New cycles of our Starting Strength program start next week, and there are still spots left!
The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday, July 2nd – Friday, August 24th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday, July 3rd – Sunday, August 26th (FULL)
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Thurs | Monday, July 2nd – Thursday, August 23rd (FULL)
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday, July 2nd – Wednesday, August 22nd
E cycle: Late morning, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday, July 2nd – Thursday, August 23rd
A CrossFit Total testing one-rep maxes in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift will take place on Sunday, August 26th at 2pm to cap off all cycles.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-10 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles: $300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2x Per Week Cycles: $200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, Open Gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates/Short Circuit.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
News and Notes
- Do you subscribe to our newsletter? Our summer edition, which will contain a sneak peek of some fun summer events, will come out this week. Sign up HERE or via the link on the sidebar to the right!
- We’re doing our annual weightlifting shoe clean out. The shoes in this photo haven’t been used since March and are marked only with initials. If you see a pair that belong to you, please claim them at the front desk before July 31st!
2018 Games Day 1 to Push New Limits CrossFit (video)
How to Beat the Assault Bike OPEX
Wednesday’s Programming
A1) Back Squat + Front Squat:
3 x 8
A2) 3-Point Dumbbell Row:
3 x 8
*Perform 2 work sets of Back Squats followed by 1 work set of Front Squats. Each Squat set is supersetted with Dumbbell Rows. Use a “slower down, faster up” tempo for both lifts. Rest 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
40m Single-Arm Farmer Carry, ea 16/12
Calorie Bike/Row
12/8 Push Ups
Post work to comments.
5 lateral box step ups/side
3 piked push ups
20 alt plank toe taps
kipping HSPU Practice
C. 20 min w/partner @aer
5 hspu
10 box jump over
130m run
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday. STILL sore from the weekend, especially my triceps! Felt good to move.
Bench: 82.5×8, 85×8. Last few were a bit of a challenge, but fine.
Step-ups: 17.5x8x2 with a 20″ box + 1 blue plate. That extra height is a game-changer! Really tough.
WOD: 4:47 w/ 25# DBs and 9-6-3 kipping c2b pull-ups. Just wanted to keep moving and this was the right weight for that. Put the DBs down after 7 reps in the set of 15 thrusters and regret it! Should have held onto them. Otherwise, I think this went pretty well. C2bs felt good! Did those in sets of 3 and 2.
Quick weekend recap:
Saturday: STONEWALL! 4 rounds + 7 burpees (dang, so close!) with 73# on the bar. Also the right weight to keep moving through rounds at a steady pace. I got a little lost in my breaks during this workout and again, put the bar down halfway through the first two sets of shoulder-to-overheads…shouldn’t have done that. Something to work on! Double-unders felt great.
Sunday: Worked up to 80# on the snatch, then WOD in 10:55 with rowing instead of running. This was a great workout to work on pacing. It was sort of a mental game, so I broke the BBJOs into 5s in my head and that helped!
8 am with Jess
worked up to 83# bench press. I stayed at 10 lbs but made those steps all the way up to 20″ today for all 3 rounds. They all felt better than previous weeks so I’ll add a bit of weight next week. These have been really, really, really challenging for me!
WOD 7:14 with 20lb DBs. They felt so heavy just before and I was tempted to swap them out but didn’t and then did 21 unbroken so yeah – 20 was at least as heavy as I shoulda. Then 10 -5 then 9 holding on the whole time but pretty pausy. Went all Goldilocks on the jumping bar muscle ups. Did my first three from 24″ but failed the 4th so flipped the box up on its side (32″?) too high and easy for the next six. Flipped it back down and brought over a plate for 6 and 3.
hip/core heat up
snatch: work up to some heavy singles in about 10-15 min:
35kg x 2, 40kg x 2, 45kg x 2
50, 53, 53, 56, 56, 56 (123#/88%)
10am group class w/ Snickerdoodle
bench: 3×8 @ 100#
db f-rack step ups: 3×8 @ 17.5# on 20″ box + 45# plate (22″)
L side only
WOD in 7:24 RX’d
DBT: 13-8, 8-7, 9.
BMU: 4-3-2, 3-3, 3.
ugh… this was so much harder than I wanted it to be. just gassed from the get-go. definitely the kind of workout I need to do an aerobic primer before, and I didn’t. BMU were okay, but not as efficient as they have been. but I was laying back too much and waiting too long to transition, as Jess noted afterward. did some practice then and it got better.
:35 sup dead hang
10 15# Cuban presses
:35 handstand holds
High pulls: 12.5# 4 sets right, 3 sets leftx10
SAOH press 22.5# x3x10
12pm class
120# HBBS
110 FSQ: hard! Should only do 112.5 next week?
4 rounds NFT 🙂