Snatch Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 16 (8 Reps):
Snatch Pull + Hip Snatch
Build to a heavy but perfect load on the complex. No misses, no press outs. The “Hip” or “Power” position is one in which both the knees and hips flex. While the torso may lean forward a small amount, the barbell remains in the crease of the hip and does NOT travel down the thigh into a Mid-Hang position. The limited travel off the bar into the hang doesn’t allow for maximal loads to be used, and instead forces the lifter to focus on SPEED and an active arm pull under the bar.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
270m Jog/300m Row/Half-Mile Bike
7 Box Jumps (jump up, step down, use a high-for-you box)
3-5 Wall Walks
Post work to comments.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at CFSBK
Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is a full-contact grappling style that prioritizes strategy over brute force. Literally translating to the “soft” or “pliable” (jiu) “style” (jitsu), it is often thought of as the chess of martial arts. BJJ is, at its core, a self-defense system that employs positional advantages, joint locks, and chokes to defend against an opponent or attacker in an assertive and elegant manner. You needn’t be stronger than your opponent to subdue them, which makes BJJ one of the most practical and effective martial arts for all ages and sizes. There is no striking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is a submission grappling art based on efficiency of movement, leverage, and timing.
Fundamentals is your jiu-jitsu starter pack. The course is geared towards anyone intrigued by BJJ but unsure where to begin, anyone who wants to become better acquainted with dynamic movement on the ground, and anyone who could use a review to jump back into it. This will be an 8 week course with 1 class per week. Classes will cover the basic body mechanics and techniques used in Jiu jitsu. Come dressed in standard work out garb (leggings, spats, shorts that won’t fall off) and be advised that the sweat you leave with may not be your own. No zippers, no claws, no jewelry! By the end of the course, you will be at the point where you can walk into a live-sparring Jiu Jitsu class without reservation.
Days & Times
June 3rd to July 22nd
Sundays from 1:30 to 3:00pm
$200 ($100 will be charged when you register and then again at the 4-week mark of the cycle)
About the Coach
Callie Brennan is a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Team Fabio Clemente. Callie has been training and competing for the past 7 years. She began teaching beginner and intermediate students under the guidance of Pan American champion Babs Olusanmokun and multiple time World and Pan American champion Dominyka Obelenyte. Callie has competed locally and internationally winning gold at American Nationals as a white belt, the Montreal IBJJF Open at blue belt, and New York IBJJF Open at purple belt in her weight. She also medaled in the Abu Dhabi Pro Trials at blue belt.
Callie recently founded Rag Doll Camps with her training partner and coach, Dominyka Obelenyte, with a mission to close the gender gap in the sport. She also teaches privately. Callie initially began CrossFit to supplement her jiu-jitsu practice, and she is looking forward to sharing it with the CFSBK community!
Feel free to contact Callie directly with any questions!
News and Notes
- A note from CFSBKer MK: “I’m selling my Liv Envie Tri Advanced 2016. I used the bike for 2 seasons, pretty light mileage. Size Large. Shimano Ultegra components. Aero clip-on bars (easy to adjust). Super light. Super fast. Super fun. Turns out that it’s just a little too small for my build . Purchased in May 2016 from Ride Brooklyn for $3400. Looking to sell for $2800 or best offer! Definitely prefer to sell to someone in the BK community! Call/text MK Flynn at 415-306-4572 if you are interested.”
- Got news you want to share with the community, something for sale, or an event coming up? Always feel free to send anything you’d like to share with the community to Josh [at]!
- Due to a mix-up at our laundry service, towels may be in short supply or unavailable throughout today’s AM classes. If you plan to shower after class, it might be a good idea to bring your own towel. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Front Squat / Ring Row | Power Clean, Push Jerk
Elijah Muhammad: 12 Things You Didn’t Know About Me Athlete Daily
Your Unreasonable Assumption of Comfort in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
STRENGTH! I was really feeling the Sonic Youth/Fugazi/Dinosaur Jr/Pixies playlist this morning, so thanks to whoever put that on.
LBBS: 155×3, 160x3x2! WAHOOOO ***PR***!!! My 1RM is 165#, but I’ve only hit it twice ever, and the last time was last September. Since then, whenever the weight gets beyond 145-150#, I start to panic and have issues. So this was a really satisfying squat day for me! Everything is fiiiiiinally starting to come together 🙂
Paused bench press: 95×2, 100×2, 105×2. Fine!
Paused deadlift: 165×5. Tough, but also fine!
“the Sonic Youth/Fugazi/Dinosaur Jr/Pixies playlist this morning” …. you’re welcome 🙂
Strength Cycle!
LBBS: 155×3, 165×3, 170×3. 170 was my 1RM from last Iron Maidens, so to have 170×3 move smoothly was exciting!
Bench: 90×2, 95×2, 105×2. 105 was my 1RM, now 2RM!
Paused DL’s: 160×5.
I really miss group classes, but the progress I’ve made in just a few short weeks while working with Jeremy is worth everything 🙂 Can’t thank him enough!
YASSSSSSSSSS! So happy Strength Cycle is going so well for you and Kirby!
7am group class w/JFox & Kharpz
Hip snatch complex: 63, 73×4, 78×3
Big MEH on these this morning – tired shoulders & stiff hips made everything a little wonky.
NFR: 3-4 rounds through 270m run, box jumps to 30″ (and two very nervous attempts at 36″), 3 wall walks
7 AM with JHarpz
Snatching went so well today! Last week was a disaster, so I really wasn’t expecting that much of myself and the hip snatch today. But I actually got a “that looked good” out of both coaches today, which NEVER happens. I will take it! Worked up to 78, which was quite a bit heavier than last week, since everything was feeling good.
NFT work, on the other hand…the box jumping at 30″ was going well the first two rounds with the soft box, and there was always a line for the soft box, so in round 3 I decided to give the wooden box a try. The universe was like “Don’t get cocky, girl.” I landed 4 jumps perfectly, and then a little slip on the fifth turned into my shin slamming into the side of the box and me landing on my butt on the ground. (Hey, landing on my butt is better than face-planting.) It’s a good thing I was already planning to wear a maxi dress today because now I have a big, ugly (but totally superficial) gash on my left shin. OH WELL.
10am with Jess
Snatches up to 125 and two fails at 135. Hip cleans felt so good, I expected snatches to follow, but alas I ended up on my butt a couple times.
NFT was not done, instead did the strict pull-up waves from AGS. Off to a few days in Montreal, back in time for Murph.
8 am with Fox
It was great to quasi partner with Robert who helped keep an eye on my bar path. I really should keep these super light and drill it in. I started at 58 and worked up to 68. 73 is 1 rm for snatch/power snatch so to get 68# from the hips was gratifying but I lost consistency on good form at 63#.
NFT – 2 jogs and a bike. Jumps to 24#. I thought of trying 30 but didn’t get back to the boxes. Tried some handstands and handstand walks. I’ve lost the kick up and get so tepid unless there’s a wall.
I finally signed up for Murph. This will be my first ever. As I’ve shared with many of you, I am frantic about the mile run and even more frantic about the other mile run. I joked that I should do double Murph to increase the time between these mileathons. However, I shall scale to 1/2 Murph. I hope my stigmata heals before Monday.
Woohoo, Shawn! It’s about time you join in on the Murph fun! For the record, I’ve had a few second mile “runs” over the years where I was either just barely trotting or actually stopped to walk. If you know it will be rough, you might enlist a stander-by buddy to take a lap with you. The mental/emotional support is very helpful 🙂
short circuit … including a :30 on/:30 off with sled sprints, 24″ box jumps, WB v-tucks, and burpees. woof! then
10am group class to hit FSQ’s: 135x8x4 with SA RR x 8L, 5R
quick heat up and movement prep, nothing fancy
a1. Clean Pulls w/ pauses at 1″ off and just below knee.
Told myself I was gonna do :02 pauses, but in reality they were :01.
wu: 85×5, 125×3, 155×3
work: 175x2x5
…ooph. 1″ position wasn’t great, got pulled forward on a few. lats tighter throughout. stay over the bar MORE below knee. use straps next time.
a2. SA DB bench
25x8ea, 35x8eax3, 35x10ea
then jumped in to lift with 12pm group class : snatch pull + hip snatch
85, 95×2, 105×2, 110, 115×2
didn’t feel quite as fast and snappy pulling under the bar as last week. could be fatigue from the work I did beforehand or system still resetting after some bodywork yesterday. either way, happy to still hit two of these at 85%.
finished out with 3 sets:
10 lateral box step ups L leg, 24″, with voodoo restriction + 10 rvrs lunges L leg
knee CARs in between
I’ve heard “some people” only run on Degraw Street where everyone can see you!
First workout in almost 2 weeks! Felt really good to be back and moving!
10a with J. Fox
Snatched: worked at 135. Always good to have people watch you and tell you little things you can fix to feel solid!! I feel like my pulls are way stronger due to all this snatch work on Thursday!
Felt good to sweat and work. Used the echo bike and tried to push it on that each round!
Stretch and went to get my hair done😬
430 group class with coach dub hubblescope
Snatch complex
Worked up to 135
Row 15:00
185 cals
Avg pace: 2:18.8
Then did some windmills with Pierre
10 AM class with Jess.
Humbling hip snatches up to 98#-
better as it got heavier, but still a little slow overall.
Much better last week.
4 rounds NFT- tried to really push the runs
36″ box and
wall walks RX’d up the 1/2″ GoMat.
Yay Shawn! Murph is great.
Man… I am in a rut… of despair!
My mobility improved so much the past week, the PT was very pleased with my shoulder— tested pull-ups with him— felt fine.. did Monday’s workout with12 strict pull-ups and 80 push-ups.
I just am so confused. My arm feels… worse? So does my other arm now! I can’t tell what is good pain and what is bad Pain! Am I just sore?
Came in Wednesday intending to do Iron Maiden’s prep and then 6:30 class. Wanted to work up to 155 on back squat for 3 and 210 for 3 for deadlift.
Did *1* deadlift at 185 and *3* at 145 and called it quits. Everything felt heavy.
I’ve been exercising! I’ve been doing wods! Just not overhead or pulling!! Have I really lost that much strength in a few weeks?
I also had a painful doctors
Procedure on Friday— workout was fine on saturday… but I still feel residual stress from that?
My drama club’s show is next week and it seems like nothing is going right, I am heartbroken I can’t do Murph, so confused and stressed about Iron Maiden’s…
Today, arrived at CFSBK late, missed the warmup, realized it was snatches (which I don’t think I should do) and I just started sobbing. Drove to soulcycle. Sat on a park bench, crying for awhile like a crazy person debating if it was worth $35 for soul cycle.
I just don’t know what to do! I don’t really know if something is wrong! Pain doesn’t bother me as long as I know I’m not permanently hurting myself or making things worse. But how do I know that? What exercises can I do? Will all my muscle turn to fat if I stop lifting weights? What “accessory” work do I do?
I just feel so overwhelmed by everything right now. Exercise is my stress reliever!!! 🙁 this sucks.
Can anyone help me????
Sounds like you are under a lot of stress and exhausted, Allie. Rest another day, eat well, catch up on sleep, and make a workout plan for Saturday that won’t risk further injury and attack it.
As far as Murph and IM, I sympathize with your frustration because I was in the same exact spot one year ago (and also am currently in a bit of a CF rut myself). Scale accordingly so you don’t risk further injury and remember to HAVE FUN!
Worked up to 93#.
Yesterday everything felt heavy and slow today everything moved well! Haven’t attempted 93 since my knee injury back in the fall and it felt strong today. Slightly overextended but Lauren said not as much as usual.
NFT: 2.67 rounds
5 wall walks x3
270 run x3
box jumps 30″ x2