Every Other Minute on the Minute x 10:
Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps heavier than last week’s heaviest successful weight before dropping weight for the final 2 reps to finish on a few at a lower percentage.
Every 90 Seconds x 10 Sets:
2 Clean Deadlifts (3 seconds down) + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
If you’re newer to the lifts, then choose the Fitness option and work on pulling strength from the floor. Use the first few sets to build, with the goal of making a few reps heavier than last week’s heaviest successful weight before dropping weight for the final 2 reps to finish on a few at a lower percentage.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
“Yep, it’s a keg.” Nino D. has some fun with odd objects in Strong Fit, our strongman-oriented class that meets Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings
August 26th: CrossFit Strongman Specialty Course at CFSBK
On Sunday, August 26th, CFSBK will host a CrossFit Strongman Specialty Course seminar.
This one-day course is for athletes and coaches who want become more proficient with strongman movements. The typical strongman competition consists of five events in one day, and each event is less than 60 seconds. This is a perfect – and fun – way for CrossFitters to increase strength without using a barbell. Because of the often-awkward size, shape and consistency of the objects in strongman, the lifts tend to have less efficiency than those done with a barbell. These loads challenges the neuromuscular system in a way a barbell cannot and better mimic challenges found outside the gym. Participants learn to lift Atlas stones, carry a yoke and farmers handles, flip tires, and clean and press odd objects such as a log, keg, anvil or stone at their relative level of strength. Additional topics discussed include how to incorporate these movements into CrossFit workouts.
The Strongman Course teaches participants:
- Safe, proper and efficient movement using strongman objects
- How to coach strongman movements
- How to incorporate Strongman training methodology and programming
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / 3-Point Row | Power Snatches, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Watch the 4 Best Performances of Hsu Shu-Ching BarBend
Dogs Have a Lot More Neurons Than Cats Scientific American
Clean: 123, 133, 143, 153, 163, 173F, 173F (basically 2 deadlifts), 153, 153, 143
Just not my day. Was focusing on releasing my hook grip and forgot to do everything else requited to clean a bar. Dropped the first fail on an almost healed bruise from 2 weeks ago, and then just had no confidence to really try again after that. Was happy to back off today and end with some makes.
WOD: 8:05 Rx
Fun watching Steve and James race at the end.
HSPU: 25 total (4-4-5-4-4-3(F4)-1)
Two-ish minutes rest between sets.
Nothing makes my day better than beating Jimmy
7am with KFox
Cleans! 103, 113, 123×2, 133×4 (96%), 113×2
Ooo I’m happy with that percentage, no misses! I was very close to getting greedy and going for one at 143, but trying to trust the process here & seeing the benefits of working through successful reps. I would like more consistency – felt like I was catching in a slightly different position on all of those 133’s.
WOD: 8:50rx
This one was weird/a little annoying – simply felt unable to go any faster on either movement, but all unbroken. Lotta forearm pump.
7am w/ Jess + Katie
Clean EOMOM: Hit 128×1 for a 5# PR!! Been chasing that one for a minute. Got greedy after Katie said 123 (current 1RM) looked good and like I had 10 more pounds, but I failed 133. I think I just wasn’t prepared for it and didn’t really commit. Then I had to get one more fail at 128 out of my system before I could make it, ha! My struggle today was finding the sweet spot between aggressively dropping under the bar but not dropping TOO low and losing tension.
WOD: 9:02 RX. Fun! Agree with Kate though–especially at high volume like this, I just cannot make my situps any faster! But was also able to stay unbroken on everything the whole way through and I think I paced it well.
Turkish sit-ups, 7.5/10/12.5
Hollow flexion raise things 2.5#
:30 handstand hold
6x 52# @3020 BTN press— a little too heavy I think— didn’t hurt but was a challenging 6 at this tempo.
6x 7.5# DB external rotation
Katie happened to be there and see my DB external rotation— I’ve been doing it wrong this entire time. She had me pack my shoulder down and back— changed the game! Wow!
10 am group class:
83-93-103-108-113-118-123 PR finally!
There might be something to not overdoing it with the classes. Happy to finally hit 123! Jess said it didn’t even look like a PR— I think I have more!
Wod: 8:49 rx. Wish I would have pushed a little faster on the 40/30 rounds.
Yay! I feel great 🙂
@Allie, congrats on your PR! wish I had seen it. I didn’t even hear you celebrate way up at the front of the room! @Kirby… you too! @Kate, trusting the process is so so so worth it 🙂
8AM rowing break between clients
5 min / rest 3 min / 5 min / rest 3 min / 5 min (aerobic, repeatable)
a. 1126m, avg 2:13/22s/m
b. 1154m, avg 2:10/22s/m
c. 1165m, avg 2:09/23s/m
got a bit distracted talking to someone on the first row. I think 2:08-2:10 was just about right for today. i am so ready to breathe at 100% again someday soon!
hopped into 10am class to lift:
135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 165, 170, 155, 155, 155
-got a bit dark standing up a few reps towards the beginning.
-jess caught that I wasn’t opening my hips all the way in the 155/160 rep i think. was just focused on pulling around. but adding this focus obviously helped 🙂
-was gonna do a third rep at 165 and come back down but then i figured what the hell, i need to get more confident at these high percentages. it’s mostly about keeping my head together and then standing it up.
-put the belt on for 170 (94%)
-back at 155 felt super crisp to finish.
4 sets
12 GHD sit up
100′ ea SAFC @ 95# handles
10 alt L-sit up and over’s
:50 prone GHD hold +25#
woof. think this took me about 25 min to complete. more black out feels trying to stand up between stations.
Thanks whit!
And DANG! Your cleans are *goals*!
I would have rather done your core workout than all those sit-ups— looks intense but fun!
Good training day despite how sore I am today!
A) Snatch
3,3,3 rest 15-20 sec between each cluster 3-4 sets, rest 3-4 min between sets try to go higher than the first time at 3’s
100/110/120/130 for 3-3-3!!!
Stoked about that. Last go around I was excited about almost getting 125 9x and this time I got all 9 with the 5lb jump! Feeling strong and confident. And believe it or not my bonus coaching barbell drills are helping me understand what it actually feels like to pull under the bar and stomp. It’s taking awhile but starting to click
B) Back Squat
@2011 6-8 reps, 3-4 sets, rest 1-2 min
Yesssss! 200 is coming for sure. That felt fine.
C)15 min @aer
5 hspu
5 C2B
5 box jump overs 20″
20cal AB
3 rounds + 7 cal AB
I don’t know how I got slower every time I was keeping the same pace on everything and wasn’t tired. Oh well!
D1) upright rows: 4×6 @ 65#
D2) ring dip holds: 4x 10s top/10s bottom
Cleans: 93-103-113-123-128F-123×5
Caught the 128 at the bottom but my right elbow didn’t turn over. Wasn’t worth trying to stand it up and risk dropping it on my left knee again! Form wasn’t perfect today and didn’t go to sleep until 1:30 because I chaperoned prom so dropped to 123 and stayed there the rest of the time.
WOD: 8:29Rx’d
Haven’t been able to make it to group class in 1.5 weeks so this was the perfect first WOD back!
*My left elbow didn’t turn over.