Power Clean and Push Jerk
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
5 Power Clean + Push Jerks
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
3 Power Clean + Push Jerks
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
1 Power Clean + Push Jerk
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
3 Power Clean + Push Jerks
Rest 1 minute, then…
Every Minute on the Minute x 3:
5 Power Clean + Push Jerks
Choose a challenging load for each 3-minute EMOM. The intention is to add load from the fives to the triples, and then again on the singles, dropping weight for the triples and fives on the way down the ladder.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
7e Suitcase Reverse Lunges
7 Ring Rows
Choose challenging load (dumbbells or kettlebells) for the Lunges and angle for the Ring Rows that allows you to move unbroken. Be strict on the Ring Rows.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Want to get better at Olympic lifting? Don’t forget that we’ve added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays
This Saturday, July 21st, we will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. We would love to see you there with your families, friends, and a few snacks or dishes to pass around and share! We’ll bring a few games to play, but if you have any of your own that you are particularly fond of, feel free to bring them along as well! We had a GREAT turn out at our last picnic so don’t miss out! Come meet more members of your community and enjoy an afternoon in the park with us! What better way to spend a Saturday?
We’ll be on the hill south of the Picnic House (most easily accessible via the 5th Street/Litchfield Villa entrance) from 2pm to around 6. Bring a dish, drink, or game to play. Friends, family, and dogs are welcomed, as always. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / DB Row | Run, KB Swings
Can Exercise Really Help with Anxiety? Refinery29
Why Does Lactic Acid Build Up in the Muscles? And Why Does It Cause Soreness? Scientific American
7am w/KFox
PC + power jerk EMOM fun!
This was hella informative & I felt like the weight was correct throughout. By the end 83 moved almost as fast as 63 in the beginning. BUT I’m a long ways off from being able to handle Grace RX – cycling down from the jerk is super awkward, and I kept catching the bar on my sternum rather than shoulders. I think I could keep 93 moving for 5 reps or so, but not with my breathing/heart rate under control. Lots to build on/learn from this. Good stuff!
WOD: 5 rounds @ 35#. Glutes is DED.
LBBS 155x5x3. Getting heavy but still moving!
Press 62.5x5x3. Ugh so hard.
Deadlift 175×5 w/ deficit. Fine!
The PC+PJ work was pretty fun today! The scheme kept me on my toes.
93x1x2, 98×1
Remembering to catch with my elbows up is still a work in progress, thank you for the cue, Harpersdottir!
WOD: 5 rounds + 12 lunges at 35#. Weirdly, I felt it less in the legs/glutes and it was my forearms that gave out first! This hasn’t been an issue with DB’s in the past, I hope my form wasn’t off?
No, the barbell work was taxing on grip/forearm and then the metcon was all grippppp holding the DBs and the Rings
8 am with Fox
This was so much fun. I tried a few different approaches throughout – not aiming so much for consistency as information/experimentation. Some of the jerks were right off the clean (at all weights); bringing the bar down stopping at shoulders versus directly to hips was interesting to compare; keeping the hook grip throughout versus unhooking to jerk… All weights were doable in terms of keeping form despite split second choices about the how…
83x2x3; 88x1x3
WOD – 6 rounds even (maybe took an extra second for the last ring row). 20# DBs, unbroken except for the 5th round which was silly 4-10. Feet were at least a foot in from the racks toward the wall. I wish I would have used a bench since I went lighter on the DBs. Next time.
I’m sad to be missing the picnic this weekend. I’ll be in Puerto Rico because it got so cold around here! Have fun everyone!
What cool programming today! +1 to all the comments about how illuminating and informative this was. I feel like I learned a lot (and have plenty to continue practicing). Eye-opening to ponder doing 30 of these at 95 to say the least.
If my notes and my math were right, the C&J went something like:
73x3x1, 83x3x2
93x1x1, 103x1x2
WOD – 6 rounds + 12 lunges using 30# dbs. Farewell to my grip and forearms (Jaime I’m with you I was actively wondering if I was gripping wrong or why it felt so challenging to hang on!). Glutes are still plenty toasty, too.
I’m worried about your math esteem this week. I’m getting you flash cards!
10 min heat up and joint prep, shoulder pre-hab stuff
EMOM X 12:
2 power snatches, building
85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 105, 110, 110, 115, 115, 115, 120#
TNG until 105, then singles
120 is 5# off my 1rm power snatch
focused on LEG DRIVE , keeping loose arms, and no hesitation coming through to finish. felt pretty decent!
FSQ, 85% 1RM (155#)
strict HSPU
box jump (30″)
rope climb
-FSQ from floor. full clean as first rep of each set. unbroken except for in the 4’s, I lost tension on third rep of that set and knew i wasn’t going to make the next one so bailed and did another clean.
-HSPU to 1 abmat. 3-2, 2-2, 2-1, 2, 1 … ugh. i need to press overhead more.
-box jumps were the rest 🙂
-rope climb in 608 so 1.5 “reps” to get to the top.
-rested about :30 or so after last rope before each new round, the FSQ real felt heavy!! good grinder for today.
Your snatches were looking amazing! I was thinking that was a lot of weight on there that you made look easy!!!
Wasn’t creeping— Lol, just kept me occupied while I was dying with :90 OH holds…
Co-sign how fun today’s workout was. The endorphins were *flowing*!!!
1.25/2/2.25# CARs
10 hollow flexion 2.5# each hand
5 walk outs to hollow
Superset 3x:
:60 dead hang — FOREARMS AND GRIP
:90 12kg OH hold. Dang. Real challenging but no pain.
Which led me to the day’s workout— more grip 🙁
Power Cleans only— all T&G
93×5, 103×3, 113x1x2 (went up to 118 and failed. Not sure why)
108×3, 98×5– super fast, felt awesome.
Can’t wait to get overhead strength back!
Wod: 16kg bells— 5 rounds
Honestly it was my arms and grip that caused me to not get as many rounds. The forearms were toast by this point. Even typing on my phone right now is tiring…
Awesome day at the gym! Bye! I’ll be in Wisconsin this weekend working out a gym called “Farmland Fitness” lolol ;P
definitely going to do haybail burpees
A little pre-programming work. Shoulders needed a long warmup today.
3 rounds:
30sec passive bar hang
8ea DB external rotation @ 10#
–then had to put my money where my mouth is after my instagram post about how your strict press should be equal to your behind the neck press. C Fox says its impossible, due to the fact that the lay back in the press allows the recruitment of more muscle groups. I think he has a point. And not everybody should do BTN press if they don’t have an appropriate amount of flexibility. But if you do have the prerequisites, striving to be as close as possible in behind the neck/strict press ratio is ideal for healthy shoulders in an overhead position.
Went off program and went for a 1RM BTN press (sorry Ro) shoulders felt ready to snatch after for sure though!
BTN Press: 65×3, 70×3, 75×1, 80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 95×1, 100F (almost, failed because i got stuck and ended up resting on my skull. lol!)
My recent triple strict press is 105×3, so my estimated 1RM is 113 (have never gotten over 105). so 95#/113# is getting pretty close! Hoping to see this all go up in the next couple of months 🙂
Good training day to follow:
A)Snatch Complex
PS + Snatch + OHS
every 4 min for 6 sets
add weight each set
115/120/125/130/135/140 (5# PR for power snatch!)
Looks like i still can go up! Last week was a tough training week. Feeling my normal self this go around. Think i’ve got 145 in me for a power snatch! Will be brave next week.
B)Multi Grip Bench Press
@3011 6-8 reps, 3 sets, rest 1-2 min
1×8 @ 85
1×8 @ 90
1×8 @ 95
Getting the hang of this, and really enjoy it! This tempo suuuuxxx. The pressure on my hands is the worst part actually
C)Chest to Ring Pull-Up
@2011 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2 min
add weight
3×6 @ 15#, not too bad if i supinated fists to chest to get a little extra cep action in there
up to 2.5# next week for sure!
D)30 min @aer
run 550
15 back extentions
100ft reverse sled drag/row, 2-3 blue
3 skin the cat to hanging L-sit
4 rounds + 550M run + 15 hip extensions
avg 156/ max 169
Heart rate was a bit high but the splits werent too bad. I probably blew up in the third and thats what did it. When my app checked in with me it was averaging 143 so i did well until then.
I crushed my last score on accident (last time I got 55M into 5th round). I did better with skin the cats this week. all 3 unbroken (although not completely straight with elbows when controlling back down to L sit/reversing. whatever. this is hard! my quads spazzed a little less although it definitely still happened)
Oh my, I made the blog. 😊 awesome photo by Thomas H! I will be in for today’s workout, tomorrow. Yay!
6:30pm Group Class with Coaches WhitSki
The last 135 set was the only one I held onto and did touch and go reps, all the others I dropped and reset every rep. Meant to do 185 not 180 but grabbed 2.5s and not 5’s by mistake
Lunge/RR Metcon
4 Rounds even, sort of. Clock stopped and then I finished my pulls
Used 20kg KBs for the Lunges and there werent enough rings so I did Horizontal body rows on the low pull-up bars
Coming in super late since I followed up strength cycle with recovery at Dinosaur 😀
Also, so happy that I got to do the work with the class! I was afraid I was going to have to work late and make it up in the morning all by my lonesome.
Pause squat 160x4x4. Easy peasy.
Press 77.5x5x3. Crazy how taking just 2.5# off the bar makes me go from failing the 5th rep in my very first set to “this is really hard, but I am in no doubt that I will make every rep.” I wonder whether I’m going to rep outs next time around.
Barbell rows 85×10, 90×10, 95×8.
I am toast.