Clean Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 12 (6 sets):
Clean Pull + Hip Clean
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Exposure 7 of 8
400m Run
21 Pull-Ups
12 Push Jerks 155/105
Coach Brett practicing some advanced Handstand Walks at the CrossFit Games East Regional this weekend
Coach David at the CrossFit Games East Regional
By David Osorio
Editor’s Note: Coach David just completed his 8th year as Competition Director of the East Regional. Enjoy this post from 6.9.2016 in which he reflects on this experience!
For the past 6 years, the end of spring has meant that it’s time for Regionals. The first one I worked was the inaugural Regional qualifier, which was held in a parking lot (no, really) in Albany. I schlepped up most of the gym’s equipment in a U-Haul and the Regional Director (Jason Ackerman) and I basically created a competition floor with chalk, some cones, a bunch of mismatched equipment, and whatever else we could find. Back then, you could basically just show up and compete. It was part competition, part BBQ, and part social.
Over the years CrossFit, especially the competative side of CrossFit, has seen tremendous growth. The athletes who qualify for Regionals are nothing short of Meat Robots (credit goes to Kelly Starrett for this term) who look and perform more like superheroes than humans. While the scope and scale of everything has drastically changed, in my opinion, the spirits of community and competition are still there, just on a much larger stage.
I’ve been honored to have been asked back to be the Competition Director of East Regionals every year, and the role has grown along with the competition. “Competition Director” essentially means that you’re the lead on every aspect of the competition with the exception of equipment, which is done by Rogue and a team of volunteers. As CD I work with the Regional Director and CrossFit HQ to make sure we’re optimizing the use of the venue. This includes managing the assembly and placement of the athlete warm-up areas, Athlete Village, Athlete Rally Points, back-of-house rooms for different teams, and drug testing. We also have to create a concrete “flow plan” for where and how athletes get checked in prior to heats, get set up with their chip timers, and walk onto and off the floor.
At the start and end of each day, there are also athlete briefings detailing each event. The judges also need to be trained on a similar protocol, which contains exact specifications for where to run to, how to stand, when to take a knee, what each athlete’s specific lane assignments are, and how score cards will be assigned. The call time for judges is 5:30am every day, and we usually don’t leave until 6 to 8pm. Beyond that, we work intensively with the judges leading up to and through the event to make sure that they understand the standards and flow for every event.
This year we had 180 individuals participating in the Team Competition, 80 in the individual, and about 70 judges (plus our scoring team, timing team, chip timing, athlete control, and medical services). I oversee all these people and teams to make sure everyone is doing their job and things are running exactly on schedule. (We have to coordinate everything to the second; at Regionals, if you’re one minute (literally) off, you’ll need to explain why it happened and have a plan to fix it. In addition organizing and overseeing these teams, I also am the point person for athlete appeals, which means I’m the lucky guy who has to talk to all the athletes who are upset about on the field calls or are appealing something related to their performance. Fortunately, most of the athletes are very reasonable and diplomacy is one of my strong suits!
So, in a nutshell, that’s what I do at Regionals. There is a HUGE crew of dedicated and hard working people who come together to make these events run smoothly. I’m so grateful to be one of the many people behind the scenes who work hard to make sure we send the right people to Carson and create fair, memorable, and fun event for everyone. It’s always an incredibly stressful and draining week, but it’s totally worth it, and I’ll keep coming back as long as they keep inviting me back.
Thanks, DO! You make CFSBK proud!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rope Climb | Burpees, KB Swings, Box Jumps
Don’t Slow Down CrossFit Games
A Brief History of America’s Obsession with Sneakers Smithsonian
2-3 strict pull up or 5 ring rows
10-20 sec handstand hold
10 double unders
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
3 min
6/4 cal row
20 du
rest 2 min
3 min
rest 2 min
3 min
6/4 cal EB
5 burpee
rest 2 min
3 min
4 C2B
6 DBT, 50/35
10am class w/ fox and snickers
this hasn’t happened in a couple years, but i came in with a massive hangover today. changing the plates on my bar was an adventure in equilibrium.
clean pull + hip clean
115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 160#
160 is 91% of my 1RM clean. speed and commitment under the bar feels great. much better receiving the bar tight and just driving up right away to stand. even after a bunch of squats and lunges yesterday, my legs (and core) are feeling way stronger at these high percentages that I used to put a belt on for or really lose position on. f*ck yeah.
WOD in 13:50 rx’d
splits: 4:30 / 4:45 / 4:35
pretty happy with this, considering my state today. runs felt like molasses, but that pace allowed me to chip through the pull-ups relatively quickly.
PU: 7-7-5-2, 7-7-4-3, 5-5-5-3-1-2 (weird kip thing at the end, just had to reset)
PJ: 8-4 each round. could have gone unbroken on that last round i suppose, but just didn’t feel like getting sloppy at the finish.
recovered for a bit, rode the bike nice and easy, then
5 sets:
7 abwheel roll outs
:40 GHD prone hold (bw, +10#, +25# x 3)
:15 L-sit, straight legs
haha! yesssssssss whit.
AGS make up this morning –
Warmed up w/OH carries, plank holds, and crossover symmetry.
A) Chin up waves, banded – 8, 6, 4, 8, 6, 4
I feel like I’m not that far off from 4 strict!
B) HSPU waves – same rep scheme, harder today than Tuesday, failed the last rep trying to do 4 strict to 2 abmats
C1) behind the neck strict press: 45x8x2 – realized i was supposed to do HSPU before chin ups and this is why. These were so hard right after the HSPUs
C2) DB row: 27.5x10e x2
D1) strict dip, matador: blue band x10x3
D2) zottman curls: 15x10x3
And then Fox was nice enough to let me jump in for the clean complex with 10am group class!
Felt pretty good, maybe should have gone heavier sooner.
Skipped the metcon. Shoulder hasn’t been really painful per se but my whole left arm has just been incredibly tight. Overall felt good to keep things kinda chill at the gym this weekend for first time in a while!
Cashed out with 25 hollow rocks x3 and lots of soft tissue mash on my arm at home.
Regional Event 5 looks awesome. Those dumbbells were crushing peoples souls
For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. Assault Bike
50 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
M 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box, 17-min. time cap
F 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box, 22-min. time cap
Saturday: StrongFit!
Squats: 185×3, 215×3, 235×3, 243x3x3, 243×2, 243×1
Pause Bench: 95×5, 105×5, 110x5x2, 110×4
By the time I got to my last set on both movements, I decided that breaking it up / being one rep short was just fine. Rather that than fail at this point in training.
E2MOM x 10: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups (8-2 each time), 15 air squats
My half-Murph prep by doing, well, a spaced out half-Murph without the runs. Finished each round right around 1 min, so the 1:1 rest keep me consistent.
Clean Pull + Hip Clean: 123×2, 133×2, 143×2
First at 143 was the best of the day – snappy and connected. The second was the worst – distracted by music and rushed – took that bar for a walk.
WOD: 15:40 Rx
Pull ups: Started with bigger sets of 7/8, ended in 2’s each time
Push Jerks: 8-4, 8-4, 7-5
T-Rex arms for a good 20 minutes after. I guess 113 pull-ups in two days will do that.
Single Arm DB Bench Press: 25x8e, 35x8ex2, 35x10e
Dips: 6 – 6 – had enough fitness
1pm group class with Ro and Lauren
Clean complex up to 215 – felt great, probably had 225 in there. Just like hip snatches last Thu, I really like hip cleans, it makes me feel so fast under the bar.
Metcon 15:57 with 15PUs and 135lbs. Wanted to save my pull-ups for AG later, but it didn’t work very well (45 was still a lot). Run was terrible (SO HOT) and jerks were fine (should have done 155).
2pm AG
Learning butterfly pull-ups is like learning a new crazy dance. It feels unnatural at first, your body doesn’t know how to move that way, and you look ridiculous while learning, but super cool when you know how to do it. I’m still in the ridiculous phase.
Metcon was fun, except for 50lb DB thrusters which are the worst.
Clean complex:
98, 103, 108, 113, 118×2
Bumped the bar out with my hips on my first rep at 118, improved on second rep.
WOD: 17:40 Rx’d
Runs: crushed my soul. The air was so thick. Even though I’m always a slow runner I never walk from my bar to the gate and vice versa and did today. Heart rate spiked and couldn’t breath.
Pullups: in sets of 7. Took long breathing breaks in between.
Push Jerks: 4-4-4 for the first two rounds then 7-5. Weight felt fine but needed long breaks in between each set to get my breathing together.
Dead from the WOD in 1pm so just moved slowly through the WOD. Fun even though I was exhausted.
Don’t think I posted any workouts this week:
Snatches up to 78#
WOD Rx’d in 7:16
Double unders: unbroken in the round of 50, 20, 10. Round of 40 really slowed med down because I tripped 5-6 times. Round of 30 was only slightly better than the round of 40.
Deadlifts: 12-9, 10-8, 10-5, 4-4-4, 4-3-2. Really underestimated these because the weight was so light! Should have broken up the first three rounds into three sets. My back seized up in the round of 15 so had to drop the bar more than planned on the round of 12 and 9.
Front squats:
pullups (strict): 2-2-2-1
SA KB swing: 12kg, 20kg, 24kg
L-Sit: tuck
Shoulders were fatigued from AGS previous day so really took my time on this and didn’t push it.
What would the world do without DO? Let’s pray none of us ever has to find out.