Partner WODs
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
6 Front Squats 135/95
6 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
6 Deadlifts 185/125
6 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
6e Dumbbell Reverse Lunges 35/20
6 Dumbbell Push Presses 35/20
The Rx is on the light side today. The idea is for one partner to be working just about the whole time and not get too hung up on any particular movement.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
It’s gonna be hot out there this weekend. Be sure to hydrate those guns!
The Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Do you have kids? We love offering our CrossFit youth programs at CFSBK, and we want to make them as accessible as possible for your kiddos, so we’re looking into different class times this summer. If you could take the time to complete this short survey to let us know what times would work well for your kids, we’d really appreciate your input.
2. Our Starting Strength program starts back up on Monday, and there are still spots left in a few of the cycles! See Tuesday’s post for details.
3. We’re doing our annual weightlifting shoe clean out. The shoes in this photo haven’t been used since March and are marked only with initials. If you see a pair that belong to you, please claim them at the front desk before July 31st!
4. Our very own Coach Jess is in the July/August issue of Shape talking about her journey to get the coveted Muscle-Up. We’re hoping they publish this on the web soon, but for now you can enjoy the preview on our Instagram, and you should definitely pick up a print copy at your local newsstand. Congrats, Jess!
5. Missing something? Perhaps a Red Sox hat or a homemade sword? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
6. Save the date! On Saturday, July 21st, we will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend a Saturday?
7. Want to get better at the Snatch and Clean and Jerk? You’re in luck. Starting this upcoming week, we’re offering additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes at from 12pm to 1pm on Wednesdays and Fridays!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What Are the Components of a Great Warm-Up? Girls Gone Strong
14 Fun Facts About Fireflies Smithsonian
Although I am an avid blog reader, this is my first post ever! I just want to shout out Katie Harper for single handedly coaching a MASSIVE class this morning. Thank you!
Dawww thanks Becky!!! Yeah I’m unsure but 27 may be a PR. Don’t blame you all for wanting to get it in early at 8am!
Also this picture: wuuuut, when, why not
Love me a good summer seltz chug to the face