Bench Press / Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups Superset*
A1) Barbell Bench Press:
3 x 8
A2) Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups:
3 x 8
Use a controlled “faster up-slower down” tempo for both movements. Go heavier than last week. Use a box height that allows for “squat depth” on the working leg.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
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Exposure 3 of 8
20 Minutes or 5 Rounds Not for Time:
100′ each Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Carry (work up to a challenging load)
5-10 Strict Toes-to-Bars/Hanging Leg Raises/Hanging Knee Raises
270m Jog
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This Saturday: “Stonewall” Pride Workout
As we approach lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) Pride weekend, CFSBK is proud to celebrate and support the LGBTQ members of our gym and the broader community.
The gym will hold a workout for Pride weekend called “Stonewall,” in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion. Stonewall was a weekend-long demonstration and riot at the end of June against police raids and harassment at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, which many mark as the birth of the modern LGBTQ rights movement.
What is lesser known about the Stonewall Rebellion and the growth of the LGBTQ rights movement is that it was led by transgender women of color, Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. While the LGBTQ rights movement has made a lot of progress over the past few decades, there is still a long way to go, particularly for members of the trans community who face significant discrimination and violence. For this reason, CFSBK’s Pride weekend workout will be a benefit for 2 nonprofit organizations serving the trans community: the Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Marsha P. Johnson Institute. Instead of the usual “male” and “female” Rx weights, these suggested loadings will be named after the late Sylvia and Marsha in honor of their contributions to the LGBTQ movement.
This workout will be free and open to all, so feel free to invite friends and loved ones! We will be collecting suggested donations of $20 or an amount that is meaningful to you. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans 135 (Marsha) / 95 (Sylvia)
28 Double-Unders
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads 135 / 95
9 Burpees
CFSBK Statement of Inclusion and Anti-Oppression
CrossFit South Brooklyn recognizes the dignity and worth of every person and is committed to creating an environment that is safe, accessible, inclusive, and respectful of all members and visitors. To create this important space for our community, we do not tolerate oppression on the basis of race, ethnicity, economic status, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, ability, or age.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Kettlebell Swings, Box Jumps
Stay Fit and Heart Healthy to Power Your Brain Breaking Muscle
When Americans Started Bathing JSTOR Daily
Bench: 100 x 8 x 3
Step Ups: 30#DB x 8e x 3
WOD: Got through 4ish rounds of NFT work. 16kg KB on first walk, the 20kg after.
4 rounds:
4 ring dips (4, then 3-1 for rest)
1 min skierg / erg (moderate pace)
10 alternating pistols
2 x 20 Banded Deadbugs
Me, this morning: Unggggggghhhhh. God, I hope today’s workout is not for time. [check phone] It’s not for time! Yay, I can get out of bed now!
Bench at 95, step ups at 17.5. Thank goodness for 8s instead of 10s, although it’s still quite a bit of time under tension.
Did 5 strict T2B per round and worked up to 20kg on the KB. The air felt like soup, so I was very VERY glad it was not for rounds. Gonna take me a little while to get used to summer SBK, like it does every year.
7am w/ Ro + Lauren after the SC Total yesterday…which miiiight have been ambitious. I’m feeling more beat up than I realized!
Bench: 65×8, 85x8x2
Step-ups: 12.5x8ea, 15x8eax2
NFT: Got like 2 + 2/3 rounds. 5–7 strict t2b; carries with the blue, then yellow, then white KB; and row instead of run because running has been making my knee hurt lately (?!).
Nice to be back in group class! Really excited for Stonewall on Saturday; that’s awesome. <3 this place.
I learned recently that the life expectancy for trans women of color in this country is 35 years. Thank you for doing this and for choosing these organizations.
Excited for Stonewall (which I hope will be an option on Friday if we’re not around Saturday?) and +1 for replacing the male/female RX options.
This looks like a brutal workout for a wonderful cause. (I’m just remembering how fast those 95# push presses went to hell last week!)
So proud to be a part of this place. Stonewall seems brutal, but I’m excited to do this with high spirits in a group!
7am with Ro + Lauren:
Bench: 75×8, 80×8, 85×8
Step-ups: 12.5x8x3
NFT: Nearly 4 rounds. Actually looked forward to the running, as there was a nice breeze and it got humid in the gym! 5-6 knee raises until I realized I could do strict TTB, then did 4-5 of those for last 2 rounds. Carries with yellow and white KBs.
SC total went well! Met my Iron Maidens deadlift PR (230#), got ambitious and failed 240#. Made a new back squat PR at 205! Previous PR was 195# at Iron Maidens. One of the best moments of the entire afternoon was seeing Kirby absolutely fight for her new deadlift PR. Check it out on the CFSBK Instagram Story!! It was magical and inspirational.
that 205# squat was smoooooth! i just KNEW you’d hit 200 by the end of strength cycle! so proud of you 🙂
10am group class w/ brett
close grip bench @ 20×1
4×8 @ 95# (did an extra set because I had time and also because I was bummed that i didn’t feel like I could do a higher weight and make all 3 sets of 8 so went for more volume instead!)
db front rack step ups …I am less interested in all the weights people are doing and more interested in the height… 😉
15#x8x1 17.5#x8x2 … L side only. which i had done an extra set there.
20″ box + 45# plate
5 rounds of the NFT
270m jog, 3 of which were with a galloping Penny the pup
100′ SA oh carry @ 20kg, then 24kg x 4 sets
5 strict TTB, dead stop, straight legs, eyes fwd, slower-down tempo
3 rounds:
10 KB halos @ 12kg
10ea single leg KB good morning @ 12kg
8-way toe reaches, ea side
“I am less interested in all the weights people are doing and more interested in the height…”
LOL good point! I wouldn’t have added the plate to the 20″ box if you hadn’t told me to my first time through these, so thank you for that.
A)Strict Press
@2011 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
2×8 @ 85#
1×7 @ 85#
wuuuutttt!! nice little 5 rep jump from last week. There was no way I was getting 8 in that last set. but stoked that felt so great!
B1)Strict Dip
@2011 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×8, not as terrible today
B2)Dumbbell Row
3×8 @ 55#, may increase to 60#???
D)15 min @aer
20ft HS walk
500m row
4 rounds + 20ft walk
HR: avg 160/max 171
Was more concerned about HR than consistency with rowing and I dont know if that was the correct approach. But either way they were really close so not too bad! If i went based off of feel i probably would have been slightly closer in splits. But im trying to do the right thing. Either way, I did not feel too gassed at all during any point of this workout
ALMOST all unbroken. Fell short of the last HS walk by 2 feet. Was being a little bit of a jerk about staying tight. Wasnt 100% focused today but it still went well. Heart rate was up more than i wanted it to be but the handstand walks shoot it way up cause i cant quite figure out the breathing upsidedown thing. Maybe i’ll try and practice with wall walks
A1) Lateral handstand walk against wall
@10ft L/R, 3 sets
A2) Handstand Kick Up
@3-4 reps, 3 x 4
B) Ring Thing Muscle up Transitions
@4-6 reps, 2-3 sets
rest 2-3 min no dip on this/just transition
15# x 6
25# x 6
35# x 4
C) Chest to Bar Pull-Up
@3-5 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 2-3 min
5, 5, 3/1 why are these getting worse 😫😭😢
D) Close Grip Bench Press
@2010 4,4,4 rest 20 sec between each 4, 3-4 sets, rest 2-3 min between sets add weight each set
100, 105, 110
E)15 min@aer
800m row
10 wall ball, 20/9
20 hollow rocks
2 rounds 3 Hollow Rocks. Might have pushed too hard, though it might have been the heat, Did the wallballs unbroken and prob shouldn’t have. That 20# is heavy AF.
Weightlifting club for a bit –
Bikram snatches with Amandaaa
EMOM x 10 power snatch doubles: 73# across, many better than others
EMOMish x 10 snatch @ 85%+: worked up to 93#, felt ok. Second pull is a hot mess.
HBBS 20 reps, 2-5 per set, @ 85%: 165# x2x2, x3x4, x2x2
Very pleased with this! Never high bar squatted above 155 but this felt pretty chill – I think I coulda done a few sets of 5 if I’d started more confident.
Bench press
Bulgarian split squats
Did 4 sets of 8e with different kettlebell holds
Reverse tabata L sit
I think I did 6 sets?
OH dumbbell walk
Worked up to 90lbs on both arms then did 100 on just my right 😬