A1) Back Squat + Front Squat:
3 x 8
A2) 3-Point Dumbbell Row:
3 x 8
*Perform 2 work sets of Back Squats followed by 1 work set of Front Squats. Each Squat set is supersetted with Dumbbell Rows. Use a “slower down, faster up” tempo for both lifts. Rest 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
40m Single-Arm Farmer Carry (each arm)
16/12 Calorie Bike/Row
12/8 Push-Ups
Post work to comments.
Lady Fox in Shape Magazine!
Our very own Coach Jess is in the July/August issue of Shape talking about her journey to get the coveted Muscle-Up. We’re hoping they publish this on the web soon, but for now you can enjoy the preview on our Instagram, and you should definitely pick up a print copy at your local newsstand. Congrats, Jess! Once again, our coaches make us proud.
News and Notes
- Do you subscribe to our newsletter? Our summer edition, which will contain a sneak peek of some fun summer events, will come out this week. Sign up HERE or via the link on the sidebar to the right!
- Missing something? Perhaps a Red Sox hat or a homemade sword? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What It Costs to Feed Brian Shaw and Hafthor Bjornsson BarBend
Hamburger Creeped Out By Eerie Soy Facsimile Of Itself On Grill
**AM session:
A)Assault Bike
2sets x10 min @45-50 rpms
rest 2 min
Felt good, chill.
B)Performance Care via KVW:
4 rounds:
10m Reverse Bear Crawl Plate drag
5 each Lateral Ball Throws*
:30 Perfect Hollow Hold (bend knees as necessary)
10 Parallette Shoot Throughs
Solid core morning. I was really feeling those low lateral throws they were different. I like em! Those plate drag bear crawls are hell
**PM session:
A) Handstand walk @20ft, 2-3 sets
3x20ft, felt good today! ponytail got in the way alot it was hard to see hahahah. guess ill go for the fun bun next time i do these. but i managed to breathe A LITTLE bit on my last set. progress
A2)Toes to Bar
@17 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 2-3 min
do not rip!
3×17. getting tough! but i can keep going
B)Sumo Deadlift
@4-6 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 2-3 min
3×6 @ 235/245/255#
good starting spot. Felt hard but doable
C1)Back Rack Reverse Lunge
@4-6 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
1×6 @ 140#, 2×6 @ 145#, hot dayum that was heavy!
C2)Ab Roll Out
@14-16 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×16, getting slightly easier. Only slightly!
D)30 min @aer
row 1500m
30s sorenson hold
10 push ups
3 rounds + 348M
Max HR: 149, avg HR: 135
Nailed the HR, splits a bit off. That was the fault of the row. My mind got super stale rowing around a 5k. This normally doesnt bother me so i think i was just randomly antsy today. On the other hand, that HR though! looking forward to testing my lactate threshold. I feel like I’ve made some improvement.
7am detox w/RoHarpz
After 4 days of NOLA, booze, fried foodz…
HBBS: 145x8x2
FSQ: 120×8
Row: 35x8e x2 (same as last week)
Got a real super case of the shakies, but it happened.
3RNFT, so much sweating and drama, especially on the carries. Pushups unbroken for once though so that’s a tiny gain.
Getting ready to leave again on 2 week of straight up vacation time. Really debating whether I throw my sneakers in my suitcase or not — do I want to drop in to at least squat somewhere so I can try for that 200# at the end of this cycle? Or do I just take 2 full weeks off of crossfit for the first time since I started 2 years ago?
“sweating and drama” … may be the title of my memoir?
7am w/ Ro + Katie
LBBS: 130x8x2. Smooooth! Felt better than 125# last week!
FSQ: 115×8. Repeat from last week when I quit after 6 because it felt so bad. Still didn’t feel great, but it happened! Thanks Jaime for encouraging me to try last week’s weight again, sticking with me and helping me power through <3
3-pt DB Row: 30#x8eax3. Too easy, I think.
3-ish rounds of NFT with the red KB and rowing (NO BIKE NO THANK YOU).
Jess, this is the coolest thing! That photo is awesome and I’m sure the article will be an inspirational read.
LBBS: 130x8x2. Really struggling with keeping my low bar positioning as my wrists bend backwards, resulting in the bar sliding down my back. Wasn’t an issue when I was doing low reps, of course, so it wasn’t super apparent until now. Deciding whether I should switch to high bar. Should people pick HB or LB and stick with it, or is it ok to switch it up?
FSW: 125×8. Felt fine!
3-pt DB row: 30x8eax3. Moved fine
NFT work was welcomed today! Got through 3 rounds: Biked for one, rowed for other two. Big win to do two of these rounds with unbroken push-ups. When I first started Crossfit, I could only dream of doing one solid push-up! Carries with the red KB.
Congrats Jess!
6am with Ro + Katie
LBBS: 185x8x2
FSQ: 135×8
DB Row: 40x8eax3
3 rounds + Carry and Row
Made it to 115 on the carries.
First week back after Strength Cycle. Trying to get into the groove of things again. Everything went well today.
AGS testing day!
HSPU: got my first “real” strict HSPU (no abmats). This was the highlight of the day for me, as this is a movement that I’ve made slow but consistent progress over the last 1.5y since I started AGS. In the beginning I couldn’t even kick up to the wall, then I started with 3 abmats, and slowly took them away in the course of many months.
Pull-up: a +75lbs weighted pull-up, a +5lb PR (from a while back).
Dip (strict, matador): +20lbs, I don’t think I had tested this in the past. Dips are something I struggle with a lot, and this cycle got me much better at them – 8 weeks ago I couldn’t do 4 tempo dips, and I finished doing 6+ of them.
Tabata sit-ups (no arms): 10.375 situps/round, an 0.5 situp/round improvement from 8 weeks ago.
Happy with the results from this cycle! Followed all that testing with a bit more HSPU practice during AG, mostly working on the kipping motion on a fun little workout partnered with Vanessa.
HELL YEAH! So much awesome progress to be proud of as a result of a patient stretch of hard work. Congrats 🙂
I saw the video and it looks like you have more than that first one! You came up really fast! Congrats and keep up the good gainz!
Crushed it! Congrats!
Jess = badass!!!
Just started my 40th (aaaaa!) birthday off right with 7 AM class at CrossFit Golden Gate (don’t be impressed by that, jet lag is on my side):
E2MOM complex: 1 segment power clean (3s pause at knee) + 1 power clean. Got to 115 but this was dreadful! I know I was letting the bar get out way in front of me. 🙁
12 min AMRAP
12 box jumps 20” (no Rx)
6 deadlifts 185# (Rx+)
6 lateral burpee over bar (bleeeeechhh)
6 rounds + 10 reps. I’m ready for my birthday drinks now pls.
Happy birthday Stella!
Woohoo, Happy Birthday, Stella! Let the birthday drinks commence!
Happy Birthday, Stella!
Happy birthday!
Yay Jess!
9am solo sesh, down to biz:
a. power clean up to heavy single, not max:
85×3, 105×3, 125×2, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155 (94%)
have been doing cleans/snatches a lot and not so much power, so the mechanics felt slightly wonky.
b. power clean: 4x (2-2-2, rest :20), rest 2:00 b/t clusters
at 135# today, between 85-90% of the heavy single. felt solid.
as always, better on a clock or with “pressure”, so could probably work up across these sets next time, but happy with 24 pretty breezy reps @ 135#
c. BSQ: 6-4-2-1
(45×5, 95×5, 125×4, 145×3, 155×2, 165×2)
205×1 (95% of my high bar sqt 1RM, 91% of all time)
took my time warming this up today b/c i wanted more exposure on my way up. second two at 185 felt like hot garbage, but i’m sure they weren’t too bad in reality. 205 was a bit sticky past the middle.
d. RFESS with blood flow restriction
20-16-16-16-12, :30 between sets
L side only. voodoo band around 7/10 tension. keep band thru rest.
20 felt fine. second set uncomfortable. after that the walls close in.
after that just walked around and cooled down. can’t wait to feel my legs tmw.
Jess! Raising standards! Let Beyond the White Board know that they have to add “Smiling Muscle Up” to the skills page.
7am with Katie HarpZ and Arturo
LBBS 110 and FS 100. The back squats were fine. I should have gone to 115. I’ll add 10 next week. Remind me! That front squat was a 5 lb jump from last week’s accidental 15 lb jump. I stepped way out in case I couldn’t make all 8 reps but I did with a big pause after the 6th and 7th. Whew!
DB row with 35# for all three sets (last week was 30/30/35).
I only had time for 2 rounds of NFT work. Carried the red kettle bell. Is that 34kg? Bike and push ups!
Jess – crushing it. Congrats on he spread!
LBBS: 185 x 8 x 2
FSQ: 145 x 8
KHarpz noted a hip swivel on my last few reps of back squat – Whit pointed this out to me recently as well. Something to explore – perhaps accessory work. Front squat felt surprisingly good – probably could have slowed it on the way down a bit.
NFT with a 88# KB for the carries.
3 rounds
Pull ups (5-4-4)
Ring holds (10 sec top, 5 sec down, 5 sec at bottom)
Now that summer is started, I want to have a more consistent accessory work routine. Already have been picking some coaches’ brains – any advice or things that have worked for others are welcome to share. Excited for some extra time for fitness.
LBBS: 135x8x2
FSQT: 110x8x1
Rows: 40#x8x3
Missed the last two Wednesdays and felt good considering. Tipped over a bit on the fsqt.
NFT: completed 4 rounds. Used the 32kg KB for the carries.
(when you write your blog post the day of the WOD then open your laptop the next night and realize you never posted it )