Every Other Minute on the Minute x 20 (10 sets):
Build to a heavy single for the day, not necessarily a new 1RM. The goal is no misses.
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 20 (10 sets):
2 Snatch Deadlifts (3 seconds down) + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
If you’re newer to the lifts, then choose the Fitness option and work on pulling strength from the floor and a more controlled Overhead Squat. Use a weight that allows you to hit perfect positions.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
At 0:00
3 Rounds for Time:
7 Burpees
15 Wall Balls
At 5:00
3 Rounds for Time:*
7 Burpees
15 Wall Balls
*Faster than first round
Post times and Rx to comments.
That’s Jeremy’s Nicole-just-crushed-a-Deadlift-at-Iron-Maidens face
Next Sunday: Starting Strength Program Total
Want to see more lifts getting crushed and more faces being happy? The Starting Strength program will wrap up their cycle on Sunday, June 17th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Why Is It So Hard to Paint Lightning? Atlas Obscura
Bees May Understand Zero, a Concept That Took Humans Millenia to Grasp Smithsonian
A. 2x
130m jog
10 band pull aparts
5 strict leg raises
Bar muscle up practice
10 min w/partner@aer
3 bmu
10 box jump over
8am Short Circuit, felt like a great way to get my body moving, I’m not used to class this early in the morning. Shoulders got activated for Snatch.
9am class with Whitney and Brett
Snatch up to 135, focusing on good technique instead of weight.
Metcon 3:38/3:29. Slowed down the pace on the first one a bit, and managed to pick up the burpee speed on the second round. Could have gone slower on the first round. Maybe a good score for this one would be how many seconds faster were you on the second one…
Bummed about missing AG today!
10am with Brett & Snickers
Snatch: 73, 83×2, 88×2, 93, 93F(whoops), 93, 98, 103F, 103 – bonus attempt PR!
Spectacular fail on my first attempt at 103, but I felt like I had it, so I’m glad I went for it again. Really excited to have hit this – earlier this year I had planned on competing at the crow hill meet (which is happening today), and then promptly hurt my shoulder and had to withdraw. Props to Brett on sharing some “get pumped and just do it” cues with class as things got heavier.
WOD: 3:22 and 3:32. Split up the wall balls too much in the second set, womp.
what a week it’s been.
BSQ, 5-3-1 @ 20×1
165×5, 185×3, 200×1 – pretty smooth
crunchy R knee sounds. voodoo flossing in between sets.
RFESS @ 20×1 (ish) @ 10# DB ea hand – L side only
voodoo band on upper thigh @ 7/10
5 sets, :30 rest between:
all the feels on these. lots of grunting, whimpering, a bit of panic, etc.
front rack holds @ 185# (103%)
6 x :30 on / 1:30 rest
getting better. should go to 190-195 next time.
3 rds for quality
2:00 bike @ 50-52rpm
200′ farmer carry @ 24kg
50′ hs walk
10 alternating hip taps on pull-up bar
12pm group class lifting
EOMOM X 20 – Snatch
95, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140F
extra credit:
140F, 140 PR!!!!, 145F, 145F
feeling like a million bucks to hit a snatch and clean PR in the same week, both at the end of emom work. as I’ve said before, lifting in the context of class with a framework is so helpful for me to get out of my head and focus on one thing at a time. was looking to work heavy today but not necessarily go for a new 1RM. didn’t have any misses and honestly everything was pretty solid and fast, even up in the 130’s. woohoo!
145 is totally there. first one my arms were stiff and i laid back. delayed my pull around/under. bar was plenty high. second one i just had no legs. still committed to the down but they were both just in front instead of right overhead.
2-pause clean pulls (1″, below knee)
(155×2, 175×2, 185×2)
190x2x6, about 1-2 min rest between i think? i got distracted.
no straps today. hook grip. thumb death.
4 sets:
1:00 weighted forearm plank +35# – yowsa
12ea SA DB Ext Rot @ 10#
You’re amazing!! Been crushing it, Whit!
Snatch P-AAAARRRRR!!! Yussss!!!
Ok poking my snout back into the blog for a second.
Snatches were meh, My perennial problem is pulling early with the arms. Last one Ro had me think “just jump” and it helped but I’m still scared to go down for no good reason. I have the mobility and the strength but it was just a head thing.
WOD: 3:11 and second round 3:17. Thanks Whit for the encouragement at the end! And watching some fishy reps happen cause all the schezuan I ate last night was about to come out. I’m gonna lay the blame for those 6 seconds on the feet of Flaming Kitchen.
AG right after.
Can do a strict chest to bar pull-up now which is exciting! Still a scaredy cat
when it comes to getting over the bar on muscle ups but got a jumping one in the ends. Fun aerobic work with Sarah at the end! 
Saturdays work:
A) 2:00 overhead hold @ 1RM strict press-
Was warming it up and kind of half ass pressing with tension or whatever overhead to just work on my hold position. Then realized I was pressing 93# like it was nothing! (Previous 1RM was 101) So I added 10# to the bar and just went for it. I got 103! 2# PR. I’ll take it. Went for 208 but that was V bold. I failed. 103 was a nice surprise anyway. Then I held 103# over my head unbroken for 2 minutes. Passed my test!. It was terrible, mostly on the wrists. But at least I know my stamina for overhead lockout is legit.
B) clean and jerk clusters: 2-2-2, rest 15-20s between clusters, 4 min rest, 3-4 sets
135# 2-2-2
145# 2-2-2
155# 2-2-2
165# 2-2-2
Yussss!!!!! Stoked about that 165! Feels good to hit my18.2a weight 6 times in just under two minutes and feel like I’ve got more in the tank. Feeling stronger for sure. Almost didn’t do that 165 but I’m glad I did. Will be good to reinforce my mental push for bigger weights. Can’t wait to bring it all together.
C) barbell hip thrusts: 3×8 @ 95#
D) weighted sit-up: 3×15
E) muscle ups: 4×4 (failed 4th rep of first set) I tend to get a little bit loose in the beginning and then get my act together and tighten up my form by round 4. Last set was my best for sure!
F) 4×20 steps death march (53# KB ea hand) so hard!
G) 20 min aer pace:
400M ski
100 ft sled push (245#)
100 ft bear crawl
6ea Kb snatch (16kg)
Completed 3 rounds + 290 ski (6:00/5:58:6/10 splits, prettt equal!)
Typical crossfit day at 9AM with Brett and Whitney.
Snatches: 75/4×95/2×105/2×115/120 (pr)
started off very iffy, then got a great cue about my starting position from Whit
and tried to be aggressive the rest of the way; 120 felt great- definitely more there- feels great when specific work pays off!
On to the metcon- feeling good, blasted off the first round in 3:00. Felt good, easy burpees, pushed through the wallballs on the last round when my delts really started to fatigue.
On to round two- hit a wall 5 wallballs in. dizzy, pukey, awful. rested for an eternity, started again, rested for 2 eternities and ended up finishing in 4:30 (not faster, fyi). Never had a plan, was just feeling good. Oops.
73F, 73 I don’t remember, but think the bar was too far out in front of me
93F, 93F First one, don’t remember; second one ended up on my toes in the catch
103F, 103 PR Match (failed first one because I didn’t drop under it. Ro said it was plenty high to went for it again)
Fails and successes today. I’ll take it. Third time hitting this PR match so time for me to add some weight to the bar and go for a new one. Weight felt solid, a little insecure about my technique though.
WOD: 3:21, 3:52
Purposely took my time on the burpees (full pause at the top of each) on the first set. My capacity for WBs is low so knew it would be tough trying to match or get faster despite going slow the first round. Dropped the ball on rep 8 of the second set of the second WOD. Shoulders burned more than legs today. Either way, 5 sets of 15 wall balls is a huge improvement for me!