Kate R.’s photoset from Iron Maidens is now up on Flickr. So much greatness!
Iron Maidens 2018 Results
Thanks again to all who competed, donated, volunteered, and came out to cheer on Saturday. Iron Maidens competitors raised just over $27,000 to fund the Stay Strong Scholarship, which will continue to send students from Grace Outreach to college. You can still donate here!
We’ve listed the top three lifters in each weight class below.
Lifter/Raw Total
1. Coach JB: 670
2. Mandy Moreno: 625
3. Nicole Ashley: 592.5
1. Katie Hejtmanek: 735
2. Leah Armstrong: 495
3. Michelle Berrios: 482.5
1. Charlie Nagle: 772.5
2. Kayleigh Rose: 767.5
3. Amy Muckerman: 667.5
1. Rachael Johnson: 710
2. Halston Bruce: 697.5
3. Thaisa Lemos: 625
1. Morit Summers: 885
2. Lorin Blake: 835
3. Shannon Dias: 790
Best Overall Lifter (Wilks Score)
Coach JB: 413.35
Follow these links to see the full meet results in PDF: 123, 132, and 148 lb classes; 165 and 165+ lb classes
Supplements 101 Athlete Daily
Toynbee Tiles Atlas Obscura
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Sqaut / Front Squat + 3-Point Dumbbell Row Superset:
3×10 (30X1)
2 works sets of Back Squats followed by 1 work set of Front Squats. Each squat set is supersetted with Dumbbell Rows.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
EMOM x 18 (9e):
1) Ring Muscle-Ups
2) Rest
After warming up, perform a max set of unbroken muscle ups on the first round. Then aim to make roughly 80% of that on the following 8 sets. So if you do an unbroken set of 5 to open up, aim for unbroken sets of 4 for the remainder of the rounds.
EMOM x 18 (6e):
1) 5 Strict Chest-to-Bar Chin-Ups (use assistance/resistance as needed)
2) 5 Strict Dips or 5-10 Close Grip Push-Ups
3) 10 Body Saws on Rower
Post work to comments.
50ft seal walk
10-20 sec HS hold
200m row
x2 sets
B. Handstand Walk Practice
C.7 min @aer
4 hspu
14 reverse lunges
rest 2 min
7 min @aer
4 pull ups
7 burpees
14 squats
Ahhhh those Iron Maidens shirts are so great! JEALOUS!
Can’t wait to get home and back to SBK.
Congrats Ladies! Most impressive!
Back on my solo accessory work today! I am now 100% convinced it’s working so even though it’s a little boring to do this stuff by myself, I’m sticking with it 🙂
3 rounds:
Front rack step ups 45#x10ea
Single-leg KB RDL 45#x10ea
3 rounds:
:30 ea banded clamshell hold
Banded side step x12ea
Tabata x8 rounds:
V-sit hold
Superman hold
3 rounds:
Banded glute bridge x12
Banded air squat x12
Tabata x10 rounds:
Sit ups
Everything still hurts. I’m so tired. Multiple pitchers of maragarita = not the best choice of recovery fluid.
PS- thanks for a great day and for all of the support xxx
7am with Jess today.
2 x 10 @ 95# LBBS
1 x 10 @ 75# FS
Tempo is tough. I thought I’d be starting this cycle at least 10 lbs heavier based on journal entries (such as a note that 110 x 10 felt easy in the fourth set). Hmmm – form was off in the LBBS. Fox was nearby with foundations and caught me letting my ribs come up and not hinging in my first set. (Thanks for multi-tasking Fox). I corrected it in the second and those felt better but a 1 count pause at the top was not letting me take a breath in fast enough for either the LBBS or the FS. The rows were fine. Will take a jump on those next week. I liked that EMOM – dips on the matador stayed low and steady until the 5th and 6th rounds and then approached failure. CTB lasted about the same and then became chin ups with a weird kipping type motion. The saws are sawful. It helped to tuck my chin down but ooofff.
Sad I have to miss AG tonight. I want to get some handstand walking in and am curious about seal walks. Someone let me know, ok?
Your comment about breathing inspires (see what I did there?) a question for when I do this tomorrow.
The last cycle that we did tempo squatting, I never found that I could handle breathing and bracing for each rep with a 30X1 tempo. Especially by the end of a set, I’d be heaving for breath and it would turn into 30X3 or worse.
So I just ended up breathing normally throughout the set (i.e., breathing during descent and ascent). Coaches, is that an OK strategy? It did allow me to keep the tempo but then of course my brace isn’t as good.
I was OK holding for the counts down but too out of breath at the top in the later reps to pull one in and squat again. Maybe I could have started even lighter but this was already 10# below what I had in mind.
Seal walks are plank walks with your feet on a roller board
Incredible numbers put up at Iron Maiden’s. Congrats to all the lifters!!!!
Did a tweaked version of yesterday’s programming after classes.
Bench press
Overhead walking lunges
Two 35lb DBsx10x5
Finished with some echo bike and hollow rocks
Sunday little floater
5 sets
15 reverse hypers 160
8 ring pushups
8e bent over kb rows
A1)Back Rack Reverse Lunge
@8-10 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×10 @ 125#, holllyy moly. that was a strain. if I go up in weight ill need to go down in reps.
A2) Dumbbell Tate Press
@2010 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×10 @ 25#, tough!
A3) Ab Roll Out
@12-15 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×15, getting a little better!
B1) Rope Climb
4 ascents, 4 sets, unbroken
horrible today. The rope at 608 is so waxy and painful. I forgot how nice the white rope was so i struggled on this one for some reason, a bit uncoordinated today i guess
B2) Wall Ball
18 reps, 20/9, 4 sets, unbroken, rest 4 min
a little easier this week since im not post murph
C)25 min @aer:
30 cal ski
20 alt landmine russian twists
100ft sled push, sled + 2-3 blue
3 rounds + 30 ski + 20 russian twists
rd 1: 6:57
rd 2: 6:40
rd 3: 6:37
avg HR: 134
max HR: 156
I think i did well with the pace. I kept taking weight off of the russian twist cause i could feel it spiking my heart rate. a new movement for me (done standing) and was on the fence about whether to do it standing or in a modified v up position. (russian twists performed with 35# bar + 25 then drop to 15lb after round 1, 15# for round 2, then 10# for round 3, the 10# plate felt appropriate for now), sled was 50 kg on slice sled, so roughly 175# i believe), ski around 565 average
great weekend away in the mountains. 5 mile hike on saturday, 7-7.5 miles on sunday. so fun and perfect weather!
12pm group class today
DB f-rack step ups @ 31×1
20″ box + 45# plate height
15# ea hand x 10L/6R x 3
sticking w/ more volume on my weaker side
news flash: after not doing step ups for a while, these still feel horrendous! better, but still one of my least favorite things to do in the gym.
close grip bench press @ 30×1
hard in the last 2-3 reps of sets 2-3
NFT work … no idea. 20+ minutes? did my runs with Penny!
accessory: 4 rounds
10 GHD sit up
50′ each side, SAFC @ 32kg
8 L-sit “up and overs” (kb)
:40 sorenson hold +20#
I flew home today and worked the afternoon from home, so I found myself presented with way too many choices. Short Circuit? Strong Fit? Group class? Wait it out for AG? I knew I was too fried for more than one class (woke up at 3:30 AM today and couldn’t fall back asleep, bleh) and decided that I just couldn’t bear to miss a bench press exposure. So, 5:30 (whuuuuuut) group class with Whit.
Oy, this tempo is basically the only way to make bench press something I don’t like! Did this at 85 and it was really freakin’ hard. At most I will add 5# next week, maybe only 2.5#.
Step ups at bodyweight, after I tried 15# and found that I could not keep the tempo properly with weight. Humble pie. Also, today I learned that I tend to twist as I come down, mostly on the left side. Weird. Next week I’ll try weighting these again — I think part of the problem is that I squatted heavy yesterday at River North and I’m tired.
NFT work was surprisingly tough. I’m ready for a nap now.
Strong Fit class with coach KVW
Double KB snatches
Worked up to two 24kg bells. Challenging but smooth
10 over the shoulder sandbag cleans
Three sets with 100lb bag. Last 5 reps were tough
Broad jumps and planks
Ugh,… I jumped as far as I could.
Then we did a carry relay with different objects. It was fun. This was my FIRST STRONG FIT CLASS EVER. I’m usually off on Tuesday and 8am on Saturday is a time I’ve only read about in books and online. Lots of fun
*uhhh not “ugh”