Clean and Jerk
Every 90 Seconds x 10:
Clean + Jerk
Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps at last week’s heaviest weight before dropping for the final 2 reps to finish on a few at a lower percentage.
Every 90 Seconds x 10:
1 Clean Deadlift (3 seconds down) + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk
If you’re newer to the lifts, then choose the Fitness option and work on pulling strength from the floor. Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps at last week’s heaviest weight before dropping weight for the final 2 reps to finish on a few perfect reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders (or about 2 minutes practice)
10e Wall-Facing Shoulder Taps (or 3 Wall Walks)
10 Supine Hollow Alternating Leg Raises
Post work to comments.
James and Coach Keith practiced their ninja moves at the gym yesterday morning. We’re not ninja experts, but these look pretty good to us! | Photo by Sasha S.
Sign Up for Anti-Gravity Strength
Struggling with your Pull-Ups? Stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class. These always sell out, so hop on it!
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up. The class meets 2 times per week for 8 weeks according to the schedule below.
Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm
Saturdays from 11am to 12:30pm
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY sales tax). This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise you on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
“I’ve done 3 cycles of AG Strength and will continue to do so. I’ve made so much progress with this class—not only in things we practice in AGS, but in movements we did not train in AGS but used in regular CrossFit classes. Let me tell you that I was a very poorly skilled person. I decided to take this class because I wanted to do a Pull-Up. That being said, I couldn’t do 5 Pull-Ups with a band. My upper body strength was mediocre at best. And, I didn’t know how to do a Wall Kick-Up, so I wasn’t even considering doing Handstand Push-Ups.
The past 24 weeks were full of firsts: I did my first Chin-Up, Wall Kick-Up, Handstand Push-Ups with 3 then 2 then 1 AbMats, and Strict and Kipping Pull-Ups. Those are things we practice in AGS. But since the class focuses on upper body strength, I also improved in a bunch of things we didn’t even practice in class: Toes-to-Bar happened for the first time during the 1st cycle and now I’m able to do Toes-to-Bars in WODs (did 15-12-9-6-3 recently!). I also now can do Dips, Plank for 90+ seconds, Ring Transition + Hold, and many other small things that I was never able to do in classes.
So, if you are a beginner, like me, and struggle with some things that seem basic to a lot of people—Toes-to-Bars, Pull-Ups, Push-Ups—I highly recommend this class. Trust Ro, push yourself and stick to the program for 8 weeks and will see mind-blowing results! As we say in Portuguese: se joga!”—Thaisa L.
News and Notes
- We’ll be showing the World Cup quarterfinals games on our big screen tomorrow and Saturday at 2pm. See the event page for details. Bring your friends!
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
Watch This Woman Do Chin-Ups While Hula Hooping boingboing
Frailty Starting Strength
I waaaaaaaaaant to do AG Strength! Pleasepleaseplease morning edition!
I know what you mean Stella! But only if it’s a verrrry early morning edition. Right now, I’m doing Starting Strength at 6:30am with Jeremy and I love it. If AG Strength was offered at a similar time, I’d do it.
Anyone have experience with lap swim at red hook pool? Is it actually free?? I can’t find a price. I registered but I’m mind blown if it’s free
Free. Just sign up.
But you will need some cash for tacos from the Country Boys food truck.
8 am with Fox
Sleeping poorly lately and drank a bit yesterday so sluggishly came in reminding myself that I never regret going to the gym. So true today! While my jerks were off, the cleans all felt pretty good. Elbows around fast and good extension. I don’t really know what went wrong jerk-wise. The ones that Fox saw were OK. I’ll hope the others were just just a fluke and will iron out next week. I worked up to 93# (which is 93% of of my 1rm) and then back down to 83 for the last rep to hammer in the muscle memory.
Then some magic of the Jens during double under practice! I always do well stringing them together when Jen B is in my class and today I borrowed Jen K’s rope for 17 consecutive. I had just PRed by doing 12 with my own rope and then topped that with Jen’s, which I just ordered for myself! Charles and Jen K also hit double under PRs, I think. Got some hip taps against the wall and the leg raises were not as terrible as I feared.
Nice on those double unders. Miss you!
yesterday… about 2.5 hours with lots of sweat and lots of rest!
quick shoulder warm up, general joint prep
a. weighted chin up, 1 RM test:
+10#, +20#, 30#, 35?, 40#, 45#, 47F
only tested pull up before, never chin, so wasn’t sure what to expect but happy with the result! I need to press overhead much more than I need to pull, but it’s nice to have this as a benchmark.
b. power clean: about 10 min up to heavy single, not max:
125×3, 135, 135, 145, 145, 155-gross, 155-full clean
this was real hot garbage today. just all over the place.
c. power clean: 3x (2-2-2, rest :20), rest 2:00 : repeat @ 135#
still not very snappy. was hanging out up top, using my shoulders instead of my hips, slow to the bar, just weird. felt a bit zonked, oh well!
d. BSQ: 6-4-2-1
(95×5, 135×4, 155×3, 165×2)
175×6 / 190×4 / 200×2 / 210×1 — rest about 2:30-3:00 between sets
210 either matches my high bar bsq PR or is just under it, can’t remember. and 93% of my all time LBBS. good stuff.
e. RFESS w/ voodoo restriction, L side only:
20-15-15-15-12 @ 12.5# farmer carry each side, rest :30 between sets
added some weight this week. so much discomfort. feelin’ the pump.
f. 5 sets:
2:00 assault bike, 50 RPM
2 ring muscle up, focus on quality
felt great! plus a couple extra sets of RMU to keep working specifics. feeling much snappier. need to keep core tension in transition now that the rhythm is getting there.
today, 10am group w/ Jess
every :90, clean and jerk: 125, 135, 145, 145, 150, 155, 155, 155, 155, 145
laying back on my cleans a bit, saw it on video and solved for last 3-4 reps. jerks feeling solid. consistency at 90%, happy to not push past that today.
NFT work was super fun! decided to go for a max set of DU’s and hit 111! first time i’ve gotten past 100, I think. hooray!
I too wish AG Strength or AG was offered in the morning at 6 a.m. or 6:30 a.m. I don’t think there would be any lack of interest or people signing up.
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially during the summer.
Pre-class: 5 pull-ups (bodyweight), then E45sec x 12: 1 strict pull-up with vest.
C&J: 113, 123, 133, 143, 148, 153×3, 143×2
Just couldn’t get that jerk dialed in quite right, so opted to stay at 153.
NFT: Stayed after a little bit to get in all five rounds. Could actually do shoulder taps today (usually just reach to opposite elbow – success!), but limited to 7e per round.
Post class: 3 rounds:
1 min back extension (will add weight next time)
Kipping pull ups with vest – minimal rest (3-2-1, 4-3-2, 5-4-3)
Just playing around with rhythm and the vest.
1,1,1 rest 15-20 sec between each cluster
3-4 sets, rest 3-4 min between sets
try to go higher than the first time at 3’s
125/135/145/150!!! so stoked to hit 150 three times. I dont know how its possible but I wouldve gone for 155 if i had one more set left. Amazing too because i was failing my warmup sets left and right. My mental cues didnt quite click until the 135. then it was gold from there! Looking at the video footage 150 looked pretty fast so i was very happy with how this turned out.
B)Close Grip Bench Press
@2011 3,3,3 build to a heavy triple, rest 3-4 min
125/130/135! i will definitely take it!
C)20 min @aer
550m run
30s side plank/side
130m mixed rack carry, 65m L/R, 16kg/hand
100ft reverse sled drag
rest 5 min
2 sets
2 rounds + 300M run
2 rounds + 270M run
no HR monitor today. good stuff!
ROLLERBLADE CASHOUT! DO tried to teach me how to skate backwords. I cant figure it out yet but i will.
Squat 180x5x3
Press 70x5x3
Chin-ups 8,6,6 BW
feeling good about that first set of 8 chins! I think that may be a PR?
6:30 class today after a veery long day at work. Felt good to burn off some steam!
cleans felt really good…jerks felt a little unsteady and rushed…I’m always so careful with these…I’m not confident in my skill overhead yet
ended up enjoying this. The wall walks with shoulder taps made me proud. I stayed nice and controlled on those and usually I’m all over the place. I think my ten minutes of practice a few time a week is helping…one day i’ll be handstand walking, and muscleuping, and all that cool stuff:)