WOD 6.16.18
At 0:00
For Time:
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
40 Calorie Row
Scale to regular Kipping Pull-Ups or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed. The Overhead Squats should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Push your comfort level on the row.
At 12:00
For Time:
20 Toes-to-Bars
30 Push Presses 95/65
400m Run
Scale to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed. The Push Presses should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Run, don’t jog.
At 24:00
For Time:
15 Thrusters 95/65
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Thrusters 95/65
Scale the Bar Muscle-Ups to Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups, or to 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 15 Burpees.
The gymnastics elements will be done unbroken on the fast end. If scaling the first two workouts, choose an option that allows you to complete sets of 4-5 reps when fresh. Use one barbell with the same load for all three pieces. The bar should be light for all three movements, scale as needed.
Post all 3 times and Rx to comments.
We are hosting a kids’ clothing swap today from 2 to 6pm. We are encouraging parents to bring in their children’s clothing to pass on to other member’s of the CFSBK community. Any and all clothes for children as young as newborns and as old as teenagers are welcome. Feel free to bring your clothes, place them in the appropriate area designated by age range, and then do a little browsing for yourself! Any clothes that are not taken by the end of the day will be donated to Urban Strategies Maternity Shelter.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Ramadan Fitness Boot Camp The Outline
Squatting Her Way Out of Surgery CrossFit Journal
Back in group class after too long a layoff due to som individual training and a bunch of travel
Fun metcon – 3:54/3:18/2:40
All unbroken for the first two pieces. BMU 8/2 and last round of thrusters 9/6 on the third piece
Metcons in 6:40ish (75lb + chin over bar) 4:50ish (Rx) and 4:10ish (95lb + jumping BMU). This was fun and bad – highlighting how bad I am at OHS but how far my T2B have come. Fun day trying to manage 3h of fitness + world cup at the same time.
Brazil game tomorrow!!!