Bench Press / Front Rack Step-Ups
A1) Barbell Bench Press (30X1):
3 x 10
A2) Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups (30X1):
3 x 10
Start light enough to be able to move through the reps without needing too much rest between sets, or around 60% of what you could perform for 1 rep. Use a box height that allows for “Squat depth” on the working leg.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
2 Rounds Not for Time:
600m Row
15e Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
550m Run (1 lap)
15e Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
Move at a moderate pace on the runs/rows, and use a medium-heavy kettlebell for the swings.
Post work to comments.
Blood, sweat, and definitely a few tears: Check out Alex B.’s awesome video of Murph Day 2018!
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 6/4/18 – 8/12/18 (8 weeks plus Crush Week)
Goals: To join the Swole Patrol for summertime, funnertime!
Barbell Bench Press (30X1) + Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups (30X1) Superset
Weeks 1 and 2: 3 x 10
Weeks 3 and 4: 3 x 8
Weeks 5 and 6: 4 x 6
Weeks 7 and 8: 4 x 4
Start Week 1 light enough to be able to move through the reps without needing too much rest between sets, or around 60% of what you could perform for 1 rep.
Back Squat / Front Squat (30X1) + 3-Point Dumbbell Row (30X1) Superset
(2 works sets of Back Squats followed by 1 work set of Front Squats. Each Squat set is supersetted with Dumbbell Rows))
Weeks 1 and 2: 3 x 10
Weeks 3 and 4: 3 x 8
Weeks 5 and 6: 3 x 6
Weeks 7 and 8: 3 x 4
Start Week 1 light enough to be able to move through the reps without needing too much rest between sets, or around 60% of what you could perform for 1 rep.
Clean and Jerk
Building EMOMs and complexes
Metcon Mash-Ups
Building EMOMs and complexes
Don’t forget that you can always find out what to expect in CrossFit group classes over on the Current Programming Cycle page!
News and Notes
- In case you missed them, photos from Murph Day 2018 by Robert C., Thomas H., and the blog editor are up on Flickr!
- Coach Fox’s client Adam B. recently opened Ahimsa Piercing Studio, Fine Jewelry & Medical Aesthetics at 296 Smith St. in Cobble Hill. Mention CFSBK and receive 10% off any jewelry!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner WOD
The Problem with Succession in Weightlifting Breaking Muscle
Diet Is the Difference CrossFit Journal
FINALLY had time to do a drop-in! Normally when I do this particular conference I can go to the 7:30 Saturday morning class at River North, but this year I had to attend an 8 AM talk so I couldn’t even do that.
Today’s workout was just my cup of tea: 25 minutes of squatting followed by a 5 minute AMRAP.
Squat Rx was 70%x6, 75%x6, 80%x6, 85%x4, 90%x3. This seemed like a LOT if going off my real 1RM (which is from 4 years ago!) so I used 220 (which is about 90% of 1RM) as my base number and did:
This was all fine. I’m glad I was conservative because no one was spotting (!!!!!!)
Then 5 minute AMRAP:
5 deadlifts 185 (Rx)
5 seated floor press 25# (Rx HSPU)
10 alternating…uh…I don’t know what to call these. The Rx was pistols. I basically did one legged squats with one foot behind the other and up off the ground.
3 rounds + 14 reps. Glutes on fire!
Can’t wait to come home tomorrow and either make up this workout or do Strong Fit.
Saturday – Iron Maidens, which was arguably one of the best and most memorable days I’ve ever had. So empowering!! Every woman in that room was an inspiration, and I LOVED getting to meet new ladies from other gyms. THANK YOU Margie for putting on such an amazing event, Jess for judging, and all the volunteers for making the day run so smoothly!
Also I cannot stop thinking about the brownie from JoMart chocolates! I ate it before my deadlifts, so now it is my magic good luck brownie.
Sunday – Worked up to 98# on the cluster. Then partner WOD with JILL which is always a treat! Thrusters at 65#, and we finished in exactly 10 mins. First four rounds we did sets of 10, then 5’s thereafter. Then some good climbing at Brooklyn Boulders that afternoon with Kate, Kelly and Lauren! There’s always an open invitation to climb with me on weekday evenings and weekend afternoons 🙂 Great seeing Jay there!
Strength Cycle this morning:
BSQ: 170x7x3
Bench: 80x3x3
Chin ups: Did exactly one strict, then grabbed the blue band and did two rounds of 6. Shoulders fried after Sunday’s thrusters.
You were an amazing iron maiden. Great determination and lots of poundz went up n down! Congrats!
Awesome Video capturing all the efforts at this year’s Murph!
Bench was what I expected it to be for me. Terrible. 30 reps really taxes out my scapula. Got through it but ugly.
the box step ups were more about the front rack and my shoulders being smoked than the leg workout. 🙁
The metcon was good and kept the pace up through both rounds.
First and foremost and most of all: Iron Maidens!
I was awed by all the lifters and the spirit in the gym. Somehow better than ever! It was great to be up there on the platform and see close up the focus and determination of each and every woman before each and every lift and then the great expressions of joy and accomplishment after every successful (most were) lift. (A wee choked up typing this now!) The judges were also impressive – so focused and fair. Jess Fox especially – that head judge role is no joke! Math, oversight, direction, communication, focus…intense! Her mastery of it all had a really supportive and reassuring quality and made the plate loading all the easier and more enjoyable! Thanks Jess! Congrats and thanks to Margie for another wonderful event!
8am with Lauren
I came in this morning from Westchester: an hour and 45 mins in the pouring rain. I was late and jumped in after DROMs and warm up were over so since I was lifting cold (and uptight) I didn’t push. 3 rounds not 4. I worked up to 63 on the bar (not too challenging) and 15# to 16″ box step ups. These hurt my shoulders. Next week I might go down in weight and up in height. I used the NFT work to set a pace and stick with it. Kept the rows to 27-29s/m. I didn’t time my first run but did the second one in 3:05. In the spirit of Murph being a game changer for my running I tried to set a pace I thought I could sustain. I was winded from the row and KB swings but 3:05 is fast for me. (My mile PR was set at Murph and was 10:10. Looks like I can bring that down!)
I don’t understand how anyone could have done that thruster/burpee-hell of a workout yesterday and have functioning legs today. My quads are dead.
Oh boy…still riding the high from Iron Maidens on Saturday! One of my best days in recent memory. It was an honor to compete alongside some absolutely incredible athletes, and I’m SO excited to say that I moved weights I never would have thought possible (particularly on my squat, which I PRed by 15#…I still don’t totally believe this really happened). IM made me feel empowered, newly inspired in my pursuit of strength and most of all, GRATEFUL—to Margie and Danae for creating this spectacular event, Jeremy for excellent coaching, the wonderful judges and volunteers, my fellow athletes and everyone who came to watch, cheer and donate! This was yet another shining example of how CFSBK’s community is truly unmatched.
Today was a nice and (relatively) easy recovery STRENGTH day, with surprise guest coach Cleo:
BSQ: 125x7x3
Bench: 80x5x3
Chin-ups: 6, then 5, then 7.
Back to heavy weights on Thursday because it ain’t over…I’m coming for that 220# deadlift at the Total on the 17th!! 🙂
Skipped Monday class for NLWC during which Frank made us do 40 “easy” squats at 75% (I could only manage 69% as “easy”). Wobbled home.
A) Strict Press @2011 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×7 @ 80#, will force 8 next time
B1) Strict Dip: @2011 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×8, frackin miserable today
B2) Dumbbell Row @2011 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×8 at 50#, up next week for sure
C1) Handstand Walk: 20ft unbroken, 3-4 sets
4×20! felt really good despite this weekend. my control is definitely improving. still a bit disorganized but the fact that im consistently getting 20ft is incredible to me
C2) Toes to Bar: 14 unbroken reps, 3-4 sets
4×14, no problem still. still more there.
C3)Conventional Deadlift: 195lb, 15 reps, 3-4 sets, drop from the top and reset, rest 4 min
4×15, this was solid. felt the same as 185 quite honestly, i find deadlifts are like that for me somehow.
D)25 min @aer
35 cal AB
10 dual KB snatch, 16kg
5 wall walks
2 rounds + 23 cal
I had the shakes badddddddd at this point. Think my body started to feel the effects of this weekend. Needed food and sugar. Fought through it best i could and managed to control my heartrate and slow down a bit by round 2. Forced conversation with other people to chill me out. Not my best pace. It does seem odd though cause I felt like i was moving way faster and more consistenly in round 2.
rd 1- 9:20
rd 2- 10:26
avg HR: 151
max HR: 175
Tempo Bench: 55×10, 60×10, 65×10
Way too easy.
Tempo Step ups @ 15#
Not easy. Everything about them in torturous- from stepping up onto the box, the negative, and the front rack fatigue.
NFT with 16kg KB. I’m not a fan of the SA swings. My left shoulder makes like 100 crackle sounds with each swing so kept it light.