AMRAP 15 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans 135 (Marsha) / 95 (Sylvia)
28 Double-Unders
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads 135 / 95
9 Burpees
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Today: “Stonewall” Pride Workout
Happy Pride weekend from your buds at CFSBK. We are proud to celebrate and support the LGBTQ members of our gym and the broader community.
Today we’re running a workout called “Stonewall,” in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion. Stonewall was a weekend-long demonstration and riot at the end of June against police raids and harassment at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, which many mark as the birth of the modern LGBTQ rights movement.
What is lesser known about the Stonewall Rebellion and the growth of the LGBTQ rights movement is that it was led by transgender women of color, Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. While the LGBTQ rights movement has made a lot of progress over the past few decades, there is still a long way to go, particularly for members of the trans community who face significant discrimination and violence. For this reason, CFSBK’s Pride weekend workout will be a benefit for 2 nonprofit organizations serving the trans community: the Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Marsha P. Johnson Institute. Instead of the usual “male” and “female” Rx weights, these suggested loadings will be named after the late Sylvia and Marsha in honor of their contributions to the LGBTQ movement.
This workout will be free and open to all, so feel free to invite friends and loved ones! We will be collecting suggested donations of $20 or an amount that is meaningful to you. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
CFSBK Statement of Inclusion and Anti-Oppression
CrossFit South Brooklyn recognizes the dignity and worth of every person and is committed to creating an environment that is safe, accessible, inclusive, and respectful of all members and visitors. To create this important space for our community, we do not tolerate oppression on the basis of race, ethnicity, economic status, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, ability, or age.
Yoga for Athletes Cancelled Today
Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Coach Whit is out of town.
Creating Welcoming Gym Environments for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Athletes Girls Gone Strong
Guide to Being a Good Trans Ally PFLAG
Fun StrongFit/Grouo Class combo today
Got 6 round plus 4 cleans – tried to keep it relatively slow paced as it’s been a long week of traveling and training
Strong Fit + Short Circuit. Fun to flip the tire for the first time!
AG tomorrow and then I’m outta here for a week in San Francisco.
Ended up doing stonewall! Had a blast coaching it this AM and then got fitness FOMO. Mo talked me into the 1pm, aka all she said was “are you doing the workout? I’m doing it at one.” So not too much coercion required.
Partnered up with my girl Chainsaw!
Got 7 rds + 2 cleans
Went in doing singles on cleans, unbroken on overhead, and going slower than I wanted to on Burpees and doubles in order to keep calm. I lost that focus about halfway through and just did whatever to finish, but was overall happy with how it went! Think I did some TNg cleans 3/3 in round 6 and then immediately regretted my decision. Went as hard as I could on the Burpees at the end. I remember looking up at the clock, and groaning Out loud cause i realized I was going to have enough time on the barbell. And contemplated laying on the floor to finish The Burpees at the fifteenth minute. But then I mentally slapped myself on the wrist and managed to tng cleans at the last minute.
This was really tough!! Felt good to push in a workout I haven’t had he Desire to do that since murph. And it was for a good cause too so that helps 🙂 love wearing my wool rainbow pride snowboard toe socks. Especially because my webbed toes can’t fit into all of the toe holes. Definitely one ups my WOD performance
Finished off with ro-gramming:
1a) barbell hip extensions: 3×10 @ 95#. I hate these
1b) weighted DB situps: 3×15 @ 15#
Very bad at these because I can’t round my back well. But i think it’s getting better
2) 15 min aer pace:
20 cal AB
2 ring muscle ups
20 hollow rocks
3 rounds + 1 cal bike
Avg HR: 141, max HR: 161
Forced myself to use the long straps across the street at 597 since I only had doubles. So much tougher. I’m always glad that I practice on these in the long run. Those wodapalooza straps are long as hell and death on straps!!! Never want to be afraid of those again
7pm solo
4 rounds + 1 clean @135
Gym was hot.
I was tired.
Happy I did it
Happy pride yall
So proud to be part of this gym!
Stonewall Rx’d (Sylvia)
4 rounds + 44 (5 reps shy of 5 rounds)
Cleans: singles and took my time on these. Form was solid and didn’t tip over!
DUs: meh. Think I did one round unbroken. Spent a LOT of time resting on my last set and tripped several times.
S2OH: unbroken
burpees: so slow
The burpees and the DUs were the most challenging part.
Happy to be able to do this workout, in this gym, and even more so to do it alongside good friends.
5 Rounds + 5 Cleans @Marsha
I always knew CFSBK was awesome, but this week was particularly amazing. Thanks for all the messages, for organizing the workout, for the flags, for raising $2000+ to amazing organizations, and for creating such a fantastic community.
1pm Stonewall
4rd + 5 at Marsha (135). Died a little, but who cares, it’s for a good cause and it felt great afterwards.
ps got my first sub-1abmat HSPU today! 2 reps at 3 thin mats (about 0.5 abmat?).