃
Squat 205×3, 195x3x2. I think maybe I could’ve done 205 for all 3 sets! Feeling good, although after DO’s lesson on foot position mindfulness in AR yesterday, I did notice myself pitching forward in set 1 and corrected it in sets 2 and 3.
Bench 127.5x5x3. Fine! I wish I hadn’t lost my old training logbook because I want to look up what weight I started failing 3x5s at back in 2016. I suspect I might be matching it or coming very close right now.
Pause deadlift 205×5. These were easy.
8am w/JFox
Power snatch EMOM
Shoulders were shot, too nervous about a set-back there to go heavy. These felt good and last sets felt faster than the first. Really focused on leading up with my elbows in the last sets which helped keep the bar closer & ensured contact at hips vs. somewhere mid-hang/quad area as was happening in the beginning. Fun! Ripped the crap about of my left hand tho.
Tabtatas tabataed.